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The bloodshed behind our cheap clothes
By Kalpona Akter, Special to CNN

...more tragedies can be prevented only if the multinational corporations and retailers whose goods are produced at these factories are willing to stand up and do what is right.

In addition to facilitating government-supported employer-labor relations and stringent oversight of factory safety management, this [new safety] protocol focuses on the responsibility of brand owners and retailers to support safety standards.

Last fall, Wal-mart refused to admit its connection to the Tazreen factory [fire] until my colleagues and I went there the day after the fire and photographed products with Wal-mart's labels in the wreckage. We must no longer tolerate this willful ignorance on the part of multinational corporations about where their goods are produced.

It's high time that companies like Wal-mart, The Gap, and others step up and demand the safety of Bangladesh's garment workers.

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Finance Minister Abul Maal Abdul Muhith downplayed the impact of the disaster on the garment industry, saying he didn't think it was "really serious."
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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Since the article is published in Bloomberg, my starting presumption is that the article has strong pro-business bias. The corporations' vested economic interest is to keep consumers buying their products, and forestall them from boycotting the products. So I urge people to recognize this as being part of the companies' intense public relations campaign that it is. It's slick damage control, people.

Oh, BTW, I read this morning that the death toll in that collapse has risen to over 700 souls. Remember that the next time you look at the label on a shirt for sale at Target. And look real hard at the fabric to see if they managed to get all the blood out.

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Since the article is published in Bloomberg, my starting presumption is that the article has strong pro-business bias. The corporations' vested economic interest is to keep consumers buying their products, and forestall them from boycotting the products. So I urge people to recognize this as being part of the companies' intense public relations campaign that it is. It's slick damage control, people.

Oh, BTW, I read this morning that the death toll in that collapse has risen to over 700 souls. Remember that the next time you look at the label on a shirt for sale at Target. And look real hard at the fabric to see if they managed to get all the blood out.

i read the article and got a completely different meaning. i feel the author was trying to say we should not leave the area, causing more poverty but make it a safer place to work. so they can rise above the poverty and not risk their lives working in a factory.

"The answer for companies like Disney, Wal-Mart, and PVH is to stay and do better, not run away. Caring consumers in the U.S. should be pushing for responsible sourcing but should continue buying products made in the developing world. It is one of the most powerful antipoverty techniques we know. That can improve lives—and save them—well beyond the factory floor."
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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i feel the author was trying to say we should not leave the area, causing more poverty but make it a safer place to work. so they can rise above the poverty and not risk their lives working in a factory.

Yep, that's the feeling they want you to get. Mmmm, soft and sweet, like cotton candy. It's so, so easy to swallow, and it tastes so good going down. Hey, guess what its nutritional value is?

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i feel the author was trying to say we should not leave the area, causing more poverty but make it a safer place to work. so they can rise above the poverty and not risk their lives working in a factory.

Yep, that's the feeling they want you to get. Mmmm, soft and sweet, like cotton candy. It's so, so easy to swallow, and it tastes so good going down. Hey, guess what its nutritional value is?

ok, so now i understand. i read it correctly and did understand the authors intent. what i did not understand is the deeper hidden meaning because i'm a simpleton who is easily duped by the evil corporate, capitalist media.

IMO the author wrote a rather common sense solution to a large problem. One that benefits poor communities while addressing the realities of a modern global market. OR, as you seem to imply, i'm just not smart enough to understand any of this.
"The point is, I'm weird, but I never felt weird."
John Frusciante

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i read the article and got a completely different meaning. ......It is one of the most powerful antipoverty techniques we know. That can improve lives—and save them—well beyond the factory floor."

Trying to talk to a closed, made-up mind is like...well, like useless. They'll see what they've already made up their minds to see and that's it.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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