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I think most of this is crap. It's the same invective spin that the left puts on anything that Palin does or says. About the only quotes I had a problem with were the "cling to guns and religion" and the "lipstick on a pig."

Other than that, I think it is pretty clear what he was talking about. And I think he made valid points worth stating. Like how the typical white person isn't racist. Or like how McCain hasn't challenged his Muslim beliefs because he doesn't have them and not even McCain is suggesting it.

The GOP is not above this tripe, either.

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About the only quotes I had a problem with were the "cling to guns and religion" and the "lipstick on a pig."

Out of curiosity, what was, in your opinion, the problem with the "lipstick on a pig" comment? It's not an unheard of expression, and only means that the same old thing packaged a different way is still the same old thing.
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About the only quotes I had a problem with were the "cling to guns and religion" and the "lipstick on a pig."

Out of curiosity, what was, in your opinion, the problem with the "lipstick on a pig" comment? It's not an unheard of expression, and only means that the same old thing packaged a different way is still the same old thing.

Yeah, I didn't see that one as a gaffe, it was just a bunch of people looking for an excuse to act butt-hurt. The 57 states thing was a pretty good goof. Not quite a Bushism, and bettered by Quayle, but a goof nonetheless.

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Out of curiosity, what was, in your opinion, the problem with the "lipstick on a pig" comment? It's not an unheard of expression, and only means that the same old thing packaged a different way is still the same old thing.

Timing. Obama is a very smart man and should've had more awareness. The hockey mom lipstick thing was immediately famous after Palin's speech. He always chooses his words carefully and speaks eliquently so it's hard to believe he just accidentally used the wrong analogy.

I personally think it was blown way out of proportion.

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My problem was the timing of it. It may have been something that, indeed, was innocent. But coming so soon after the pitbull/lipstick comment by Palin, it is not beyond reason that he was making a play on it, replacing "pitbull" with "pig."

It'd be like McCain on the campaign trail saying, "let's call a spade a spade." A well-known part of vernacular that would call for some pretty reasonable indignation.
Who here would cast doubt on the innocence of that statement?

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Right after the hockey mom/pitbull comment, I was talking with my son (the one who played hockey for about 9 years). He looked me straight in the eye and said "Mom, I never saw you in lipstick."

I think I'll disinherit him.

Wendy W.
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