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Rules for aspiring politicians

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1. Never have your photo taken.  What is innocent now may be beyond the pale in 25 years.

2. Never go on a date without a chaperone.

    2(a) Never go on a date.

3. Never touch another person.

4. Never express an opinion on anything except the weather, and even then with caution.

5. Always pay cash.  Don't leave a credit card or check trail.

6. Never visit a foreign country.  Just because they've been allies for 100 years means nothing next month.

7. Never go to a costume party.

8. Always be within sight of the flag, in case you need to be seen in front of one.

9. Don't talk to foreigners, not even legal aliens.  You don't know who might be watching.

10. Don't join any subversive organizations, like ACLU.


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I get you're point. But there is hope!

Kamala Harris: I’ve Smoked Weed and ‘I Did Inhale’

"We’ve come a long way in 27 years.

In March of 1992, then–Arkansas governor Bill Clinton admitted to experimenting with marijuana while he was a student at Oxford University. “I didn’t like it. I didn’t inhale it, and never tried it again,” he said."

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18 minutes ago, Phil1111 said:

I get you're point. But there is hope!

Kamala Harris: I’ve Smoked Weed and ‘I Did Inhale’

"We’ve come a long way in 27 years.

In March of 1992, then–Arkansas governor Bill Clinton admitted to experimenting with marijuana while he was a student at Oxford University. “I didn’t like it. I didn’t inhale it, and never tried it again,” he said."

"When I was a kid, I inhaled. Frequently. That was the point." -- Barack Obama


Edited by ryoder

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> 2. Never go on a date without a chaperone.

As a cartoonist wrote, on any date, pretend that Ronan Farrow is in the room too.

> 7. Never go to a costume party.

I figure I'd just dress up in a suit and tie.

"Hey everybody, I'm dressed up as a Mexican! ... businessperson in a suit"


"Hey everybody, I'm dressed up as an Igbo tribesman from Nigeria.... at a business meeting in a city!"

Just playing things safe. (As long as nobody is triggered by the implied cultural imperialism of Western style suits.)

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Should you decide to violate any of the aforementioned provisions. The old standbys of going to rehab, obviously won't work. Battalions of lawyers skilled in every aspect and discipline of law. Shall have to be employed at your expense.

As such, at least $10 and preferably $100 million dollars. Should be available in either personal funds. Or at least hidden campaign funds. To fund such battalions.

Note this only applies to bona fide republicans. Democrats shall follow the new(old) SOP and immediately resign.

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1 hour ago, pchapman said:

"Hey everybody, I'm dressed up as a Mexican! ... businessperson in a suit"


"Hey everybody, I'm dressed up as an Igbo tribesman from Nigeria.... at a business meeting in a city!"

Just playing things safe. (As long as nobody is triggered by the implied cultural imperialism of Western style suits.)

Oh dude, do not go into politics!


Remember there's a video camera in every phone these days. Being taped making racial jokes is most definitely not the way to make sure there isn't a race scandal in your future.

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