
US Food Supply - Abuse at Slaughterhouse

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This is what happens when you put industry people in charge of government agencies that are supposed to enforce laws. Evidently, sick cows are bieng abused and entering the food chain - specifically, the school lunch program.


Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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This is what happens when you put industry people in charge of government agencies that are supposed to enforce laws. Evidently, sick cows are bieng abused and entering the food chain - specifically, the school lunch program.


Doesn't sound like much has changed since the BSE outbreak. I guess if you force them to stand for a few seconds then they're not considered "downed".
More reading if you're interested.
"She learned about cattle slaughter plants where cattle were hoisted upside down, the lower part of their legs snipped off, their thighs and bellies cut open, and their skin stripped from their legs up to their necks, all while the animals were still conscious."

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Look at the last cow in the video. There's no way that thing should be eaten! It's (barely) walking on its 'knees' or whatever a cow has.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Look at the last cow in the video. There's no way that thing should be eaten! It's (barely) walking on its 'knees' or whatever a cow has.

Agreed, but there are other reasons to shop around for your meat source. I remember reading that after the BSE issue that they banned feeding cow parts to cows. But what they didn't ban was feeding cow parts to chickens and then sweeping up the poultry room floor (including cow parts and chicken crap) and feeding it to cows.
One of many examples of this species shitting where it eats. And we're supposedly the highly developed critters?

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Among the many reasons not to eat meat, animal suffering is the best motivator for me personally.

And don't be mistaken, our unhealthy lust for meat creates MUCH suffering.

Try vegetarianism -- it is a great way to live and let live.

. . =(_8^(1)

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Yes, and people think the government will make health care better for everyone, too.

Not if we put former health care executives in charge, that's for sure.

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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This is not new news. Read Fast Food Nation (2001). I'm still surprised that people are shocked by the US slaughter house industry. And it's not about government agencies, it all boils down to money. You want a dollar burger, well you're not going to get Grade A prime.

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Ah. The forklift forks just tenderize the meat a bit. And the shocks. Does Taser sell to the the cattle industry? Hell. If you can shock petty criminals why not a cow.:S And I'm damn tired of them Manatees fucking up the boats' propellers. >:(

I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Ah. The forklift forks just tenderize the meat a bit. And the shocks. Does Taser sell to the the cattle industry? Hell. If you can shock petty criminals why not a cow.:S And I'm damn tired of them Manatees fucking up the boats' propellers. >:(

Hey, taser the sickly fucking cows all you want - I just don't want to EAT them!

Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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This is what happens when you put industry people in charge of government agencies that are supposed to enforce laws. Evidently, sick cows are bieng abused and entering the food chain - specifically, the school lunch program.


If it were up to me I'd feed the corporate execs and the FDA officials that allow this nothing but carpaccio and beef tartar made from those sickly cows for six months.

Be humble, ask questions, listen, learn, follow the golden rule, talk when necessary, and know when to shut the fuck up.

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I watched a small herd of Holsteins being loaded on a trailer to be taken in for slaughter after the owner of the farm was arrested for animal cruelty and neglect. He kept them all, about 20 as I remember, in a lot of maybe 100' by 100'. It was horrid conditions for even a slug to live in. Then, to top it off, he stopped feeding them when he couldn't buy feed. He had a chance to sell them when they were healthy to another dairy farm but chose to starve them instead. The cows in this video reminded me of them.

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