
Financial Responsibility

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BINGO!! But you and I know that will not buy you votes

Yeah, but the last I looked I wasnt running for anything. Politicians have to be the most spineless, gutless, hopeless, pieces of garbage.>:(

Agreed:| But those that want to give YOUR money away, are

How much taxpayer money has been pissed away in Iraq? $1 Trillion or so, I believe. You don't have a problem with that but you begrudge giving a helping hand to someone LESS FORTUNATE than you.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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am so sick of the term 'Less fortunate.'


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Feel free to be as sick as you like. I think someone born with, say, Down's syndrome or cerebral palsy is distinctly less fortunate than you or me.


Who are you kidding? When liberals use the term 'less fortunate', visions of children with Down's syndrome or cerebal palsy don't pop into their heads.



Are they or are they not less fortunate than you?

Is someone who suffered brain damage due to a doped up mother as fortunate as you?

Is someone whose parents were killed in a car crash and grew up in an institution as fortunate as you?

Do you have any idea what fraction of homeless people are mentally ill?

You don't even realize how well off you are.

Who is the purveyor of this fortune which is bestowed upon some and withheld from others?

About ten years ago, I spent three years in a black depression. It took another five years to climb out of the hole. Even today there are residual effects from it.
I went through it without counselling, drugs, or alcohol.
All of the thoughts that pass through one's mind, went through mine.
I can't say whether I'm better or worse because of it all, but I look at it as one of life's wild rides, and accept the consequences.

Should I also be in the line for a handout because I took a hit from Life's Little Lottery?

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Life's a bitch - then you die.

But I do believe there is something after that.... that I am just not bright enough to understand... Until then though.... I do try to enjoy the bitch.

But.... back to my sisters specific situation.

The most annoying part of it is the entitled attitude that goes with the "poor me" story of her life.

I do try to help take care of her.... but for her to EXPECT it is what is truly aggravating.

I like helping people that NEED it and will use that help to improve their situation. . . . not just continue bad decision making skills.

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How much taxpayer money has been pissed away in Iraq? $1 Trillion or so, I believe. You don't have a problem with that but you begrudge giving a helping hand to someone LESS FORTUNATE than you.

Sure. I would rather spend my tax money on an EFFORT to stabilize a region that I prefer an ally rather than enemy and only because I buy oil from them. "Less fortunate" could be anyone. It could be the millionare across town that just got diagnosed with cancer. He is WAY less fortunate then me. I'm not going to give him money though.

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Lindsay said
"how about...education highways....things we all use.....

You said
Oh, so taxes should only go for things YOU approve of.

Dude take a poll. Should tax money go for
1 roads/education
2 cerebral palsy/Down's Syndrome

God bless anyone who has to deal with these diseases. If you have a child then you just took on a HUGE RESPONSIBILITY. If the kid is messed up then as a parent you better be able to support/treat/accomodate your child's youth and adult years. Don't have a child and then call the State to help you. And if you are an adult diagonsed later in life with a disease? Well, do the best you can but don't expect me (the State) to pay for you.

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Dude take a poll. Should tax money go for
1 roads/education
2 cerebral palsy/Down's Syndrome

3 keep having children with no way to support them.

I personally agree that there is a place for us collectively taking care of kids who have congenital problems....or any serious illness really.

I have a problem with number 3. In fact, recently a patient who is 16 said that her mother wants her to get pregnant so that she can contribute financially to the household. That's NOT a good way to spend our tax dollars, imho. In fact it leads to a deeper and deeper drain on society in rewarding people for popping out babies that they have no real intention of taking care of. Leads to irresponsible adults eventually who keep doing the same things their parents and grandparents did....

But of course that particular topic has been beaten to death.
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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1 roads/education Yes but only out of our Road Fun License (U.K)/ Yes but only up to 18 y.o
2 cerebral palsy/Down's Syndrome yes 100%
3 keep having children with no way to support them.100% NO

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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cerebral palsy/Down's Syndrome yes 100%

I guess we just disagree. Look there are PLENTY of organizatins and foundations profit/non profit who one can turn to with CP or DS. Try googling "cerebral palsy donations". Do 100% of your donations make it to the sick kid? Maybe not. Many people are genuinely compassionate and make donations by CHOICE.

I wouldn't expect a complete stranger to be obligated to reach into his wallet for my sick child.

If I have to pay for kids with CP and DS, then what else?? AIDS? cancer? TB? Flu? office visits? medicine? on and on ....and WHO DECIDES THIS?

