
Which Obama do you (choose to) believe

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I don't trust the government especially after the last few years.

I don't trust anyone over 30.


why didn't you say you couldn't be trusted at the start? would have saved alot of time. on the other hand you are saying that you would trust someone under 30 that has little to no practicle experience to make choices upon.

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I not sure what doctors you are talking about, but all the ones I have talked to do not like obamacare



and tort reform will save over 500 billion a year plus reduce the number of test the doctors needlessly run to cover their asses. this article just shows how divided everyone is on the issue. the only common ground is that we need to help our health care system. why don't we fix a couple problems instead of scrapping one system for another that will have the same problems? Obama's plan changes nothing except who controls the $'s

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Play what ever sophomoric word games you chose. The fact is right now I can transfer my existing employer provided policy to an individual policy with no lapse in coverage.

You are able to transfer your existing employer provided policy to ANOTHER individual policy, which is very likely to have quite different terms and premium.


This is not allowed upon passage of the existing proposed bill. This is according to our carrier that addressed this issue two days ago to our group.

I would definitely consider everything your carrier says on that matter with a grain of salt, because they are likely to be biased. Check the facts yourself.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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You don’t know that! How much do you want to bet that there will be people that lose their currant coverage?

Depending on what they gonna get instead, some of those who "lose" their current coverage might be quite happy.

Young and healthy will be among the most screwed. And "the rich", of course. Everyone else should benefit.


NO ONE can honesty tell you that in the end that they can guarantee that your insurance will be available.

No one will guarantee your carrier, or even your insurance plan will be available tomorrow, or that it's cost won't go up 100%. Happened already.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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>I guess you still have not read page 16 & 17 of the bills.

I have!

>it doesn't say you will have it taken away . . .

PROGRESS! Cool, now we're getting somewhere.

>but it does say you can not change any part of the policy, like adding a
>dependant . . .

No, it doesn't say that. In fact it explicitly says dependents can be added.

"DEPENDENT COVERAGE PERMITTED.—Subparagraph (A) shall not affect the subsequent enrollment of a dependent of an individual who is covered as of such first day."

I fear you are one of the many people who just read what www.obamasucks.com says and never actually read the bill. Read it; it's a lot easier to look at the original than to just listen to what Limbaugh says about it.

> just enough to cause a slow transition to government controlled
>insurance coverage.

Why would you choose government insurance if you don't like it?

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>I guess you still have not read page 16 & 17 of the bills.

I have!

>it doesn't say you will have it taken away . . .

PROGRESS! Cool, now we're getting somewhere.

>but it does say you can not change any part of the policy, like adding a
>dependant . . .

No, it doesn't say that. In fact it explicitly says dependents can be added.

"DEPENDENT COVERAGE PERMITTED.—Subparagraph (A) shall not affect the subsequent enrollment of a dependent of an individual who is covered as of such first day."

I fear you are one of the many people who just read what www.obamasucks.com says and never actually read the bill. Read it; it's a lot easier to look at the original than to just listen to what Limbaugh says about it.

> just enough to cause a slow transition to government controlled
>insurance coverage.

Why would you choose government insurance if you don't like it?

Well kiss my grits

YOU said that the death thingy was not in the bill. So what are they dropping then????

From one of your fav sites I believe!


Senators exclude end-of-life provision from bill

Thu Aug 13, 1:55 pm ET
WASHINGTON – Key senators are excluding a provision on end-of-life care from health overhaul legislation after language in a House bill caused a furor.

Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa, top Republican on the Senate Finance Committee, said in a statement Thursday that the provision had been dropped from consideration because it could be misinterpreted or implemented incorrectly.

A health care bill passed by three House committees allows Medicare to reimburse doctors for voluntary counseling sessions about end-of-life decisions. But critics have claimed the provision could lead to death panels and euthanasia for seniors.

The Senate Finance Committee is still working to complete a bill.

THIS IS A BREAKING NEWS UPDATE. Check back soon for further information. AP's earlier story is below.

