
An American Revolution

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A thought that came to mind as I watched the Iowa caucuses is now surfacing in the media. I'll just paraphrase it - unseat the incumbants in congress.

That potentially replaces the House of Representatives and a portion of the Senate.

It begins to break the cycle of the insiders, deconstruct long standing alliances and power broking, and forces congress to pay attention to the task at hand because they will be under pressure to get things done and may therefore have to actually focus on the issues.

For the revolutionaries out there - it's a legal coup that really would put the power in the people while retaining a pretty damn good form of government.

This year I'd suggest the mantra should be, "It's the Congress stupid."

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So where's the poll?:P

As for The Revolution -- I've been waiting for over 40 years now, sort of getting disillusioned.:S

Faster horses, younger women, older whiskey, more money.

Why do they call it "Tourist Season" if we can't shoot them?

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For the revolutionaries out there - it's a legal coup that really would put the power in the people while retaining a pretty damn good form of government.

Any sign of a REVOLT,B| and it WILL be SQUASHED with the USPATACT/MartialLaw...:| BOOM done!


So where's the poll?:P

As for The Revolution -- I've been waiting for over 40 years now, sort of getting disillusioned.:S

YOU and our parents are 40+ years TOO late!!:S:|

peace anyways fellas and any other "T&SPA"s out there....;)

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Only semi-facetiously:
I'd like to see serious consideration of moving Congress to western Nebraska or South Dakota and the Supreme Court to southeast Oregon. Executive Branch remain in DC.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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