
What do you get for $2 billion?

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more obuma economic incompetence...


Sorry but its the brilliant economic polices of the VOO DOO DOOERS that took us to where we are.. and put our economy into the economic shiter. In case you missed it.. cutting taxes and borrowing from across the ocean is NOT sound economic policy. Going to war to enrich your buddies with companies that own thousands of marginal oil wells across the intermountain west is also MEGA GOAT FUCK STUPID. The cost of 5000 young Americans is too high a price to pay to make the Cheney, Bush and their economic adisors families in the PNAC quite wealthy.

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>What do you get for $2 billion?

Potentially part of a trillion dollar economy.

"India's booming trillion-dollar economy is one of the few a stars in a struggling world economy, offering U.S. investors massive opportunities."

Might be worth a little effort, eh?

We are losing our manufacturing and our research and development to China, Mexico and India and you are worried about investors? :S

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>What do you get for $2 billion?

Potentially part of a trillion dollar economy.

"India's booming trillion-dollar economy is one of the few a stars in a struggling world economy, offering U.S. investors massive opportunities."

Might be worth a little effort, eh?

We are losing our manufacturing and our research and development to China, Mexico and India and you are worried about investors? :S

Last I heard Obama announced a deal with India to sell them 33 737's and 10 C17's.

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