
Thompson Countup

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Welcome to the Fred Thompson Countup. As we mark each day to Thompson's inauguration, we can keep track of this leader's consistent voting record and political views.

Only a few short months until the US has the pleasure and security of a republican president such as Fred Thompson.

(Since Mrs. Bill Clinton is not a viable candidate it is pretty much a done deal. If the democrats are indeed foolish enough to choose such a person as their candidate, it won't matter anyway, because Fred will CLEAN HER CLOCK at election time.)

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True, Fred is pretty much the only viable republican candidate. The republican's chances are directly dependent on how much Bush can keep out of the spotlight for the next two years. If he spends his time in the limelight, the argument "do you want another one of these guys?" will be very persuasive - and may even get someone like Hilary elected.

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True, Fred is pretty much the only viable republican candidate. The republican's chances are directly dependent on how much Bush can keep out of the spotlight for the next two years. If he spends his time in the limelight, the argument "do you want another one of these guys?" will be very persuasive - and may even get someone like Hilary elected.

A fairly short read>http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/16546031/makebelieve_reagan
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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