
For the U.S.: Are licenses only valid in the state you get them in?

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Lots of DZs won't check your age, though you do normally have to put your date of birth on the waiver. Some will check your ID.

However, I would encourage you to be up front with the DZs about your age; many will let you jump there, and many will choose not to. I think you will be more likely to build a positive long-term relationship with DZs if you are up front and allow them to choose whether they want to accept the liability of allowing a 16 year old to jump there.
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a license is not a "right to jump" card, merely an indication that you have a basic set of skills. The waiver is the other piece of the puzzle that has to be addressed at an individual drop zone. I know of more than one D holder that isn't allowed at particular DZ's because the DZO or S&TA isn't comfortable with them (Not talking about politics)
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So do you guys think that if I get my license in a place where 16 year olds can jump, that a place where you have to be 18 would let me jump if they see that I'm already licensed or will they not care?

My understanding of the issue regarding letting people under 18 jump relates to the waiver.

If you are not 18 there is an issue with you signing and the waiver being enforceable, that is are you in a legal position to sign away your right to sue. If you are not 18 and your parents sign for you, there is an issue with your parents signing away your right to sue. Some places feel that being under 18 may mean more legal hassles and want to avoid as many hassles as possible, so they restrict people under 18 from jumping at their dz.

I am not a lawyer and the laws may be different where you live... this is just my understanding of the issue.

I recommend being up front with the dz management.
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