
CBO says the rich are getting richer

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Put your money where your mouth is.

Says the 1% advocating that the rich pay more.

Let's see you walk your talk, first.

Yep, taxes should be raised on the richest Americans.

Well, except for you - you've already stated you shouldn't have to pay for other's mistakes.


Unlike you, I've never whined and bellyached about paying my taxes.

Show the posts where I've whined about my own taxes.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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When confronting about your high six figure salary, the first thing that comes to your mind is how to defend the high salaries you and your peers occupying the higher halls of academia make. Maybe the lowly school teachers could get paid better if you folks who control academia shared a little more of your wealth with them. Are you sure you are not a closet Republican? Oh silly me, Academia and Republican are mutually exclusive. :ph34r:

Yes there are some on Wall Street who make obscene money. But there are also some in academia who make obscene money, there are public servants who make obscene money, athletes who make obscene money and Hollywood/media personal who make obscene money. If you happen to have found someone willing to pay you obscene money then power to you. I definitely am NOT asking for them to pay you less. I just find it funny the way a rich person is whining about their fellow rich people. Compared to the bum on the street I myself am rich. But compared to you, I am not so rich and yet I could give a rats ass how much wealth you possess. Funny how that works.

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Put your money where your mouth is.

Says the 1% advocating that the rich pay more.

Let's see you walk your talk, first.

Yep, taxes should be raised on the richest Americans.

Well, except for you - you've already stated you shouldn't have to pay for other's mistakes.


Nope. I pay what I owe without whining.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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When confronting about your high six figure salary, the first thing that comes to your mind is how to defend the high salaries you and your peers occupying the higher halls of academia make. Maybe the lowly school teachers could get paid better if you folks who control academia shared a little more of your wealth with them. Are you sure you are not a closet Republican? Oh silly me, Academia and Republican are mutually exclusive. :ph34r:

Yes there are some on Wall Street who make obscene money. But there are also some in academia who make obscene money, there are public servants who make obscene money, athletes who make obscene money and Hollywood/media personal who make obscene money. If you happen to have found someone willing to pay you obscene money then power to you. I definitely am NOT asking for them to pay you less. I just find it funny the way a rich person is whining about their fellow rich people. Compared to the bum on the street I myself am rich. But compared to you, I am not so rich and yet I could give a rats ass how much wealth you possess. Funny how that works.

Another whiner. Get over yourself.

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Nope. I pay what I owe without whining.

What's your point? There are people from the 99% and 1% who pay (or don't pay) what they owe without (or with) whining. You believe you should pay more but won't pay more until you are required to ...
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Another whiner. Get over yourself.

Whiner about what? Do you even know how to read? I repeat ...


Too funny :ph34r:

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Nope. I pay what I owe without whining.

What's your point? There are people from the 99% and 1% who pay (or don't pay) what they owe without (or with) whining. You believe you should pay more but won't pay more until you are required to ...

Simultaneous whining and weaseling - have you been taking lessons from Mike?

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Another whiner. Get over yourself.

Whiner about what? Do you even know how to read? I repeat ...


Too funny :ph34r:

Strawman - that is not my position.

I submit that ALL wealthy people need to contribute more to the country they claim to support. ALL, not "other".

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I submit that ALL wealthy people need to contribute more to the country they claim to support. ALL, not "other".

So how much MORE do you want from these top earners? What percent of top earners do you want more from? Top 10%? 20%? And what would you tax them at?
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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I submit that ALL wealthy people need to contribute more to the country they claim to support. ALL, not "other".

So how much MORE do you want from these top earners? What percent of top earners do you want more from? Top 10%? 20%? And what would you tax them at?

I have previously suggested (And you can do a search if really interested) a return to the tax rates that applied prior to 2001. No rich person is going to starve (or work less hard) if that happened.

