
45,000 americans die every year due to lack of health insurance

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Awesome, so lets go right ahead and set up a system like in the UK (which obamacare is modelled after) where a patient in the hospital is so thirsty they drink water from a nearby plant or 4,000 women give birth in hallways because there isn't enough room or someones spleen supposedly removed spleen bursts.......Its so great we must make sure everyone has access to such a great healthcare system!

i can assure you the uk national health service is a fine product. when i got hit by a prop in the head and arm i didn't have to worry about insurance - just whisked off to hospital for emergency treatment :)
(and jumping again a few weeks later)
stay away from moving propellers - they bite
blue skies from thai sky adventures
good solid response-provoking keyboarding

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i got hit by a prop in the head and arm

if you find that SOB that took the prop off an airplane and snuck up and hit you with it, let me know - I'd like to yell at him for being an ass

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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Didn't expect everyone to get an easy metaphor, so here it is again:

1. Government option = low-quality phone. Free, but not so great
2. Current healthcare = medium-range phone. Better, costs more, not ideal in any sense
3. Expensive phone for rich people = let's face it, the rich will always have more options.

So, right now, the phone costs money - and a lot of people can't afford it. Obama proposes a free phone for the 40 million Americans that can't afford one - sure it sucks, but at least they can call mom. If you really like your current model, keep it and pay for it. If you're rich, go ahead and buy that iPhone.

I'm not saying any government program works well. I am saying that a cheap (or free) option for 40 million Americans is better than nothing. According to you, no government program will be able to compete with privatized insurance anyway, so why worry?
Trapped on the surface of a sphere. XKCD

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>sure - you go and get a physical - you pay $1500 for it

>the next guy in line gets the exact same service and pays $123 - but
>then gets a local credit from the state (from your taxes also) so the final
>cost is $20, then he doesn't pay the bill anyway and the doctor eats it.
>Next time you get a physical your cost is now $1520

>sounds "fair"

You've just described our current system pretty well.

How about this instead:

Guy A doesn't want crappy government insurance so he buys a really expensive health plan. He gets a physical from a gorgeous nurse whenever he wants it. He pays $1500 for it (average.) Doctor and nurse make lots of money. Doctor buys new golf clubs. Everyone is happy.

Guy B doesn't want to pay as much. So he gets a middle of the road plan. He gets a physical from a rude intern after waiting two weeks. He pays $300 for it (average.) Intern pays another .01% of his medical loans. Everyone is somewhat happy, but no one's ecstatic.

Guy C can't afford much of anything, so he goes with the government plan. He waits six months, gets a physical from a stinky chainsmoking bureaucrat who loses his paperwork. He pays $10 for it. He gets to keep his job, guy C gets his exam. No one is happy but no one's all that depressed, because no one is getting shafted.

And if guy C doesn't like it? He can get a job and buy a better plan.

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Obama proposes a free phone for the 40 million Americans that can't afford one -

And if you don't want a phone, or can't really afford it, he wants to make you pay a penalty for not having one.


If you really like your current model, keep it and pay for it.

Except many people will lose their current coverage since their employers will drop the more expensive programs and just pay the lesser fee... So you don't get to keep it.


I'm not saying any government program works well. I am saying that a cheap (or free) option for 40 million Americans is better than nothing.

The problem is it is neither cheep NOR free. Someone has to pay for it, and that someone is taxpayers.

If you had an uncle that had all these great business ideas, but EVERY business he started failed.... Would you give him money to start another one?


According to you, no government program will be able to compete with privatized insurance anyway, so why worry?

Because people like me are going to be forced to pay for ANOTHER failed program.

Have you ever had govt paid for health care?????
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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