
No vote from me this time!

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Just remember.. when yall are whining about something for the next 8 years on here.. we can point back and say... why are you bitchin.. you did not even take the time to participate.

Why should I vote when both guys suck balls? Like I said I voted the lesser of the 2 last time and this is what I got. With McCain I have a feeling things will stay status quo and if I go with Obama I will guarantee my taxes will go through the roof. So what the fuck!


I did not vote for HIM in the last two elections... it was all YOUR fault.

Yeah, I really screwed the pooch on that one.:P
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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With McCain I have a feeling things will stay status quo and if I go with Obama I will guarantee my taxes will go through the roof. So what the fuck!

Your taxes ar going through the roof with either canidate. I seem to remember something about a 700 bilion dollar bailout.
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With McCain I have a feeling things will stay status quo and if I go with Obama I will guarantee my taxes will go through the roof. So what the fuck!

Someone is going to have to pay the bills that have been run up.

Sad but true.. unless you think the country should just declare bankruptcy and give up.[:/]

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I recently had a conversation with some very liberal people at a local pub. (Actually i was fending off attacks.) Anway, when I told them that I have abstained from voting on an occasion they claimed I was unAmerican and it was my responsability to vote.

Really? I thought voting was a RIGHT?

Thats the great thing about a RIGHT, it means you have a choice, and neither choice is wrong. I also have a right to bear arms but I do not own a firearm. Does that also make me unAmerican?

Yes, one has the right to be a non contributing member of our society.

In other words, the right to be a bum.

Hardly something to take pride in.

If you say there is nothing on the ballot you can support, you're lying. It means you didn't even look at it.

FTR, I oppose mandatory voting as done in many other nations, but that doesn't mean I respect those who decline to vote.

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In other words, the right to be a bum.

Hardly something to take pride in.

Yes! I should vote for some douche bag who I dont like or agree with.:S Go participate in the dog and pony show. I have voted everytime since I was 18 and the same shit happens. A politician says one thing then does the exact opposite. I am tired of it. So go vote and yell my guy won at the end of the day. When the dust settles it don't mean SHIT! We are still gonna get fucked in the end.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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For the first time since I turned 18 (I'm 30 now) I am not going to vote. I am so pissed at what this election has turned into I refuse to get involved. Both sides are a bunch of fakes that will say anything to blow a bunch of smoke up our asses and try to make us chear and yell and make us think they really care about the people. They dont! All they care about is power. Power and our money!

While you probably can't do something in the voting booth about the presidential choice (you need to live in a swing state for your vote to "count"), the ballot often includes a number of state and local issues that will affect you, ranging from whether to renew the cable company's contract (where the schmucks won't let you have the cartoon network; Boulder, CO) to a freeze on taxes (only allowing increases in total collections without a popular vote majority for inflation and population growth, Colorado) or effectively legalizing prostitution (San Francisco, CA this election). Some places you may even get to vote out the judge who wouldn't plea-bargain the speeding ticket you got on a 4-lane divided highway where they dropped the limit to 45 just to write such tickets.

Locally your vote counts - one year my preferred candidate for county comissioner lost by just 7 votes.

While you're there, you might as well at least cast a presidential vote for your favorite neither party. The last two presidential elections were won by less than 2% of the popular vote. Minorities get courted like the Republicans with Evangelical Christians. You might get a bone thrown your way in another election cycle.

I hadn't voted for a Republican or Democrat for president for 16 years.

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I hadn't voted for a Republican or Democrat for president for 16 years.

Great! A lot of good that did. Live in reality. We have a 2 party system at this moment and the rest is a waste of time. That what we got.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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I recently had a conversation with some very liberal people at a local pub. (Actually i was fending off attacks.) Anway, when I told them that I have abstained from voting on an occasion they claimed I was unAmerican and it was my responsability to vote.

Really? I thought voting was a RIGHT?

Thats the great thing about a RIGHT, it means you have a choice, and neither choice is wrong. I also have a right to bear arms but I do not own a firearm. Does that also make me unAmerican?

Yes, one has the right to be a non contributing member of our society.

In other words, the right to be a bum.

Hardly something to take pride in.

If you say there is nothing on the ballot you can support, you're lying. It means you didn't even look at it.

FTR, I oppose mandatory voting as done in many other nations, but that doesn't mean I respect those who decline to vote.

So you are picking and choosing which rights we should exercise and which ones we should not? How does that make sense?

So according to you someone not voting makes them a noncontributing member of society? I think there are many people here that contribute to society in many others ways that has a much larger impact that would disagree with you. Maybe I should stop volunteering my services and town for all the benefits around time, stop recycling, and kill stray little kittens while I am at it...

(Edit for spelling.)
"If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

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why not investigate your local independent candiates,

I did! Dont really give a shit about them either. Just gonna sit this one out. The locals are full of shit to. Every year they say they wont raise taxes ect. ect. Then they raise them anyway.

We got fed up with that in Colorado and made it illegal for the governments (state or local) to increase total tax collections beyond the product of inflation and population growth unless a popular vote allows for an override.

When they accidentally get to much they have to give it back unless the voters choose to let them keep the surplus.

When the economy contracts and the rest of us are making less money, the government is not immune to belt tightening.

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I hadn't voted for a Republican or Democrat for president for 16 years.

