
Utterly Average Citizen Takes a Look at HR 3200

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Just to save you all some time, I went on Duke's website to verify his identity. His credentials check out, and he analyzes the text directly off the bill. It's not a pretty picture he paints.


Edit: Gawain made a thread a while back hitting on a couple of things the prof didn't cover. I figured it would be worth linking here.

Anyway, the objections we normal people have are not being pulled out of thin air[waves]. These are real concerns that deserve to be addressed.
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Just to save you all some time, I went on Duke's website to verify his identity. His credentials check out, and he analyzes the text directly off the bill. It's not a pretty picture he paints.


His credentials show he's actually a visiting associate professor, and his expertise is in classical studies (like ancient Greece and Rome).

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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From the link:


This is the evaluation of someone who is neither a physician nor a legal professional.

Makes his credentials rather moot. I am a research physicist. I would not expect you to pay extra heed to my opinions on sociology or law for that reason...
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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Just to save you all some time, I went on Duke's website to verify his identity. His credentials check out, and he analyzes the text directly off the bill. It's not a pretty picture he paints.


His credentials show he's actually a visiting associate professor, and his expertise is in classical studies (like ancient Greece and Rome).

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

At least as allowable as physics professors pontificating over gun crime 'epidemics', wouldn't you say?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Just to save you all some time, I went on Duke's website to verify his identity. His credentials check out, and he analyzes the text directly off the bill. It's not a pretty picture he paints.


His credentials show he's actually a visiting associate professor, and his expertise is in classical studies (like ancient Greece and Rome).

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

At least as allowable as physics professors pontificating over gun crime 'epidemics', wouldn't you say?

You can't tell the difference between publishing articles on a topic and discussing things on a skydivers' forum?

How are your credentials on, say, climate science or medicine?

Bought a dictionary yet?

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I am a research physicist. I would not expect you to pay extra heed to my opinions on sociology or law for that reason...

I'll be sure to keep that in mind. However, I'm interested in your take on things nonetheless. Did you read the text? Did you interpret things differently?
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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You can't tell the difference between publishing articles on a topic and discussing things on a skydivers' forum?

Jesus, you guys are fussy. He "published" it on his own website. No wonder the debate is getting so clouded. Does anyone actually have anything substantive to say?
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Here is his page. Nothing wrong with being a physics and engineering expert and commenting on the health care debate either. Just saying.

Right. His credentials IN THIS AREA are no better or worse that yours, mine or mnealtx's. His being a visiting associate professor* at Duke is quite irrelevant.

* varies from place to place, but "visiting" generally means he's been unable to pass a tenure review anywhere.

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You can't tell the difference between publishing articles on a topic and discussing things on a skydivers' forum?

Jesus, you guys are fussy. He "published" it on his own website. No wonder the debate is getting so clouded. Does anyone actually have anything substantive to say?

It's all over the internet right now - even on Huffington Post!

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He's obviously a tool of the insurance companies or a right-winger...everyone ELSE knows that obamacare is going to fix EVERYTHING... :P

If you read the other articles he's written outside of his area of expertise, it's pretty clear that he IS a right winger, not the tool of right wingers.

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Little did Lefty know when he "published" his post in Speakers Corner that he would stoke the coals of the oft-overlooked war between real professors and lesser folk.
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Little did Lefty know when he "published" his post in Speakers Corner that he would stoke the coals of the oft-overlooked war between real professors and lesser folk.

Well there are packers, there are senior riggers, there are master riggers, and there are rigger examiners. Do you consider the difference between a packer and a master rigger of no importance when it comes to your rig?

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*sigh* Kallend, there are people as equally unqualified to comment on HR 3200 as you around here. I am one of them. However, we all just keep commenting. What say we leave it at that and maybe address what Dr. Lewis said?
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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The whole concept that you have to have some sort of special credentials is one of the real problems with the country. The government has this concept that the average person is too stupid to understand what they do and therefore they must tell us what is best and what we want. That is rediculous. Didn't everyone here take an english class in highschool? If you can understand the english language then you can understand these bills. Do I really need a special PHD to understand the rhetoric of a bunch of elected official. We elected them so they would do what we want not so they would tell us and force on us what they want because they think we are too stupid to know whats best.