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>YOU said that the death thingy was not in the bill.

It's not.

> So what are they dropping then?

Because idiots don't read the bill. It's actually easier to change the bill to make them think it's not there than to have them read it to realize it's not there to begin with.

So they take out a provision that allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling for terminally ill patients. Congratulations, you screwed them.

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Looks like a extreemist group, even obama does not want them.


Is Physicians for a National Health Program the biggest threat to Obama’s health reform plan?
February 19, 2009

KevinMD health reform Virtual Town Hall: Thursday, August 13th at 12:15pm Eastern
Medical students want to become primary care doctors, until reality hits
Should patients be striving for perfect health?
Countries with worse health care systems than the United States
PNHP is a fringe physician group that advocates for a single-payer health system.

The Massachusetts branch came out recently and railed against the state’s health reform plan, which incidentally, is similar to what President Obama is likely to propose.

According to its leadership, “nothing less than single-payer national health reform will work.”

I’ve always thought they should compromise their stance on a single-payer system, which has next to zero chance of being passed. In fact, as I noted previously, influential Democrat Max Baucus “wasn’t going to waste his time” on the idea.

Suffice it to say, PNHP didn’t take my advice, and today circled their ideological wagons. David Himmelstein, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and co-founder of PNHP, said that “if the reform plan looked like the Massachusetts reform he probably would prefer the status quo.”

In essence, he’s saying that if the United States fails to adopt a single-payer system, he’d prefer doing nothing to change a system that doesn’t cover 50 million Americans and counting.

It’s becoming increasing obvious that the biggest threat to health reform isn’t coming from Republicans and the right, but from these radical, far-left, groups causing liberals to fight amongst themselves.

Maggie Mahar comments on the damage PNHP is doing to the progressive cause, noting that “the single-payer advocates are simply dividing progressive health care reformers at a time when [they] need to be united against the conservative opposition.”

In order to pass meaningful health reform, the President will need all the support he can muster. It’s ironic that his biggest enemies will likely be those on his own side.


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Looks like a extreemist group, even obama does not want them.


Is Physicians for a National Health Program the biggest threat to Obama’s health reform plan?
February 19, 2009

KevinMD health reform Virtual Town Hall: Thursday, August 13th at 12:15pm Eastern
Medical students want to become primary care doctors, until reality hits
Should patients be striving for perfect health?
Countries with worse health care systems than the United States
PNHP is a fringe physician group that advocates for a single-payer health system.

The Massachusetts branch came out recently and railed against the state’s health reform plan, which incidentally, is similar to what President Obama is likely to propose.

According to its leadership, “nothing less than single-payer national health reform will work.”

I’ve always thought they should compromise their stance on a single-payer system, which has next to zero chance of being passed. In fact, as I noted previously, influential Democrat Max Baucus “wasn’t going to waste his time” on the idea.

Suffice it to say, PNHP didn’t take my advice, and today circled their ideological wagons. David Himmelstein, associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and co-founder of PNHP, said that “if the reform plan looked like the Massachusetts reform he probably would prefer the status quo.”

In essence, he’s saying that if the United States fails to adopt a single-payer system, he’d prefer doing nothing to change a system that doesn’t cover 50 million Americans and counting.

It’s becoming increasing obvious that the biggest threat to health reform isn’t coming from Republicans and the right, but from these radical, far-left, groups causing liberals to fight amongst themselves.

Maggie Mahar comments on the damage PNHP is doing to the progressive cause, noting that “the single-payer advocates are simply dividing progressive health care reformers at a time when [they] need to be united against the conservative opposition.”

In order to pass meaningful health reform, the President will need all the support he can muster. It’s ironic that his biggest enemies will likely be those on his own side.


One guy says they are a fringe group so it must be fact eh? And where does it say anything about Obama stating he does not want them? Anything else you'd like to just make up and call fact?

Is their (pnhp) stance a little too radical? Maybe, But I dont claim to support them, I found the site with a 30 second google search. I was refuting the point that there aren't many doctors that want the bill to pass.
~Bones Knit, blood clots, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.~

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>YOU said that the death thingy was not in the bill.