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How many times must this be repeated. You could take all the wealth from all Americans who have any sort of net worth. You could take every last dime of it and it would just barely pay the bills for one year of Obama's spending (for the record the Elephants are equally responsible for the debt America is in, the Donkey Obama did not create this debt by himself). But what happens the next year? There is no more wealth to seize and yet the government spending monster must be fed. Nothing will change as long as the US government is addicted to their spending (yes this includes military spending).

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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I submit that ALL wealthy people need to contribute more to the country they claim to support. ALL, not "other".

So how much MORE do you want from these top earners? What percent of top earners do you want more from? Top 10%? 20%? And what would you tax them at?

I have previously suggested (And you can do a search if really interested) a return to the tax rates that applied prior to 2001. No rich person is going to starve (or work less hard) if that happened.

So that's what people have to look forwards to in their pursuit of success?

"Do well and make lots of money and you'll have just enough left over not to starve while we take your earnings and give it away!"
The feather butts bounce off ya like raindrops hitting a battle-star when they come in too fast...kinda funny to watch. - airtwardo

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How many times must this be repeated. You could take all the wealth from all Americans who have any sort of net worth. You could take every last dime of it and it would just barely pay the bills for one year of Obama's spending (for the record the Elephants are equally responsible for the debt America is in, the Donkey Obama did not create this debt by himself). But what happens the next year? There is no more wealth to seize and yet the government spending monster must be fed. Nothing will change as long as the US government is addicted to their spending (yes this includes military spending).

Very good. Both I and Billvon have made this exact point a number of times. Nice that you've finally got it.

Equally, cutting ALL foreign aid won't eliminate the deficit.

Cutting all funding to NPR won't eliminate the deficit.

Cutting all support for the arts and humanities won't eliminate the deficit.

Eliminating food stamps won't eliminate the deficit.

Cutting all federal education spending won't eliminate the deficit.

Cutting ALL OF THE ABOVE combined won't eliminate the deficit.

Asking Warren Buffett, or college professors, voluntarily to donate to the federal treasury won't eliminate the deficit.

A combination of spending cuts AND revenue increases is required. Tax rates at the 1999 level didn't cause a disaster, and the deficit was miniscule at that time.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Nope. I pay what I owe without whining.

What's your point? There are people from the 99% and 1% who pay (or don't pay) what they owe without (or with) whining. You believe you should pay more but won't pay more until you are required to ...

Simultaneous whining and weaseling - have you been taking lessons from Mike?

There was no whining or weaseling in my post - you must be losing your cognitive abilities in your old age.
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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I submit that ALL wealthy people need to contribute more to the country they claim to support. ALL, not "other".

So how much MORE do you want from these top earners? What percent of top earners do you want more from? Top 10%? 20%? And what would you tax them at?

I have previously suggested (And you can do a search if really interested) a return to the tax rates that applied prior to 2001. No rich person is going to starve (or work less hard) if that happened.

So that's what people have to look forwards to in their pursuit of success?

"Do well and make lots of money and you'll have just enough left over not to starve while we take your earnings and give it away!"

That is so incredibly LAME. Tax rates at 1999 levels didn't cause the wealthy to come anywhere close to starvation.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Put your money where your mouth is.

Says the 1% advocating that the rich pay more.

Let's see you walk your talk, first.

Yep, taxes should be raised on the richest Americans.

Well, except for you - you've already stated you shouldn't have to pay for other's mistakes.


Nope. I pay what I owe without whining.

No, you just whine about the *other* 1%ers while refusing to pay more, yourself.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Nope. I pay what I owe without whining.

What's your point? There are people from the 99% and 1% who pay (or don't pay) what they owe without (or with) whining. You believe you should pay more but won't pay more until you are required to ...

Simultaneous whining and weaseling - have you been taking lessons from Mike?

There was no whining or weaseling in my post - you must be losing your cognitive abilities in your old age.

Asking Warren Buffett, or college professors, voluntarily to donate to the federal treasury won't eliminate the deficit.

A combination of spending cuts AND revenue increases is required. Tax rates at the 1999 level didn't cause a disaster, and the deficit was miniscule at that time.

