
Flame me, afterall, it doesn't matter

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I'm not going to cut & paste & jigsaw your post. I hate that.

Birth Cert - His campaign produced it. Then the "Birthers" insisted that it wasn't a "Birth Certificate" but a "Certificate of Live Birth". Then it got stupid. There's a thread on it in here somewhere.

My sense of proportion is what it is. Different from others, not necessarily more (or less) correct than others.

This kind of propaganda is often spread by the extremes of both ends of the spectrum. Similar stuff was spread about Bush.
There were even those who claimed Reagan was the Anti-Christ because his names each had 6 letters in them.

I don't follow it all that closely. That doesn't mean I know nothing about it.

"Valid criticism" is, IMO, that directed at his current actions and policies. Things that affect us now.
The bailouts, foreign policies, the economy, healthcare.

Some of the things in that list, his stance on gun control in particular, are bothersome to me.

But worrying about what his priest said distracts from that. Somewhat similar to the criticisms of Kennedy being Catholic and that he would follow the pope's directives.
Was he a lawyer for ACORN? So what. They need lawyers and it's a good thing for a young, liberal attorney to have on his resume. I don't particularly like them either, but they did do some good things.

To repeat - I didn't vote for him and I won't in 2012. I don't particularly like him. But this kind of crap prevents honest debate between different idealogical points of view, and turns it into a PeeWee Herman screamfest.

Which is pretty much where politics have desceded to of late.

Or maybe they've been there the entire time and I was just too naive to see it.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

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Yes. However, to you not wearing a flag pin on the lapel, or covering his heart during the national anthem may mean little, but as a service member it is an insult. This man is the Commander of all armed forces for the US. Not showing any sort of patriotism is a smack in the face to those of us who wish to.

That's bollocks.

When you get to the point where wearing a flag pin (we're actually talking about a lapel pin fer chris'sakes) is required for any politician to not get hammered by whoever doesn't like him then it ceases to have anything at all to do with patriotism.

You have no idea who wears a flag pin because they want to and who does it just because they have to. Refusing to play that silly game is, to me, a perfectly reasonable response and says absolutely zero about the respect a person has for their country. That comes from words and actions, not from accessorising.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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>I'm expected to do certain things during the playing of the National
>Anthem, pledge, etc, as dirrected to me by regulations written and enforced
>by "higher"....and it doesn't get any higher than the CIC. Why, then,
>should he not be expected to do the same?

You're required to wear a little flag pin during military assemblies when the national anthem is played? And hold your hand over your heart?

> You are implying that the "do as i say, not as i do" is a correct form of

Nope. "I should do whatever some crank wants me to do" is not a valid form of leadership, either.

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You're required to wear a little flag pin during military assemblies when the national anthem is played? And hold your hand over your heart?

flag pin--not when not in a uniform, otherwise the uniform devices that are required for said uniform yes. As for holding hand over heart, again not while in uniform, then we salute (when covered) and yes, we are supposed to do that when in civilian attire

as for what in my opinion defines a patriot is someone standing up for the constitution of the US (solely based on view of a US patriot...obviously other countries would be a bit different). It is what our country is supposed to represent, but i see us getting farther and farther away from that. Although, i know where this is going, as one man's patriot is another's terrorist (or insert whatever word you would like to for terrorist).

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as for what in my opinion defines a patriot is someone standing up for the constitution of the US (solely based on view of a US patriot...obviously other countries would be a bit different). It is what our country is supposed to represent, but i see us getting farther and farther away from that. Although, i know where this is going, as one man's patriot is another's terrorist (or insert whatever word you would like to for terrorist).

Hey! I think I saw your picture in the paper!

Tolerance is the cost we must pay for our adventure in liberty. (Dworkin, 1996)
“Education is not filling a bucket, but lighting a fire.” (Yeats)

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as for what in my opinion defines a patriot is someone standing up for the constitution of the US (solely based on view of a US patriot...obviously other countries would be a bit different). It is what our country is supposed to represent, but i see us getting farther and farther away from that. Although, i know where this is going, as one man's patriot is another's terrorist (or insert whatever word you would like to for terrorist).

Hey! I think I saw your picture in the paper!


maybe if you add 40 years to me. Plus, you off the bat assume that i dont know the constitution

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