
Paintball Dogfighting???

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I like the streamer idea, awesome.

Also enjoy the laser tag idea. Only question I have about that one is how much of an aiming margin do you have with the laser tag gun? If's its a "point in general direction" type of thing, it would seem to take the fun out of it

The attachment is a picture of the type of paintball gun I would think could work...It's velocity is adjustable from 180fps to 240fps. If it were adjusted down to 180fps, it shouldn't be powerful enough to damage any of the gear (or full face helmet).
"Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death, I Shall Fear No Evil...For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing."
SR-71 hangar entrance sign at Kadena AFB, Japan

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Hey Guys,

When everyone on here is referring to safety, I don't think they're so much thinking of the guns damaging your gear. (Please read story below, but that wouldn't be my concern). I would be thousands of times more concerned about people trying to "catch" another person in freefall, or another canopy. Are you really goijng to be able to properly fly your canopy, keep an eye on the guy you're chasing, hold your gun, prepare to fire, all while managing to watch for other air traffic? I don't think so. If it was 1 on 1 at a small DZ, maybe, but it's still asking for trouble. It may not be as fun as you think, if you did this in freefall, the odds of you hitting someone would be next to nil unless you were point blank or below the person. The ball's terminal speed would be much slower than you I suspect. This is just asking for trouble.

Story: I used to play paintball competitively. In my small hometown for training we had 3 different fields that we built. We were playing at our biggest field and had a few noobs out to play. Of course they didn't have gear so we lent them what we had, but we were short a mask. The field we were at was owned by my friend who's dad is a welder, so this was perfect, we'll go grab some welder's goggles and go play. ONce we had the goggles, we though it might be smart to test them first. So, we placed them in a tree, went about 40 feet away and fired a single shot. I have never seen something explode the way those goggles did. Paintballs are fairly dangerous at close range, they are a 68 Calibre bullet that has some decent weight behind it. I don't think it would break a full face helmet visor, but all other goggles, I'm willing to put money on the fact that they would.

This does sound like a fun idea, but top risky for me. Let's not bump the "statistics" up unecessarily.

"When once you have tasted flight..."

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I think you're missing a key point here. Having a 'dogfight' with canopies wouldn't really work.

Imagine a dogfight with planes that have a limited speed range, cannot climb or maintain level flight, and cannot fly inverted. Kinda limits the options, huh?

Aside from that, what the useful range of a paintball gun? How tight would you have to fly to connect with a shot? Keep in mind that if you're sprialing down after someone, you're shooting into a headwind that can range from 40 to 80 mph, depending on your canopy. Whats the range then?

Trust me, there's nothing good about this idea aside from bonfire chit chat. This should never get off the ground in any way.

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Better bring umbrellas, lol.

Yeah, the whole idea probably wouldn't work. The lower power pistols wouldn't really have enough power, and the high power pistols/regular markers would be too powerfull.

Sure as hell is a fun idea though.

How about someone does some tunnel time, and lets me shoot at them....that could be just as much fun :P lol.
"Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death, I Shall Fear No Evil...For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing."
SR-71 hangar entrance sign at Kadena AFB, Japan

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You are a freaking idiot and I just reduced my intelligence by half for just reading your thread. Pour a little more Vodka in your eggnog dumbass. When skydivers don't jump, I've seen them do some dumb shit. When morons are idle, you get this guy. And why the fuck are the rest of you encouraging this ? 2007 fatality statistics just got a jump start, thanks a lot dumbass.>:(

- - i was sent here to disturb the peace - -

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Wow, lighten up....

I seriously doubt I will ever do this...it's just another idea to talk about. Like someone said earlier, a conversation to have around a bonfire on the ground, and thats where it should stay.

Did someone's boyfriend forget to take the stick out of their ass this morning??? [:/]:D
"Though I Fly Through the Valley of Death, I Shall Fear No Evil...For I am at 80,000 Feet and Climbing."
SR-71 hangar entrance sign at Kadena AFB, Japan

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You are a freaking idiot and I just reduced my intelligence by half for just reading your thread. Pour a little more Vodka in your eggnog dumbass. When skydivers don't jump, I've seen them do some dumb shit. When morons are idle, you get this guy. And why the fuck are the rest of you encouraging this ? 2007 fatality statistics just got a jump start, thanks a lot dumbass.>:(

omfg rofl
Gravity Waits for No One.

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Only question I have about that one is how much of an aiming margin do you have with the laser tag gun? If's its a "point in general direction" type of thing, it would seem to take the fun out of it

It's not "over thatta-way" like a TV remote. IIRC you usually had to be within about a 1-inch circle around the center of the target for it to work. But this is also in a darkened room with flashing LEDs around the target, so you have some clue as to where to aim. For jumping you might make the target spot a little wider on purpose because of the distances involved.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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