ShotSpotters coming to a town near you

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ShotSpotter relies on wide-area acoustic surveillance and GPS technology to triangulate the source of gunshots. Sensors are fixed to buildings and poles to provide coverage over a fixed area. With audio-analysis software, it can identify whether a shooter is stationary or moving -- meaning police officers can be equipped with information on the speed and direction of, say, a vehicle from which a shot was fired.

It can also “hear” the acoustic signature and distinguish between calibers and types of firearms. Similarly, it can hear different explosions and classify them, from vehicle backfires to fireworks to bombs.

The ShotSpotter Gunfire Alert system then relays the location and data to the police or a dispatch computer within moments, enabling a more rapid response time for both police and first responders.

The best part: ShotSpotter works. It's accurate to 10 to 15 feet, and some police departments are reporting accuracy to within five feet. In Long Island’s Nassau County, gun violence was reduced by a whopping 90 percent at the close of this year’s first quarter.

Other countries, including Brazil, have jumped on the ShotSpotter bandwagon. In preparation for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games, Brazil conducted its first live-fire calibration tests this month, using more than 70 hidden sensors in urban areas.

SOURCE: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/12/22/sniper-detectors-coming-to-americas-heartland/?cmpid=cmty_email_Gigya_Sniper_Detectors_Coming_to_America%27s_Heartland

See!!!!! All you damn 2nd Amendment'ers gonna cost us another $60,000 per square mile. Now given that the U.S. at 3.79 million square miles... that's gonna cost another $227,400,000,000. Why can't you guys just see the existing 20,000 gun laws ain't working and just surrender your guns...

Here's my favorite part of the article at the bottom: "Ballet dancer turned defense specialist Allison Barrie has traveled around the world covering the military, terrorism, weapons advancements and life on the front line. You can reach her at..."
Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard.

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We already have it here.
I have a neighbor that popped off 5, maybe 6 shots on a small semi auto handgun.
Cops were swarming the area within 8 minutes.
Directly to his yard first.

"Gun? Really? We thought those guys in the woods right over there --->>> were shooting off fireworks!"

off went the little piggies......

But they clearly DID know the shots came from.
I'm fairly certain the side of the road he lives on is unincorporated county anyway....>:(

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ShotSpotter relies on wide-area acoustic surveillance and GPS technology to triangulate the source of gunshots. Sensors are fixed to buildings and poles to provide coverage over a fixed area. With audio-analysis software, it can identify whether a shooter is stationary or moving -- meaning police officers can be equipped with information on the speed and direction of, say, a vehicle from which a shot was fired.

It can also “hear” the acoustic signature and distinguish between calibers and types of firearms. Similarly, it can hear different explosions and classify them, from vehicle backfires to fireworks to bombs.

The ShotSpotter Gunfire Alert system then relays the location and data to the police or a dispatch computer within moments, enabling a more rapid response time for both police and first responders.

The best part: ShotSpotter works. It's accurate to 10 to 15 feet, and some police departments are reporting accuracy to within five feet. In Long Island’s Nassau County, gun violence was reduced by a whopping 90 percent at the close of this year’s first quarter.

Other countries, including Brazil, have jumped on the ShotSpotter bandwagon. In preparation for the 2014 World Cup and 2016 Olympic Games, Brazil conducted its first live-fire calibration tests this month, using more than 70 hidden sensors in urban areas.

SOURCE: http://www.foxnews.com/scitech/2011/12/22/sniper-detectors-coming-to-americas-heartland/?cmpid=cmty_email_Gigya_Sniper_Detectors_Coming_to_America%27s_Heartland

See!!!!! All you damn 2nd Amendment'ers gonna cost us another $60,000 per square mile. Now given that the U.S. at 3.79 million square miles... that's gonna cost another $227,400,000,000. Why can't you guys just see the existing 20,000 gun laws ain't working and just surrender your guns...

Here's my favorite part of the article at the bottom: "Ballet dancer turned defense specialist Allison Barrie has traveled around the world covering the military, terrorism, weapons advancements and life on the front line. You can reach her at..."

That whole system would irrepairably melt down at 0001 New Years just from monitoring gunshots in Texas.:D
The older I get the less I care who I piss off.

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See!!!!! All you damn 2nd Amendment'ers gonna cost us another $60,000 per square mile. Now given that the U.S. at 3.79 million square miles... that's gonna cost another $227,400,000,000. Why can't you guys just see the existing 20,000 gun laws ain't working and just surrender your guns...

Impressive impression of shrilly shrieking shrews.

ShotSpotter is a great tool for areas with significant gun violence. It gets cops to the scene of gunfire pronto. It's good for getting violent scum off the street (or sending LEOs to aid a victim who just defended themself with a gun). It works wonders in urban shitholes. However it is a joke that they are selling the system as Homeland Security and a sniper stopper system.
witty subliminal message
Guard your honor, let your reputation fall where it will, and outlast the bastards.

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