Ideas...Suggestions Anyone?

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So, as expected, I completely got hooked to skydiving when I jumped for the first time last Saturday. Even before the jump I was pretty sure I wanted to at least get an A license, now, I'm certain! Problem is (as some of you may know) is I have a slight case of Cerebral Palsy. It's not something I can't beat (I have every intension of making this disability non-existent) it's just gonna' take a lot more work than your average Joe Shmoe. My upper body is fine in terms of strength and mobility; my lower body is in descent shape, but could be much better, especially if I intend to skydive on a regular basis. I signed for a gym membership and am committed to getting in shape ASAP. Yes, I do need to build up muscle in my legs, but I also need to loosen up my hamstrings (the muscles in the back of the knee.) I've had them lengthened byway of surgery twice, and am contemplating having it done again. However, every time it's lengthened there is less and less tension, resulting in the muscle itself being weakened. So, the only viable option is to stretch it out. I'll give an example: imagine you were sit flying...all those kind of jumps I've seen, the jumper has his/her legs spread as wide as possible; although I can this, I can't do it as wide as I'd like to because that hamstring is tight. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions about exercises that would work best for resolving the problem? You don't have to be a therapist (although that would be a plus); maybe you have dealt with something like this?... It's going to be a long road, I know that much, but well worth the result. As I've said before I love this sport because of the atmosphere and the people and am determined to achieve my goals. Some you guys may (or may not) have your doubts...all I can say is I'm a determined son of a bitch!:P Many thanks to everyone for everything in advance. A special thanks to all at CSC!

Here's a link to my first jump, it was great fun. WARNING, I'm not very photogenic! :D I had such an overload on the senses that I could hardly speak when we landed.....and if you really wanna' know how disoriented I was, just pay attention to what happens at pull time LOL. God it was fun!!!

Dialogue/commentary between Divot, Twardo & myself -

"from your first Oshkosh when the three of us were riding to or from one of

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Wow...you go get 'em!

You can also try a type of skydiving they used to do way back in the 70's when everyone was jumping rounds. I think it was called belly flying:S.

Good luck and Have Fun!! And be sure to keep us updated on your progress on the ground and in the sky. And remember, if its not on video, it didn't happen--so be sure to get video!!!

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It was great to watch your video. I have to agree that yoga is the way to go. It will build up the muscles and stretch the ligaments. It will also help with the balance and body awareness.

I wish you will in your adventures and please keep us up to date.

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Dude, you show the kind of determination that makes folks want to help you. I think that the suggestions about yoga are the best. Find a good instructor, who can understand your needs, and they will stretch you out properly.

The belly flying idea is good also, since you don't stretch out the hamstrings as much. Lots of good skydives are made this way. However, you still need the flexibility in your legs to avoid landing injury.

Good luck with your training.

Kevin K.
Dude, you are so awesome...
Can I be on your ash jump ?

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I don't think theres any reason you will have to worry about being able to keep your legs spread out. A belly to earth arch doesn't require a lot of muscles. It's a pretty relaxed posture. When landing your preparing for a parachute landing fall, so your feet are together.

You shouldn't really need a lot of strength to do anything in this sport. Trust me on that one. Most of the young girls in this sport can lift more than I can. :D

Packing takes more strength than anything. You can always pay someone $6 to do that for you if you own gear or just rent gear.

Rodriguez Brother #1614, Muff Brother #4033
Jumped: Twin Otter, Cessna 182, CASA, Helicopter, Caravan

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I will certainly keep you all updated on my progress; thank you for your interest and encouragement, it's difficult to scale how much it means to me...know that it means very much....:)
At the moment I spend as much time in the gym; either before work, after work or both. Although I've been told not to over do it; accordinng to an employee, if you don't give your body a break, muscle doesn't build?... Can somone confirm or deny this? Speaking of which, I did 4 laps in the pool last night, and granted it was olympic sized, but damn...I never realized I was that out of shape. I had to stop 3-4 times each lap :o Well, tha's what I get for being lazy :|... But the time has come to turn that around...the motivation in and of itself is a rush in its own right

Have a great & safe Memorial Day weekend! :)

Edited to add: Te yoga idea sounds great, I'll have to read up on it.

Dialogue/commentary between Divot, Twardo & myself -

"from your first Oshkosh when the three of us were riding to or from one of

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Hey Ralffers,

In regard to muscles not strengthening if you continuously work them - im not sure if they dont strengthen at all but I know that when you work out you tear the muscle fibres and the strengthening comes from the healing of them. So, I guess that if you dont allow the muscle to heal, this process wont take place. If you want to work out all the time, do different muscle groups on different days.

Glad to hear of your determination mate.
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