
California Ballot Propositions

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My thoughts after a quick once-over...(some of this is cut and pasted from the state website):

1A: State Spending Cap - NO

Although the measure is touted as a limitation on state spending, it does not legally “cap” the amount of revenues that could be collected by the state or the amount of spending that could occur. It does not restrict the ability of the legislature and the governor to approve tax increases and would allow increased spending for infrastructure projects and public employee benefits. If Proposition 1A passes, the $16 billion in tax increases negotiated as aprt of the 2009 state budget would be extended through 2012. Among the levies are a statewide 1-cent sales tax and a near doubling of the state's Vehicle License Fee. Also, a .25 percent increase in the state's Personal Income Tax will also be extended through 2012

So basically, this one doesn't cap spending, and raises taxes by $16 billion. Ouch.

1B: Education Funding - NO

This measure locks in $9.3 billion dollars towards education beginning in 2011. While this may sound like a good idea, locked-in funding is a major cause of our budget problems. While we may need $9.3 billion in additional funding in 2011, we may not need it in 2020 or 2030, and propositions such as these remove flexibility from our budget, which makes it far more difficult to balance.

1C: Lottery Modernization Act - NO

Debt-service payments on the lottery borrowing and higher payments to education would likely make it more difficult to balance future state budgets. This is just postponing the problem.

1D: Tobacco Tax Revenue Reallocation - NO

Keeps the requirement that tobacco tax monies be spent on health and human services, while removing accountability and auditing and the requirement that some of those funds be spent on smoking cessation programs. If accountability is removed, the money belongs in the state general fund.

1E: Reallocation of Mental Health Funds - NO

This is just trading one earmark for another.

1F: Salary Cap for Elected Officials - YES

This is basically performance based compensation. Part of the job of elected officials is to balance the budget, and their salaries are a part of that budget. If they can't balance the budget, they shouldn't get a raise.

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Nightingale for president - 2012

you see through the false wording to the real content

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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The population of California has read Nightingale's post and voted exactly as she suggested.

How about that, Kris? You and JP have defined the California electorate.

It's exactly how I voted, too. I must say it's a weird thong for me to have the "mainstream" on my side.

For those of you who don't know, the California legislature was dying for these propositions to pass. As was Ahnold.

Now the legislature has to make big big huge cuts to the budget. They cannot simply raise taxes on the rich because the rich are tapped out.

I look forward to seeing the legislature's priorities in the coming weeks. What will they slash?

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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What should be slashed? Just economizing won't do it; stuff has to quit being done or funded. I'm curious -- I live in Texas, and have no dog in this fight.

Wendy P.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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The California projected budget (2009-2010) can be summarized as follows:

Total expenditures by agency are $134.764 billion. $7.223 billion are from bond issues. We've got a general fund expected to be $95.524 billion. That's $32 billion there's no money to pay for.

So when you cannot afford to pay for something you either have to raise money or cut expenses. The issue is summarized quite nicely by Max:


California can't do that because the legislature spends too much money, and the Governator can't win the battle. He sought ways to fund the appetite of the Assembly, and now things are short what...$22B. No problem, just print money...oh wait they can't do that.

So, California can raise taxes again, and float some more bonds...oh wait, they're doing that now.

So, California can lobby the Federal government for a handout and get some stimulus money...oh wait, they're getting some now.

So, California can f**k**g reduce spending for once and make some tough decisions and learn from the hole they dug their @sses into...oh wait...they haven't done that, and they won't do that.

So there have to be some cuts made. HUGE cuts.

Releasing prisoners? Yeah. That will help save maybe $2 billion. A long way to go. Laying off 10% of state employees? Might save a billion.

Business, Transportation & Housing? They are the primary regulators of state business, and the DOT, DMV and Highway Patrol. $13 billion goes to the DOT. $514 million goes to Administration. Capital outlays are $6 billion. Local assistance $2 billion. Outlay support? $1.9 billion. Perhaps a decrease to last year's spending would be prudent (it rose 50% this year). High speed rail? $125 million per year. This has been goign on for eons and rail just ain't happening. Cut it. Department of housing financial assistance? $770 million. Cut half of it.

HHS? $38 billion in state funds (another $45 billion from Feds for Medi-Cal). We could easily cut $15 billion from this budget. $8 billion from Dept of Health Care Services (which would leave $32 billion in spending). Cut $2-3 billion from Dept. of Social Services (it's horrifically mismanaged). There's $10 billion right there.

K-12? Reduce spending 10% to last year's spending plus .5% to comply with state law. Boom! $4 billion saved. Higher education? I applied to UCLA, UC Davis, Berkeley, San Diego. Fuck em. It's not open to everybody. Take $4 billion off of that budget and let state residents pay $12k per year for their education. (Hint - UCLA Law School costs about $42k per year. USC Costs about $45k - yeah, that money is useful).

Bingo. I'm at $32 billion right now. Yeah, it'll hurt - the way it hurts to go through chemotherapy.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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I must say it's a weird thong for me

That's just great, now I'm not hungry at all for dinner

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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