
Second skydive question

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What do you mean by Solo or Assisted? I assume that you are referring to something like IAD/Static line for the Solo or the AFF for the Assisted but there is a lot of vagueness to the question.
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What is the training method for the assisted jump? Instructor Assisted Deployment/ Static line or are you looking at doing the Advanced Freefall method? They both take a much larger time commitment then a tandem.
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What I mean in this question is on my second jump should I do another Tandem or a jump assisted with an instructor?

A lot depends on how the first jump went. Was it "just a carnival ride" tandem, where you didn't do anything?

Or was it a true "working tandem lesson", where you did things like keep track of altitude, pull the ripcord, steer the canopy with the toggles?

My guess would be somewhere in between.

The true answer is:
What are you most comfortable with?? (total copout answer, I know)

A second tandem would give you another jump to experience all the sensations.
If you have a good instructor,and make sure he/she knows you want to learn as much as possible then you can learn quite a bit on a tandem.
Especially canopy control. You'd have the instructor right there with you talking you through the approach and landing, instead of a guy on the ground using a walkie talkie.

Or you could do an AFF jump. With a tandem already done, you know (sort of anyway) what's going to happen, and if you pay attention and work with the instructors then you have a very good chance of doing well.

I would also suggest talking to the instructors, especially the one you jumped with already. Unless its a "tandem mill" - a tandem only DZ that is more interested in putting out tandems than training students, the instructors will have the best advice.

Be very careful following advice from random strangers on the internet (even this advice;))
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

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...seriously, you are gonna criticize a newbie for asking the same question...

No, but asking the same question 3 times in 3 different threads?

The rules are pretty clear about that.

Nothing wrong with asking questions (the only stupid question is the one you don't ask), and you've gotten some decent answers. I just wonder why you started repeat threads.

Note: I'm not pissed at you or anything, It's just that the people who start repeat threads like that usually have an agenda of some sort, and there was a recent episode with repeat, very off the wall threads.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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