
Martial Arts for Skydiving

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not dissing breakdancing by any means.. it's a technical and impressive discipline but if you step into the path of a breakdancers windmill or try to push them over during some other movement, do you think they would manage to recover? what about recover with grace? what about manage to evade, counter and end up behind you prepared to sweep your feet to the ground if they choose?

breakdancing just doesent have the depth, although i respect the strength, agility.. and co-ordination it develops.

oh and bd, dont be down about getting busted up by a lowley boxer. the art of boxing is so underrated its crazy.

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I'm not down and out at all about it, I thank God it happened and woke me up. I started boxing (a little thai boxing in there also) and grappling, got rid of Karate, katas, and the tip tap bow to me I'll bow to you sparring, and have been functional ever since.

I highly recommend to anyone that still practices traditional martial arts to glove up and get in the ring and go at it full contact with a resisting, non cooperating live opponent that knows boxing and or thai boxing and see if you still believe that katas and forms and all that b.s. are the way to go. After you do that get on that mat and grapple with a wrestler or bjj man. Or better yet put it all together and do some MMA. It will all suddenly be crystal clear.

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The most natural skydiver I've ever been in the air with was Roger Nelson. He once told me he thought is training in Tang Soo Do (other end of the same Island as Tae Kwon Do) gave him an awarness of his body that helped his jumping. He was a brown belt.

Probably any of the MA disiplines would help in that regard. I started some training with him in Tang Soo do, but never got good enough to say if it helped me or not.

Another talented jumper from the old days was Jim Bohr, he had a black belt in Ish En Roo so maybe there is something to it though I have certainly known some great jumpers with no MA training....

Roger "Ramjet" Clark
FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519

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If you do Yoga or Pilates you will have something to talk about should you run into Cindy Crawford in the grocery store... that's a bonus!

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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