
Who Wants a Gas Tax Holiday ?

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> The whole "But, it will take ten years before we see anything" attitude
> is crap. It is defeatist and un-American. It is the equivalent of refusing
> to plant an orchard because it'll be ten years before you see any real
> production out of it.

I agree. We should be pouring everything we have into alternatives now, so we can cut that number down. We did it with the Manhattan project and with the Apollo project; we can do it here.

You're right, we hear the defeatist "oh, they will never replace oil, it's just TOO HARD!" crap all the time. It is indeed unbecoming of a country who put a man on the moon and who built the first atomic bomb. We can and we must, and the sooner we get started in a serious way, the better.

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I'm all for replacing coal burning electricity producing plants with nuclear plants. I just wish it didn't take 20 years and billions of dollars just to build one now.

Yes, the process needs to be streamlined. Too many lawsuits make it nearly impossible to get one approved. No one wants to go to the trouble to fight through all the bullshit.

And all those people fighting against nuke power plants, are also people bitching about high electric rates...

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I'm all for replacing coal burning electricity producing plants with nuclear plants. I just wish it didn't take 20 years and billions of dollars just to build one now.

Yes, the process needs to be streamlined. Too many lawsuits make it nearly impossible to get one approved. No one wants to go to the trouble to fight through all the bullshit.

And all those people fighting against nuke power plants, are also people bitching about high electric rates...

Dicto simpliciter. All of them? When did you take the poll of all of them?

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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The whole "But, it will take ten years before we see anything" attitude
> is crap. It is defeatist and un-American. It is the equivalent of refusing
> to plant an orchard because it'll be ten years before you see any real
> production out of it.


I agree. We should be pouring everything we have into alternatives now, so we can cut that number down. We did it with the Manhattan project and with the Apollo project; we can do it here.

You're right, we hear the defeatist "oh, they will never replace oil, it's just TOO HARD!" crap all the time. It is indeed unbecoming of a country who put a man on the moon and who built the first atomic bomb. We can and we must, and the sooner we get started in a serious way, the better.

So we should punish ourselves on a daily basis, waiting for some alternative energy source to emerge from its infancy stage?
Again, we should be punching holes in the Earth whereever the possiblility of fuel exists because we have advanced that technology to a high level.
We can already see a huge glitch in the bio-fuel answer, but sadly, instead of wadding that piece of paper up, and throwing it in the wastebasket, we'll milk it until it collapses on itself.
I'm sure the technology of going to the Moon has had ripple effects over the years, but the bottom line is that it really didn't matter, other than bragging rights.

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You speak out against a religion. Not a science (although they try and use it) not common sense. It is a religion of a life style. A life style this sect wants all to live by. When anyone speaks out against someone's religion, those of that belief can not, no, will not hear.

To the following arguments I say, No, I do not want to leave a poluted planet to my children. No, I do not want to abuse the energy we have. No, I am for alternative energies but, they would be ones that are developed by the free market and not pushed on all of us by those controled of this religion. Politions.......
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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