
Disqualified Over Uniform

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If this were being addressed at the onset, then no big deal, but this has apparently gone uncontested for years.


If the video doesn't work, here's the article:
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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Well, to play devil's advocate for a moment, nothing about how the special outfit performs its function of allowing her to conform to her faith makes it violate the rules, it's simply the color scheme. And if the rules about uniform color schemes have been around and available for viewing the entire time she's been doing this then it was only a matter of time before some automaton in the school / district administration blew dust off his copy of the rule book and picked a few to randomly enforce.

I had to deal with this kind of inconsistency in high school as well (having things nonsensically confiscated, being made to turn t-shirts inside out because apparently the dozenth time I wore them over a year they were suddenly offensive, etc.) and by claiming that this had to do with her faith, the media is attributing to religious intolerance that which can be adequately explained by complete incompetence.

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:D (I'm with you, but on a totally unrelated subject.)

Gawain, I hear ya, hunny. Someone could have/should have/would have told her before this particular Invitational. But, she could have investigated such, as well.

So, tit for tat. :ph34r:
Paint me in a corner, but my color comes back.

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If this were being addressed at the onset, then no big deal, but this has apparently gone uncontested for years.


If the video doesn't work, here's the article:

Okay, I'm confused (big surprise there so no need for comments from the peanut gallery) ....

Both the video and the article state that uniforms are to be a SINGLE SOLID COLOUR. NONE of the uniforms I saw in the video were a SINGLE SOLID COLOUR. They all had 2 colours (and I think one had 3) - one colour was more dominant but there were at least 2 colours on all of them.

Can someone 'splain what they meant by SINGLE SOLID COLOUR if it's different than what I think it means - which would be ONE SOLID COLOUR. No other colour on it. Just one.


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Whiny fuc#king maggots belong in the refrigerator so they are readily available for ice fishing. On a serious side: Muslims have been in this country from the beginning like Jews. Why the sudden "cultural sensitivity"? Home ok; but no exceptions in the school or work place. This crap, like "I don't have to speak English", is just another nail into our third world coffin/outhouse.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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There was a time there was rules that said blacks couldn’t compete should we go back to that?

Things change and progress the suit doesn’t give her any competitive advantage so where is the issue in it other then the existing rules on the colour of the clothing?

Some traditions need to be kept and rules and laws followed but other need to be changed to keep up with the changes of society.


Whiny fuc#king maggots belong in the refrigerator so they are readily available for ice fishing. On a serious side: Muslims have been in this country from the beginning like Jews. Why the sudden "cultural sensitivity"? Home ok; but no exceptions in the school or work place. This crap, like "I don't have to speak English", is just another nail into our third world coffin/outhouse.

Why? Because at some point the intolerance need to be changed. There is a long history of intolerance towards Jewish people but until the events of WWII they begin to speak out and force change. There are still segments that resist this and they are still fighting memberships at country clubs of all places. Blacks have faced the same thing they have been in the country for well over a century and to this day still face discrimination but majour events of the 60’s were the turning point, Woman not allowed to vote work in many industries till suffraget of the past fought for those rights, and the list goes on.

There is a lot we have changed in time but unfortunately it appears a lot hasn’t changed as well. :(
SO this one time at band camp.....

"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most."

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There was a time there was rules that said blacks couldn’t compete should we go back to that?

Things change and progress the suit doesn’t give her any competitive advantage so where is the issue in it other then the existing rules on the colour of the clothing?

Some traditions need to be kept and rules and laws followed but other need to be changed to keep up with the changes of society.


Whiny fuc#king maggots belong in the refrigerator so they are readily available for ice fishing. On a serious side: Muslims have been in this country from the beginning like Jews. Why the sudden "cultural sensitivity"? Home ok; but no exceptions in the school or work place. This crap, like "I don't have to speak English", is just another nail into our third world coffin/outhouse.

Why? Because at some point the intolerance need to be changed. There is a long history of intolerance towards Jewish people but until the events of WWII they begin to speak out and force change. There are still segments that resist this and they are still fighting memberships at country clubs of all places. Blacks have faced the same thing they have been in the country for well over a century and to this day still face discrimination but majour events of the 60’s were the turning point, Woman not allowed to vote work in many industries till suffraget of the past fought for those rights, and the list goes on.

There is a lot we have changed in time but unfortunately it appears a lot hasn’t changed as well. :(
Thank you for the history lesson on civil rights. I still maintain that a school dress code applies to everyone regardless of their race, creed, or color. I do not consider this intolerance, but a way of maintaing order and discipline. Imagine Scottish kilts being worn at PE.
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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