
Spring winds in the Midwest...

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Just a reminder to everyone to not get in too much of a hurry to skydive when the winds are high. Last year, during the springtime, and even well into the middle of the summer, the winds were sometimes high in the Midwest and people were doing tandem jumps anyway. There were some really rough landings and some damage to both rigs and bodies. I guess tandem instructors felt like they needed the money, or something.

Yesterday, I did 2 tandem jumps at a DZ where the winds were somewhat high, but were acceptable for me. (I load up a tandem canopy rather well.) I spent considerable time in the landing area to see what the winds were doing where I would be landing, and to find the area of least turbulence.

The first jump was uneventful, although I'm glad we had shaggers. The winds were slightly higher on the second jump, but again, me and the video guy spent time in the landing area evaluating the wind.

This time, the video guy had a landing that was severely affected by turbulence, and his canopy dropped him out of the sky the last 10 feet. No injuries, but by the time he got his canopy under control and avoiding the mud, and considering that I landed far enough downwind of him that he could not run to us, he wound up missing the video of the landing. (Me and the student had a soft landing but had to wrestle with the canopy.)

Afterwards, he said, "That was stupid of us!", because we missed part of the video and the landing scared him. Perhaps we should have skipped that jump. (Neither of us do it for the money, so what were we thinking?)

My advice: Be conservative! Be as safe as you can be. Especially with students.

Please be careful and have a nice summer. It has only begun, so pace yourselves so that you don't get hurt.

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I've often said:

"I really want to jump today. But the winds are more than I'm comfortable with, and I'd prefer to not jump today than insist on jumping today and then not be able to jump the rest of the season."

"A man's got to know his limits."
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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Can't say where I heard it but I always liked the saying,
"If the windsock looks like it has a hard on, someone's getting fucked"
I drove 2 hours yesterday to hang out in the hangar and drink beer after 6 hours of clouds & wind. :( bad start to the workweek. I did watch 2 tandems get dragged and have to chop on the ground. Always entertaining...ish.
I guess I opted for being on the ground, wishing to be in the sky, instead of the opposite.
I was that kid jumping out if his tree house with a bed sheet. My dad wouldn't let me use the ladder to try the roof...

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