
Jump frequency

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I hope I get my message across here. I got canceled jumping Saturday, which is no big deal. The question I have is, even though I may get several jumps in on a Saturday. With my job I'm only getting one Saturday off a month. Is this hindering the learning much? Do I need to jump more often not necessarily more jumps. I almost feel like I'm having to relearn to a point, or is it just I don't have enough jumps and I'm being paranoid. Since I didn't jump I couldn't ask my instructor so I thought I ask here.
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Are you still having fun? If yes, then keep jumping.

Between bad weather, lack of money, and scheduling conflicts with my work (a prerequisite for making money to jump!) I took almost 2 years and 45 jumps to get my A license.

But I don't regret it a bit. I had fun every time I went to the DZ. At the end of the day, that's all this sport is about--having fun. We don't NEED to jump out of planes, we WANT to.

Sure, you're not going to make as much progress as somebody who is hammering out 6 or 8 jumps every weekend, but who cares? As long as you understand it'll be a slower pace and are ok with that, by all means, keep chipping away at it.

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If you are having fun, go to the dz when you can. Jump when you can. Have fun. Don't worry about it. You need to jump every 30 days to stay current and not need recurrency training.

Jumping one weekend a month is not bad.

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Ideally you should jump more often.
But if all you can do is one weekend a month, then that's all you can do.
I'm an "every other weekender" myself. Throw in a couple bad weather weekends, and I may go a month and a half without a jump >:(

You learn to work around it. There are some places that jump during the week (or even sometimes during the week), you can take vacation time, or switch shifts with someone, or... you can just keep at it as best you can.

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