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The whole concept that you have to have some sort of special credentials is one of the real problems with the country. The government has this concept that the average person is too stupid to understand what they do and therefore they must tell us what is best and what we want. That is rediculous. Didn't everyone here take an english class in highschool? If you can understand the english language then you can understand these bills.

It is patently obvious that this is untrue, based on the LIES that people are being fed and are believing about the Bill.


Do I really need a special PHD to understand the rhetoric of a bunch of elected official. We elected them so they would do what we want not so they would tell us and force on us what they want because they think we are too stupid to know whats best.

Lots of people are too stupid to see through the LIES they are being fed, it seems.

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*sigh* Kallend, there are people as equally unqualified to comment on HR 3200 as you around here. I am one of them. However, we all just keep commenting. What say we leave it at that and maybe address what Dr. Lewis said?

Absolutely, and if you choose to call him Dr. Lewis why not call me Dr. Kallend?

However, just because he is a (visiting associate)professor (AS YOU POINT OUT IN THE THREAD TITLE) doesn't make his opinion worth more than anyone else's who is not an expert in this area. That includes you, me, and mnealtx.

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Haha, man you're something. I went ahead and changed the thread title so as not to crowd your pedestal with peasants. Now, how about addressing Lewis' points?
Provoking a reaction isn't the same thing as saying something meaningful.

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Here is his page. Nothing wrong with being a physics and engineering expert and commenting on the health care debate either. Just saying.

Unless you don't agree with what he is saying and think it will damage the effort to controlus more, then it is Blaspheme.
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Haha, man you're something. I went ahead and changed the thread title so as not to crowd your pedestal with peasants. Now, how about addressing Lewis' points?


The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Little did Lefty know when he "published" his post in Speakers Corner that he would stoke the coals of the oft-overlooked war between real professors and lesser folk.

Well there are packers, there are senior riggers, there are master riggers, and there are rigger examiners. Do you consider the difference between a packer and a master rigger of no importance when it comes to your rig?

Of course you should, do you find it frustrating that lesser beings than you are entitled to their own opinion, and version of the truth?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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Little did Lefty know when he "published" his post in Speakers Corner that he would stoke the coals of the oft-overlooked war between real professors and lesser folk.

Well there are packers, there are senior riggers, there are master riggers, and there are rigger examiners. Do you consider the difference between a packer and a master rigger of no importance when it comes to your rig?

Of course you should, do you find it frustrating that lesser beings than you are entitled to their own opinion, and version of the truth?

I take it that you have not bothered to read the thread before making your usual silly comment. I've been arguing that Lefty, mnealtx, me (and even you) are just as entitled to an opinion on healthcare as a professor whose PhD was on ancient civilizations.

I suppose I could have satisfied your need to stalk me by starting a thread titled "Physics Professor takes a look at HR3200". But I didn't.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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How are your credentials on, say, climate science or medicine?

I'm not trying to claim that I know better than everyone else because I have a degree - your mileage may vary.


Bought a dictionary yet?

Found the vaccine for that gun crime epidemic of yours, yet?
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Makes his credentials rather moot. I am a research physicist. I would not expect you to pay extra heed to my opinions on sociology or law for that reason...

I am a lawyer. I encourage people and clients to do research on their own. This is different from you.

You have tools and instruments to do your job (I happen to think you've got one of the coolest jobs I've ever known). I wouldn't have the slightest ability to operate them without training.

The law has but one tool - words. All laws are words. So long as a person has the ability to read and basic comprehension, a person can comment and interpret the law.

Because laws are words. The words of a statute are given their ordinary meaning becausew laws tell people how they are expected to act. If nobody can understand them then they cannot work.

We see it in science. Example: PV=nRT. There's a law. You don't need to be a Nobel winnner to understand it.

Nearly anyone can comment on a law - especially one that describes what they are supposed to do. They are words. It's all they are.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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