
What's a measely trillion or two?

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Why are so many of you worked up over this stimulus package?
I mean really. What's the big deal all of a sudden over just a trillion or two bucks?
I didn't hear any of y'all blabbering about that sum on 9-10-01 and that money was just kinda' missin'. Like it fell out of someones pockets into the sofa cushions.

Fair winds and unlimited Ceilings,

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What the hell are you talking about? You go from the stimulus to 9-10-01 in the same statement.

I'm talkin' about the 2.3 trillion the Pentagon couldn't account for on 9-10-01.

Larger than the stimulus(?) but with nothing to show for it.
If the stimulus has anyone riled it seems to me that missing sum should have caused more conversation.


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Dave, check the date. I'm talking about 9-10-01. please leave any "conspiracy theories" out of this conversation.

I'm clear on the date. The only conspiracy is the swishing sound of sarcasm and wondering where it went.
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Maybe you would provide a link to explain what you're referring to.

However, it is odd that the loudest whining about the stimulus comes from those who strongly supported pissing away a $Trillion or so in Iraq.

Edited to add:

This maybe? www.cbsnews.com/stories/2002/01/29/eveningnews/main325985.shtml


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However, it is odd that the loudest whining about the stimulus comes from those who strongly supported pissing away a $Trillion or so in Iraq.

What's odd is the people who bitched about the Bush years and elected Obama on the promise of change are using "But the last guy did it" as a defense.

But, but, but, the change is coming.

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However, it is odd that the loudest whining about the stimulus comes from those who strongly supported pissing away a $Trillion or so in Iraq.

What's odd is the people who bitched about the Bush years and elected Obama on the promise of change are using "But the last guy did it" as a defense.

But, but, but, the change is coming.

I have to agree with you there...obama is not change, he is the typical tax and spend democrat. Hope and change became catastrophe and doom almost over night. Fear mongering to pass a bill he had the ability to say with a straight face, had NO ear marks. Bush (who was a turd) will be the scapegoat for the 25 years. But in 10 when nothing has changed and government has grown most will be the same or worse.

Why can’t we learn something about government’s shortcomings?! Media and other obama supporters see almost any shortcoming in the market place as a reason to expand government. Yet, you rarely see those same deficiencies in government as a reason for it to get smaller. Why is that? It seems that people are not capable seeing these glaring issues in government. Do people need a list of all the broken promises, failed programs, wasted billions on both sides of the isle to get you to WAKE UP!? Do we need to recite all the programs that fizzled out, problems that were going to be "solved" but government only managed exasperate?

Where do these people think true wealth comes form anyway? Can they even say it out loud? PRIVATE INTIATIVE….”private”
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However, it is odd that the loudest whining about the stimulus comes from those who strongly supported pissing away a $Trillion or so in Iraq.

What's odd is the people who bitched about the Bush years and elected Obama on the promise of change are using "But the last guy did it" as a defense.

But, but, but, the change is coming.

If Bush had spent $Trillion building bridges and schools and other infrastructure, investing in US R&D, and supporting energy independence I'd have little objection. Wasting it on an unnecessary invasion of a country that presented no threat to us whatsoever was a sheer waste of money.

BIG difference.
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However, it is odd that the loudest whining about the stimulus comes from those who strongly supported pissing away a $Trillion or so in Iraq.

What's odd is the people who bitched about the Bush years and elected Obama on the promise of change are using "But the last guy did it" as a defense.

But, but, but, the change is coming.

If Bush had spent $Trillion building bridges and schools and other infrastructure, investing in US R&D, and supporting energy independence I'd have little objection. Wasting it on an unnecessary invasion of a country that presented no threat to us whatsoever was a sheer waste of money.

BIG difference.

"No threat to us what so ever" would be reaching a bit. I agree that the war has been mismanaged to say the least though.
Gently pushing comfort zones since 1976...

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However, it is odd that the loudest whining about the stimulus comes from those who strongly supported pissing away a $Trillion or so in Iraq.

What's odd is the people who bitched about the Bush years and elected Obama on the promise of change are using "But the last guy did it" as a defense.

But, but, but, the change is coming.

If Bush had spent $Trillion building bridges and schools and other infrastructure, investing in US R&D, and supporting energy independence I'd have little objection. Wasting it on an unnecessary invasion of a country that presented no threat to us whatsoever was a sheer waste of money.

BIG difference.

At least it took bush a few years to piss away that kind of coin. The messiah and friends only needed about a month!
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However, it is odd that the loudest whining about the stimulus comes from those who strongly supported pissing away a $Trillion or so in Iraq.

What's odd is the people who bitched about the Bush years and elected Obama on the promise of change are using "But the last guy did it" as a defense.

But, but, but, the change is coming.

If Bush had spent $Trillion building bridges and schools and other infrastructure, investing in US R&D, and supporting energy independence I'd have little objection. Wasting it on an unnecessary invasion of a country that presented no threat to us whatsoever was a sheer waste of money.

BIG difference.

At least it took bush a few years to piss away that kind of coin. The messiah and friends only needed about a month!

Funny, I thought Bush signed TARP. That's close to $1 Trillion in one month, and he managed some $5 Trillion over 8 years. Maybe you should check your numbers.

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Wait, how many trillions did bush spend in his first month in office?:P

Of course, Bush inherited a surplus, whereas he bequeathed a financial fiasco to Obama.


A recession now in its 14th month. Biggest in a generation.

Thanks, W.

(Of course, the Republicans around here were in serious denial for a long time)

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