Great! A lot of good that did. Live in reality. We have a 2 party system at this moment and the rest is a waste of time. That what we got.

I think your original post was pretty gutsy...bravo. I was going to make a "why i'm not voting" thread but didn't feel like getting crucified today.

I agree with your posts in this thread...especially the one quoted above. I've been voting third party since 1992 and this is the first presidential election where I am not voting...because I am simply jaded at the way our political system and media block third parties from having any effect.

Realistically, if I were to vote third party again, all that would amount to is a percentage point on the bottom of the tv screen for a few moments this evening. Hardly my idea of "my voice being heard."

...and hardly worth waiting 45+ minutes in line for.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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and kill stray little kittens while I am at it...



Haha, I think some people on this forum would rather it say "Every time you choose not to vote God kills a kitten." ;)
"If this post needs to be moderated I would prefer it to be completly removed and not edited and butchered into a disney movie" - DorkZone Hero

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Someone is going to have to pay the bills that have been run up.


I keep saying it sounds like it's time to cut spending. Dont have the money. Dont spend it!


Hate to tell you but it went from 5 Trillion to over 10 Trillion in the last 7 years.... the money is already spent...[:/]

Now its time for responsible people to clean up the mess and pay the bills.

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We got fed up with that in Colorado and made it illegal for the governments (state or local) to increase total tax collections beyond the product of inflation and population growth unless a popular vote allows for an override.

Believe me I am trying to get back to Colorado ASAP! I lived out there for a few years and miss it dearly. Colorado is a great state when it comes to stuff like that. Except Boulder!:P My wife loves Boulder. She got pissed when I told her Boulder was 3000sq miles surrounded by reality.:D
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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So don't vote for president. But i bet there's a bunch of local races that affect YOU personally and your vote WILL count.

Through all your posturing, all i really see is an excuse to be lazy. The presidential race is one little part of the ballot.

Hell, in CA i had 12 state propositions to vote on, some of which i feel very strongly about.

Go vote, intentionally leave the presidential part blank, and decide on the local things that will affect your day to day life.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Through all your posturing, all i really see is an excuse to be lazy.

Yup thats it! I am glad you figured it all out for me. I got the ballot in front of me I was just to lazy to walk it to the mailbox. Thanks for showing me the light. Sorry I am just bitter as hell today.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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Through all your posturing, all i really see is an excuse to be lazy.

Yup thats it! I am glad you figured it all out for me. I got the ballot in front of me I was just to lazy to walk it to the mailbox. Thanks for showing me the light. Sorry I am just bitter as hell today.

It's not too late to get up off your ass and do it.

Like I said, if you can't find something of interest in your entire ballot of in a primary election, it's because you didn't even look. You don't have to vote for a bum you don't like. You can leave the Presidential one blank, or pick Nader, or the Libertarian, or the Peace and Freedom guy. But you do owe your country at least the effort of submitting the non vote, and to look at the rest.

Do you have the right to be a bum - sure. But for the next 4 years, when you bitch and moan in SC about what ObamCain is doing, we're going to call you on this. Your bitching will carry less weight.

so sign off that ballot already, and drop it off at the nearest precinct (In CA, has to be received by 5pm, or dropped off before the polls close)

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So you are picking and choosing which rights we should exercise and which ones we should not? How does that make sense?

I have no idea, since this statement about picking and choosing rights makes no sense to me.


So according to you someone not voting makes them a noncontributing member of society?

Precisely. If you can't spend a couple hours every 2 years to cast a vote, you and your interests don't count in this society.

Do you know why senior citizens get taken care of by government, while young adults get crapped on (drafted, no beer or handguns till 21, etc)?

Because the young are too fucking lazy to vote, while the seniors participate at the highest level.

Laziness is nothing to be proud of, or to defend. Absentee voting is trivially easy.

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It's not too late to get up off your ass and do it.

Ahhhh, yes it is. I am confined to my home until I sober up. Don't need a drivin award today.


You can leave the Presidential one blank, or pick Nader, or the Libertarian, or the Peace and Freedom guy.

So waste my time is what your saying. Naaaa, I think I would rather stay home and shampoo my crotch.


But you do owe your country at least the effort of submitting the non vote, and to look at the rest.

I dont owe shit! I have given enough. It doesnt matter what we put down at the ballot box. These crooked SOB's here in New Jersey will find a way to get around it anyway.


But for the next 4 years, when you bitch and moan in SC about what ObamCain is doing, we're going to call you on this. Your bitching will carry less weight.

Less weight? So since I voted for Bush it's my fault everything is fucked and if I dont vote it's my fault for not voting? So it sounds like I'm fucked anyway. Like a double ended dildo.

I see it a little different. If McCain gets in and 2 years from now we are still in Iraq I dont want to hear you bitch. You voted for him. (If thats how you voted). If Obama gets in and rapes the hell out of you with new taxes I dont want to hear you bitch. You voted for him. (If thats how you voted) I can bitch all I want to because I do not support these assholes!
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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You still haven't addressed the very valid point that I and several others have brought up here...what about your local races? Ballot initiatives? Congressman? Senator (if that applies).

So many other reasons to cast a ballot.

You seem to worry about taxes...you know, i would be willing to bet that wherever you are, there's a levy, tax, or bond issue on your ballot that you could go vote down.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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