
Karzai threatens NATO

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You seem to be not quite so at peace.
Everything is and will be alright.
Stroke your cat. No one is watching.
Stroke it again.

Sounds like he is telling you to 'rub one off'?

Flick the bean...

Been a while?:D
Back a hundred years ago, especially around Woodrow Wilson, what happened in this country is we took freedom and we chopped it into pieces.
Ron Paul

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I suggest we leave, that is what I suggest being done. Al-Qaeda is damaged and severely. Taliban? Who gives a fuck anymore. The culture is 2000 years old and we are not going to change it by building fucking roads and schools over there while depriving our own citizens of a decent education.

Get the fuck out. Now. When it disintegrates again into terrorist bases, opium and Taliban supported governments, we can still bomb the shit out of specific targets by remote control and probably have just-as-successful results without having the $8-10B/month overhead.

beware the military industrial complex

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I suggest we leave, that is what I suggest being done. Al-Qaeda is damaged and severely. Taliban? Who gives a fuck anymore. The culture is 2000 years old and we are not going to change it by building fucking roads and schools over there while depriving our own citizens of a decent education.

Get the fuck out. Now. When it disintegrates again into terrorist bases, opium and Taliban supported governments, we can still bomb the shit out of specific targets by remote control and probably have just-as-successful results without having the $8-10B/month overhead.

beware the military industrial complex

Nothing else to be said, we will never win and we are just pissing money and lives away for people who could not give a flying fuck about us. We will leave at some point, I just wonder what poor American kid will be the last American to die for Karzai.

Obama has been a huge let down on this subject.

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Obama has been a huge let down on this subject.

Obama has done exactly what he said he would do WRT Afghanistan, so I fail to see how that could be a let down.

I expected Obama not to have the " we need to stay the course" attitude despite the evidence. Obama has had almost 2 and a half years to see that we are not making any progress in this war. We are now just pissing away billions along with needless loss of life when the writing is not only on the wall, but has been for a long time.

And now he is talking of extending the current troop buildup passed his promise of an August scale down.

I voted for him and I will vote for him again, I just expected him to be different when it came to our wars in the middle east.

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Kinda learned from French model of leadership, declare victory no matter who wins.

LOL - do you remember a certain 'MISSION ACCOMPLISHED' banner?
Coreece: "You sound like some skinheads I know, but your prejudice is with Christians, not niggers..."

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