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1 roads/education Yes but only out of our Road Fun License (U.K)/ Yes but only up to 18 y.o
2 cerebral palsy/Down's Syndrome yes 100%
3 keep having children with no way to support them.100% NO

Why not? It is not the kids fault!
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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>If the kid is messed up then as a parent you better be able to
>support/treat/accomodate your child's youth and adult years.

Most people could not do that for some of the worse diseases (say, spina bifida.) So do we:

a) try to ensure only the rich have kids or
b) try to help ordinary people who have such kids?

I can't see a) being supported by many people. b) gets a lot more support in my book.

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If I have to pay for kids with CP and DS, then what else?? AIDS? cancer? TB? Flu? office visits? medicine? on and on ....and WHO DECIDES THIS?

I'll cast a vote for paying for TB treatment for the uninsured, along with funding for epidemiological monitoring of airborne transmissible infectious diseases.

What's currently required w/r/t reportable diseases (to CDC), such as plague, syphillis, tularemia, measles, mumps, smallpox, were proposed by Executive Agencies (usually through Dept of Health and Human Services), posted in the Federal Register, and approved by some means by the elected representatives in Congress. If you're interested in seeing what specific diseases require reporting and their incidence, check out "Morbidity and Mortality Weekly," which provides summaries and data on required notifiable diseases.


Act as if everything you do matters, while laughing at yourself for thinking anything you do matters.
Tibetan Buddhist saying

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a) try to ensure only the rich have kids or
b) try to help ordinary people who have such kids?

I desperately want to say B because I'm all for helping people in need. But who decides where the line is drawn on determining rich vs ordinary? One could have an AHI of 40,000 + great medical coverage. One could have an AHI of 80,000 with no coverage. Does it also depend on the severity of the disease?

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Is Downs Syndrome a communicable disease? I don't think the CDC is concerned with Downs Syndrome.

I hope you're being facetious. Even though it's not communicable, there are ways to minimize the number of children born with Down Syndrome. There are ways to minimize the number of children born with Spina Bifida. Unfortunately, some people have children later in life, and some people don't take their Folate supplements. Lots of people choose not to undergo tests during pregnancy to diagnose these problems prior to birth....often because they'd not terminate the pregnancy based on the results.

So there's a problem....often people who are vehemently against abortion are also dead set against providing means to people to take care of children whose care will cost LOTS of money. I think that's odd. OTOH, those folks who think a woman has a right to decide are also more often willing to help the kids out. That's an aside, though.

Either way, there's a place for compassion, I think, for people who just have bad things happen in their lives. Not everyone has the means to deal with the crap that befalls them. I'm glad there's a safety net for those. BUT, there are a helluva lot of folks who are just bound and determined to take what they can. To pretend that these are just folks who are "less privileged" is ridiculous, imho. They need to be CUT OFF from the dole. That's a heckuva lot easier said than done though.

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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I'm responsible. I work hard. I invest. Someone explain why it should be taken away and given to those that dont.

It should not.

I don't know what income bracket your in, but as far as taxes, I will suggest you just memorize the serenity prayer. You must accept this, it will not change in our lifetime. It will probably get worse. As for family, who i'm sure you genuinely wish to empower, I feel your pain. Some people get motivation, some do not... I wish I knew how to create the motivation. I've tried the education route but they just don't get it. It doesn't matter what the scenario is, they will always be a victim. Part of my family, I would give up everything for today if I had to, yet they would never ask. The other part, who have had every opportunity I have and more, will never stop asking.

I believe the only answer is motivation. Some people get kicked around, and decide to change their life, others don't. Some do just not understand adaptability.
Good luck.

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1 roads/education Yes but only out of our Road Fun License (U.K)/ Yes but only up to 18 y.o
2 cerebral palsy/Down's Syndrome yes 100%
3 keep having children with no way to support them.100% NO

Why not? It is not the kids fault!

No but it is the parents fault choice and I don't believe that they should be encouraged.

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Perhaps another way of looking at your sisters financial irresponsibility would be to compare it to an 'addiction' such as alcoholism or gambling.

In all cases the individuals know they shouldn't be doing what they're doing. But of course, does it stop them? Is it really just down to a lack of good old fashioned self discipline and common sense?

I suppose if you're set on helping your sister deal with her situation you have some hard work ahead! Good luck.:)

'for it's Tommy this, an' Tommy that, an' "chuck 'im out, the brute!" But it's "saviour of 'is country" when the guns begin to shoot.'

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