
paying for healthcare

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date Tue, Mar 30, 2010 at 9:02 AM
subject Senator LeMieux's Weekly Update

Health Care: A Missed Opportunity

The massive health care bill the President signed into law last week represents a missed opportunity. It fails to achieve its main goal of lowering the cost of health care for most Americans. In addition, the bill cuts more than $500 billion from health care for seniors and uses that money to create a new entitlement program that will lead to increased deficit spending.

To highlight the problems associated with expanding Medicaid, the failing program intended to be the health care safety net for low-income individuals, I introduced an amendment to require all Members of Congress to enroll in Medicaid. I believe since Congress has forced an additional 16 million Americans into Medicaid through the massive health care overhaul, members of Congress ought to enroll in that plan, too. A majority of senators opposed my amendment by a vote of 59 to 40. I have no doubt that if my amendment had become law, Congress would take the necessary steps to improve the program. Click the video below to hear my colloquy on the issue.
(video omitted)

Under the bill President Obama signed into law, 1.77 million more Floridians will be forced into Medicaid - costing our state an additional $1 billion.

Additionally, I have pledged to sponsor and support legislation to repeal any federal health care takeover passed in 2010, and replace it with real reforms that lower health care costs without growing government. I sent a letter to Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum commending his effort to highlight the unconstitutional nature of the health care bill.

Look for the shiny things of God revealed by the Holy Spirit. They only last for an instant but it is a Holy Instant. Let your soul absorb them.

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gov't just passed a bill to fund the military for $708B. Never even had discussion in the House for fucks sake.

Seems a little strange that we can fund two wars without ANY debate, yet funding healthcare practically sends the country into civil war.

America has its priorities truly fucked in the head. Paying for health care is a piece of cake in this country with the money this place has. They simply bury their heads i the sand as to the reality of how to do it.

Well sure, matching the world dollar for dollar, more with the wars, is the real problem here, not HC funding. We need reform so that doctors making 200k out of med school and RN's making 100k is reduced, this causes the massive costs. I mean, let the hospitals pay docs and RN's that much, but not at the cost of over-inflated HC which causes millions to be out of coverage.

Most definitely; we need providers to actually compete - it is utterly ridiculous that they for the most part do not have to even pretend to be competing for patients. The AMA and it's lobbyists have come down extremely hard on anything that even hints at medical professionals having to compete for business.

Costs (as well as outcomes) vary significantly amongst providers; and the best outcomes do not always correlate to the expensive providers.

There are providers that perform 50% more C-sections than average. There are providers that utilize MRI/CAT at double the average rate. There are scads of dirty little facts providers never tell you; and they fight tooth and nail to curtail any publication of such info.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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We need reform so that doctors making 200k out of med school and RN's making 100k is reduced, this causes the massive costs. I mean, let the hospitals pay docs and RN's that much, but not at the cost of over-inflated HC which causes millions to be out of coverage.

Lucky economics, everyone. Let's go get heart surgery from the guy making 50k instead!

I no longer have access to the data, but trust me on this one. There is little correlation between what providers charge (or more accurately, where they are in the range of prices charged) and quality of outcomes.

Yes, if you look at the extremes (Mayo on the one end and Bob's Speedy Care on the other) there is a pattern. But for the vast bulk of providers and the care they deliver - price does not correlate to quality of care.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Well sure, matching the world dollar for dollar, more with the wars, is the real problem here, not HC funding. We need reform so that doctors making 200k out of med school and RN's making 100k is reduced, this causes the massive costs. I mean, let the hospitals pay docs and RN's that much, but not at the cost of over-inflated HC which causes millions to be out of coverage.

Doctor’s salaries are not the culprit of exorbitant healthcare costs...many other factors are driving the costs, i.e. frivolous lawsuits and medical malpractice, uninsured people not paying for their treatment, etc.

Add to this state mandated coverages and no ablility for companies to compete across state lines

They can compete across state lines, and many do. But it is an administrative nightmare, and adds to cost. Having the business regulated at the state level is a remnant from when delivery of care and the financing of it were both very local affairs. Doesn't work anymore though.

There is also the little snafu that some states mandate HCF companies to be not-for-profit (IMO a good thing) and some do not. So a lot of the big companies either need to have a NFP division or forego doing business in those states.

In that respect, the recent bill is a step in the right direction. It does have many good points, most of which are already in place in many states. But it ignores cost issues entirely, guaranteeing it will be a further economic drain right when we do not need another.
" . . . the lust for power can be just as completely satisfied by suggesting people into loving their servitude as by flogging them and kicking them into obedience." -- Aldous Huxley

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Page 43 of the HC bill

108 billion to fully fun the UAW retirement fund

Good stuff huh[:/]

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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