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Yesterday I managed to get a half-day of excellent spring snowboarding at Mt. Baker, a wingsuit jump at Snohomish (coulda had several more but no Caravan pilot and one 182 in the shop), and a night SCUBA dive at a primo local divesite. Left home at 7am returned 11pm. Having a day off, decent weather, an open ski area, an open DZ, appropriate tide and current timing etc. is like having all the planets align. And it takes an enormous amount of gear. A hedonist's dream come true.B|
Sometimes you eat the bear..............

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Yep, the dive is a shore dive ten minutes from home. The water's a balmy 44 degrees. The air temp Friday was a freakish 78, I was sweatin' in my t-shirt. I cut the dive short after only an hour, I was getting kinda cold. I used to do this in a wetsuit, must be getting old.;)
Sometimes you eat the bear..............

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Skydiving soon after SCUBA could cause nitrogen bubble formation in body fluids and interstices (bends). SCUBA after skydiving has no known hazards. The issue is the release of gasses dissolved in the body while under pressure.
Sometimes you eat the bear..............

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