
deployment problem...HELP

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Ok here's the situation; BOC pull out kill line pilot chute recommended by manufacturer, 1 year old rig and canopy. Normal skydive for my skill level other things equal except for deployment sequence- stable arch (as far as I can tell) wave off,3000Ft, pull out, THEN, no line stretch for a few seconds, feel myself pitch forward to nearly head down, i look up(to my feet) to see the pilot chute inflated but nothing is happening, the bridle is taught but swirling around my leg & wrapping around my foot and i notice my rizers and suspension lines are out as I flip around... SHHIIIT a Horseshoe malfunction?? I go for my handles but suddenly feel the rizers tug as the suspension lines barely clear my face......I look up to see a good main canopy on heading....PHEW! never so glad to see the colors over my head... this is the third time this year i pithced over on a slow deployment but this time it was SCARY. Could this be a packing error - container lock issue with pilot chute in tow which pitches me over due to drag and forward CG ?? help me please.
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D S #3.1415

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Deployment hesitation seems to be the issue although I would get someone to video the sequence to see if body position is also a culprit.

You should be able to hold belly to earth especially after the PC has been thrown.

Is the PC the right size? I once had one that was smaller than the original that came from PD and hesitation was a problem.

Please let us know what you find out.

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Some people do arch-reach-pull-throw-arch; only it can be easy to forget the second arch.

As you pull your pilot chute out of the pouch, make the motion that throws it the same one that returns your arms to a good arch, and keep them that way. It will help to prevent line twists (because your arms will be even), and will discourage ending up head-down.

Remember, too, that you want a good hard throw. But if you're going back into your arch with vigor, that shouldn't be an issue.

Wendy W.
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Disclaimer: This is just my opinion and have no test data to verify.

I think we have gotten so good at protecting our main pin and bridle during freefall that at times we trap the bridle during deployment. Thus causing PC in tow or at least PC hesitation.:)
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Thanks yall
I am going to ask someone at the DZ to film my deployment from a safe dist but before that i will check with a rigger to see if I am stuffing the bridle too far under the super tight flaps (new 188 pilot canopy which is near max size for the container) I will also try to squish out more air and make the bag smaller before I place it in the tray thus making it easyer for the pilot chute to pull it out Plus I am going to consciously stick my arms out farther after the throw. I checked the closing loop, thats the right length and the pilot chute came with the container so I assume it is the right size.

I thank Aerodyne for making the Pilot canopy so forgiving that it opened on heading after all of the mess I was in. And Mirage for making such a rugged reliable container which prevented me from breaking my neck even though I put a dubious pack job into it and went upside down during deployment.

After all that, I had the best no wind landing ever!
I love my rig even more now.

Beer for you!
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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You didn't mention whether you'd packed your rig or you had a packer do it. ALWAYS set your own kill line, brakes, and slider before giving your rig to the packers. You might have just flipped the thing into your burble, hand deploys have no spring to give them any shape, so they'll just collapse like a jellyfish on your back. And have a rigger check your kill line for shrinkage, even if the rig is only a year (and how many jumps ?) old.

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Yep packed it myself, i go through a check list every time and re check that I have stowed,cocked & set everything. I think that I need to work on neater and tighter packing into the bag to reduce pack volume which equals less friction pressure on the bridle,and practice a more stretched out and stable body position during long deployments or pilot chute hesitation even if the PC drag trys to pull me over my center of gravity.
But I will have the rigger check the kill line too.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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