
I learned a valuable lesson this weekend..

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"... student rigs are not "freefly" friendly ..."


Come on!
Freeflying started to become fashionable, and "freefly friendly" students rigs were introduced 15 years ago (e.g. Telesis 2 introduced in 1997).
What type of antiquated student gear is your DZ still operating?
Maybe you need to move to DZ that up-dates its student gear more than once a century!

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it's less about the rig being "not freefly friendly" IMO and more that it's not maintained in a state that _keeps_ it freefly friendly...

examples I've seen: tuck tabs so worn they aren't holding up against anything more than a light breeze, over-stuffed containers (main or reserve) that puts more pressure on the worn tabs which subsequently come open when people start tumbling (or simply funneling), worn out BOC pocket to the point a flapping hackey could work its way loose, riser covers that aren't doing their job, and on and on we go...

I'm quite certain you're aware, but others with less experience might not be, that you can take a perfectly good rig and run it into the ground if you don't maintain it properly. ;)

there should be a general guideline (much like the old "borrowed gear = borrowed death") like "friends don't let friends freefly in rental gear" and that includes hucking random flips or some of those really bad attempts at backflying floating around on youtube :D

NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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Frontloops, backloops and barrel rolls are in the AFF diveflow, so the expectation should be that those maneuvers will be done on student gear. I have seen lots of video of AFF students spinning on their backs, their sides etc using older student gear with no premies. Am I way off base thinking theres a big difference between trying freeflying and hucking a few front/backloops?

As for me and my house, we will serve the LORD...

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If the gear is well-maintained I'd have no problem barrel-rolling/flipping until I puked all over myself whether it's an RTS, Telesis, or whatever... I learned on "old" Telesis rigs and clearly I'm still alive. :P

I'm less concerned with type or age of the gear, although I have my personal preferences, than I am with how well it is/was taken care of.

Since the OP did have a premature... clearly something was amiss. Parachutes aren't supposed to auto-magically deploy themselves, obviously. The rig doesn't care how/why you ended up on your back doing 150+mph or whether you call it a bad attempt at a classic style jump, freeflying, or just randomly tumbling out of control...

NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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