
How late (in the day) is too late?

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I'm wondering if anyone can point me toward any guidelines as to how close to sunset it can be before a good DZ will say "No way, Jose" to students. Tomorrow (Tuesday) is going to be the first sunny day here in Milwaukee since 12/23 (a new all-time record!), and I want to blast down to the DZ after work.

(By the way, I called to schedule a jump and ask them this very question and got their voicemail. I'm fully aware that it's possible they'll be too booked for this question to even be an issue. But for students, it's never a bad thing to stop by and say hello, even if they can't jump, right? B| )

Self-edit: I also realize that the DZ should be the first and foremost authority on this question, since sunset happens at different times all over the country. Could you kind folks maybe answer this question by saying "X minutes before/after sunset" instead of giving an actual time?

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USPA's BSR's state - All student jumps, including tandems, must be completed between official sunrise and sunset (Section 2-1.E.9).

Subtract the time needed to climb to altitude and the time between exit and landing from the time of official sunset and you'll know by what time the plane has to take off for a student jump to be "legal" per the BSR's.

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