
DZ.com Challenge

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There is a business in America that comes to these forums and whenever their name is not on the front page of this forum they start a new thread with their name in the title.

This is marketing 101 for their company. They know that alot of people thinking about doing a skydive will have a look at this forum and browse through the thread titles. They also know that if these newbies see the name of a company in a thread title they will then probably google it. They will then find this place that offers exactly what they are looking to do for the first time and ring the number and this business gets paid.

It does not matter what is going inside the thread as any good publicity is good publicity and this website is probably doing just as much marketing for this company as anything else they are doing.

If we just ignored everysingle thread with their stupid name in it the thread would get lost on a back page... now if we did this they would keep starting new threads with their name in it and then that would be classed as a troll or even cross posting and the user would be removed from the forums and their continuous threads deleted.

I challenge all users on this website to ignore any thread that has their name in the title so we are not part of their marketing.

Easy challenge, dont fall for this bullshit they keep putting out here, they get reactions and it is obvious they are just trying to get reactions so their thread with their name in the title stays on the front page to bring in business.

I challenge you to ignore them 100%

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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i have until today. Then i read the entire thread and realised he was contradicting himself on purpose and saying who cares what they have done wrong and we have to get over it all that i realised how much shit stirring he was doing that in the moment i thought i would lay the challenge down. Stupid challeng i know but maybe it will stop some people feeding the people that re trying to bait others.

I accept your challenge though.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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The reason we have this problem is the rest of the country ignored what was going on in the south east till it got to their yard. I disagree with your method. Last time I Googled Skyride alot of negative stuff showed up. Which really does not matter cause people don't search for Skyride, they search for Skydiving.

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They will search for skyride if they keep seeing it mentioneAnyway, I think people are just encouriging these jerks to post on the forums by replying to them. They keep putting out bait and it works, it gets people worked up and makes threads become hot topics. Thousands visit these threads, sure the good side for us is that these people hear what we as skydivers think of these guys, so there is a good point i guess. However i am a firm believer that any publicity can be turned into good puclicity as there is always 2 sides to a story.

I believe if we ignore them they will leave these forums. The day will come where they will fall. I would love to see this guy skypapa admit that he works for skyride or someone to match an i.p. address or something as that would be news worth all the rubbish he is saying in his other thread.

Anyway, i know in my heart they will fuck up majorly somewhere and get done.. i do look forward to reading about that.

Why dropzones dont just all come together and say no to accepting their business i cant understand, sure they will miss out for a while but if all dropzones stuck to not accepting their business then these people who contact skyride will eventually still want to do their skydive and seek out other ways to do their jump.

Cant everyone just let the business go so skyride has nowhere to send them and then the people who were going to buy from skyride will just end up contacting the dropzones direct?

Cant reginal uspa board members ban dropzones from using skyride?

Anyway, just my opinion.

I hope all goes well as these guy seem like if they continue that they could end up owning the monopoly of tandem skydiving.

Has someone ever thought of seriously getting a petition with a well documented letter and send it into google and ask them from the goodness of their hearts to stop letting skyride come up on their search engines? The guys at google are young, maybe we could broker a deal with google where they could do exactly what skyride is doing but do it in a manner that we all accept. If we told google that they could run the monopoly of tandem sales in the usa maybe they would kil skyride from their search engines as they realise they could take this business very easily. Everytime someone searches skydiving it goes to a google business that sells tandem tickets and we honour them, they just in return kill off all skyride searches in their portal?

Could soething like that work?

Anyway, i have not slept in days so i am probably rambling.... good luck all.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Cant reginal uspa board members ban dropzones from using skyride?

No they cant. They are being sued right now for just kicking them out of the USPA.

There is a major conflict of interest going on in so many ways with this. We have atleast one member of the executive committee that is a DZO that "Loves Skyride". The executive Committee is the ones that are handling the Lawsuit.:S

That fact alone is enough to convince me that the USPA Executive Committee is Corrupt. We know for a fact that at least one person on that committee clearly has serious ethical issues as they personally choose to accept Skyride at their business and has stated that they Love Skyride.

Then you have other USPA Officials that are DZO`s that Skyride claims "Compete" with Skyride.

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I was actually going to post in the suggestions and feedback section a request to filter any thread from my view that has the word "skyride"... Just don't let it get on my screen.

Kind of like a parent controls filter - but for someone who is SO DAMN SICK AND TIRED of seeing people discuss this one to death.

If you don't like the skyride system, don't give your money to DZs that accept it. Tell them why too. That is what CUSTOMERS (and that is what we are) can do to BUSINESSES we don't like...

Bitchn here does nothing.

(Maybe this is why I don't turn on, and despise, AM talk radio too. Why get worked up over things you have no control over? Just vote with your ballot, vote with your money, and move on.)

Sorry to hijack your thread... You guys now can go back to the 15th thread this week on Skyride.

(Bigway, I actually like your idea - and I think you should post a link in all the skyride threads to this one so people "get it". Call it an intervention.):P

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