Sadly, this isn't from The Onion

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" As if Detroit doesn't have enough problems these days, the president of the city's school board offered the shocking admission that he can't pen a coherent sentence.

Otis Mathis, who oversees the academic future of 90,000 public school students, told the Detroit News that he's a "horrible writer" after reports surfaced that he sent a Feb. 29 e-mail to the financial manager of Detroit Public Schools that was rife with spelling, punctuation and usage errors...

Mathis, 56, of Detroit, has had difficulties with language as early as fourth grade, when he was placed in special education classes. His college degree was also held up for more than a decade due to repeatedly failing English proficiency exams required for graduation from Wayne State University, the paper reported..."



"Once we got to the point where twenty/something's needed a place on the corner that changed the oil in their cars we were doomed . . ."

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Or this one who cant pronounce corpsman, dosent know the diff. between a breathalizer and an inhaler, thinks we have 57 states. ect ect.

The bigger problem is that he was RECONFIRMED BY 10 TO 1.!?!??! That is more indicative of the troubles with motown. Not just one idiot but a bunch of them.

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