PS fascinating that you think Jerry Bird "doesn't know much about skydiving". Kind of puts your opinions in perspective.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Simultaneous whining and weaseling - have you been taking lessons from Mike?

Funny you mention weaseling, perfesser...

Me: You say the 1% should pay more but won't voluntarily pay more.

You: I never whined about paying my taxes.

Looks like SOMEONE is weaseling...but it's not me.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Put your money where your mouth is.

Says the 1% advocating that the rich pay more.

Let's see you walk your talk, first.

Yep, taxes should be raised on the richest Americans.

Well, except for you - you've already stated you shouldn't have to pay for other's mistakes.


Nope. I pay what I owe without whining.

No, you just whine about the *other* 1%ers while refusing to pay more, yourself.

I'm not the one whining about raising tax rates. The folks YOU support are the ones doing that.

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Strawman - that is not my position.

Except it is.


I submit that ALL wealthy people need to contribute more to the country they claim to support. ALL, not "other".

So show us were you've voluntarily given more, perfesser....let's see you walk your talk.
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Tax rates at the 1999 level didn't cause a disaster, and the deficit was miniscule at that time.

Spending is not at 1999 levels. Spending under GWB ballooned and now Obama has made GWB look like a fiscal conservative and yet we all know GWB was NOT a fiscal conservative.

Hey I am not an Elephant so I do not share their same stance on all the issues. I often find myself shaking my head at both Donkeys and Elephants. But spending in Europe as well as America is out of control. The nanny state is unsustainable and the military industrial complex only worked when there was no war on the home front and when people had jobs. It is one big FUBAR sandwich right now between the failed nanny states and failed military industrial complex. :S

Try not to worry about the things you have no control over

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Strawman - that is not my position.

Except it is.


I submit that ALL wealthy people need to contribute more to the country they claim to support. ALL, not "other".

So show us were you've voluntarily given more, perfesser....let's see you walk your talk.

Irrelevant because that's not how the system works.

ALL need to contribute. ALL. Not me alone, not Warren Buffett alone, not all OTHERS, but ALL.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Tax rates at the 1999 level didn't cause a disaster, and the deficit was miniscule at that time.

Spending is not at 1999 levels. Spending under GWB ballooned and now Obama has made GWB look like a fiscal conservative and yet we all know GWB was NOT a fiscal conservative.

Hey I am not an Elephant so I do not share their same stance on all the issues. I often find myself shaking my head at both Donkeys and Elephants. But spending in Europe as well as America is out of control. The nanny state is unsustainable and the military industrial complex only worked when there was no war on the home front and when people had jobs. It is one big FUBAR sandwich right now between the failed nanny states and failed military industrial complex. :S

What part of

cutting ALL foreign aid won't eliminate the deficit.

Cutting all funding to NPR won't eliminate the deficit.

Cutting all support for the arts and humanities won't eliminate the deficit.

Eliminating food stamps won't eliminate the deficit.

Cutting all federal education spending won't eliminate the deficit.

Cutting ALL OF THE ABOVE combined won't eliminate the deficit.

Asking Warren Buffett, or college professors, voluntarily to donate to the federal treasury won't eliminate the deficit.

A combination of spending cuts AND revenue increases is required. Tax rates at the 1999 level didn't cause a disaster, and the deficit was miniscule at that time.

was it that you couldn't read?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Strawman - that is not my position.

Except it is.


I submit that ALL wealthy people need to contribute more to the country they claim to support. ALL, not "other".

So show us were you've voluntarily given more, perfesser....let's see you walk your talk.

Irrelevant because that's not how the system works.

Sure it is - the IRS even has a nice little form for voluntary contributions.


ALL need to contribute. ALL. Not me alone, not Warren Buffett alone, not all OTHERS, but ALL.

So, you won't pay until you're FORCED to pay....and this makes you different from the people you denigrate for not paying more, exactly *how*?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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