It's not.

> So what are they dropping then?

Because idiots don't read the bill. It's actually easier to change the bill to make them think it's not there than to have them read it to realize it's not there to begin with.

So they take out a provision that allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling for terminally ill patients. Congratulations, you screwed them.

Republicans Against the Terminally Ill (RAT-I). Has a nice ring to it.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>YOU said that the death thingy was not in the bill.

It's not.

> So what are they dropping then?

Because idiots don't read the bill. It's actually easier to change the bill to make them think it's not there than to have them read it to realize it's not there to begin with.

So they take out a provision that allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling for terminally ill patients. Congratulations, you screwed them.

Republicans Against the Terminally Ill (RAT-I). Has a nice ring to it.

Republicans Against the Terminally Sick makes a better abbreviation though ; p
~Bones Knit, blood clots, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.~

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>YOU said that the death thingy was not in the bill.

It's not.

> So what are they dropping then?

Because idiots don't read the bill. It's actually easier to change the bill to make them think it's not there than to have them read it to realize it's not there to begin with.

So they take out a provision that allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling for terminally ill patients. Congratulations, you screwed them.

Republicans Against the Terminally Ill (RAT-I). Has a nice ring to it.

Republicans Against the Terminally Sick makes a better abbreviation though ; p

OK, RATS it is.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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>YOU said that the death thingy was not in the bill.

It's not.

> So what are they dropping then?

Because idiots don't read the bill. It's actually easier to change the bill to make them think it's not there than to have them read it to realize it's not there to begin with.

So they take out a provision that allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling for terminally ill patients. Congratulations, you screwed them.

It is about idiots alright! It is about idiots who would trust this govenment to run health care! It is about idiots would believe anything the great BO would say after his string of continuing lies and broken promises.

Yep, got to agree with you, it is about idiots[:/]
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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Obama's plan changes nothing except who controls the $'s

well that and the whole making sure everyone can go to the doctor when they get injured or sick...


they already can. Any person (even non citizens) can walk into any emergencey room and get treated. not one person can be turned down for any reason.

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>YOU said that the death thingy was not in the bill.

It's not.

> So what are they dropping then?

Because idiots don't read the bill. It's actually easier to change the bill to make them think it's not there than to have them read it to realize it's not there to begin with.

So they take out a provision that allows Medicare to pay for voluntary counseling for terminally ill patients. Congratulations, you screwed them.

It is about idiots alright! It is about idiots who would trust this govenment to run health care! It is about idiots would believe anything the great BO would say after his string of continuing lies and broken promises.

Yep, got to agree with you, it is about idiots[:/]

Either the government is totally inept and couldn't organize a bachelor party, or they are criminal masterminds that faked a birth certificate/election, moon landing, covered up alien conspiracies and jfk.

You guys need to get your story straight
~Bones Knit, blood clots, glory is forever, and chicks dig scars.~

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Either the government is totally inept and couldn't organize a bachelor party, or they are criminal masterminds that faked a birth certificate/election, moon landing, covered up alien conspiracies and jfk.

You guys need to get your story straight


Obama could organize a bachelor party, that is what he did was organize, and it would probably be a good one. But the presidents job is a little different and Obama is showing he does not have the skills to do it.

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>It is about idiots alright! It is about idiots who would trust this govenment
>to run health care! It is about idiots would believe anything the great BO would
>say after his string of continuing lies and broken promises.

Wow, Rush. You have turned into the people you despised four years ago. I admire the flexibility of your neck.

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>It is about idiots alright! It is about idiots who would trust this govenment
>to run health care! It is about idiots would believe anything the great BO would
>say after his string of continuing lies and broken promises.

Wow, Rush. You have turned into the people you despised four years ago. I admire the flexibility of your neck.

So you label those with whom you disagre but when the lable comes back at you its different???


And it is here for all to see sir bill!! You are a proud one yes you are

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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