
Out-of-DZ skydiving jobs?

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someone posted here a while ago about a cool volunteer job you could do - parachuting into third world countries to deliver food or something?
I did a search and can't find it but oh well...
It required a fair few jumps, I forget how many, and also some other skills (which I also forget haha)

If you got to parachute in how are you going to get out??????????????
Track high, Pull LOW!!!

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Dunno... I've made a decent living by doing advertising and design work for skydiving companies, individuals and dropzones since 1996.

I also test jump products... I have been known to design a few things (sculpture background)

"A Mind is a terrible thing to taste."

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Are there any other employment opportunities for skydivers (that envolve actual skydiving) other than the 'normal' skydiving jobs that we know ( i.e. TI, AFFI, cameraman, coach...)?

Just thinking of where else skydiving can be applied and if any of you are 'skydiving for a living' but not doing the DZ jobs

There is opportunity for Consulting work after you're able to establish yourself as a professional in a certain feild. Advertising and Marketing, Sales, Software design, inventing gear, operating retail stores, etc...

Of course, you're probably not going to get rich doing it. I just recently quit my comfortable salaried position to start a software company for the skydiving industry. My success point right now is that 5 years from now I want to be making the salary that I was 6 months ago, and 12 months from now I want to be making 1/2 of what I was 6 months ago.

On the plus side, the job gives me the ability to be my own boss, travel around from dropzone to dropzone, and always be at the airport, and make skydives on my lunchbreak.

There are a lot of positions out there to be taken, but there are also a lot of people who would love a job in the industry - to get the good jobs you need to do something that will differentiate yourself from others; bringing in needed skillsets and being willing to accept less pay than you would in other industries is part of that. Being able to put in 60-70 hours a week when the work is available is another.

I think your best bet is becoming a professional in a general feild; and then entering the Skydiving industry with that. Only a small portion of people that enter the 'normal DZ jobs' ever move from what that job is.... but then again - many of them wouldn't give it up for the world; the pay isn't great - but the benefits are hard to match.


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