
The Misuse of Science and Religion

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I agree. The misuse of Christianity is usually done by those desiring money and power.

What do you desire when you point the finger at science and the enlightenment?

It took a few centuries to recover from the damage Christians did when they collectively turned against reason and the damage has never been undone.

Now because you feel your cult is under threat you blame science for all the problems you can cram in a post. That's like blaming your brain for your hair color.

Science gives us the methods and intellectual tools of exploration and reason. You may not understand it but it is not some mystical belief system like a religion that it makes any sense to 'blame' for anything. You wouldn't excise your cerebellum for some imagined problems, nor should you consider doing that with the tools of reason.

Your attack on reason would be obscene if the Christian progroms of the past were more recent.

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And how many people would have died without antibiotics?

Comparing science and religion is just stupid. They both have positives and negatives, and they both have caused positive and negative effects, but that's pretty much where the similarities end. They're two entirely different things that ultimately have nothing to do with each other. Religion is the the realm of spirituality, and science is the realm of the physical.

I agree with you, but I was trying to make a point about those who love to point out the misuse and abuse of religion, but overlook the misuse/abuse of science (or even the natural by product of scientific advancement such as nuclear waste.)


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And how many people would have died without antibiotics?

Comparing science and religion is just stupid. They both have positives and negatives, and they both have caused positive and negative effects, but that's pretty much where the similarities end. They're two entirely different things that ultimately have nothing to do with each other. Religion is the the realm of spirituality, and science is the realm of the physical.

Okay then what about the guy I worked with that won't vaccinate his children (and they are constantly sick) because he believe that vaccines come from aborted fetuses and that's againsts his religion?

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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I'm sorry you feel it is an attack. I'm all for science and scientifc discovery. I'm sorry if it came off as I was anti-science. I was just pondering the question in my head that I wonder why we blame Christianity/Islam etc. for its misuse and abuse but never do the same for science.


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I'm sorry you feel it is an attack. I'm all for science and scientifc discovery. I'm sorry if it came off as I was anti-science. I was just pondering the question in my head that I wonder why we blame Christianity/Islam etc. for its misuse and abuse but never do the same for science.

Science isn't a religion and doesn't compare very well to religions.

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Comparing science and religion is just stupid. They both have positives and negatives, and they both have caused positive and negative effects

I agree with you,

This is like saying having a brain has positive and negative effects.

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I'm sorry you feel it is an attack. I'm all for science and scientifc discovery. I'm sorry if it came off as I was anti-science. I was just pondering the question in my head that I wonder why we blame Christianity/Islam etc. for its misuse and abuse but never do the same for science.

Science isn't a religion and doesn't compare very well to religions.

Yep, and the same could be said about religion. It isn't a science and doesn't compare well to sciences.


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Comparing science and religion is just stupid. They both have positives and negatives, and they both have caused positive and negative effects

I agree with you,

This is like saying having a brain has positive and negative effects.

No, the implication is there are good things that come from religion (charities that feed & clothe, hospitals, orphanages, and even the peace and comfort it brings to some during trials of life) and their abuses of religion such as crusades, inquisition, etc.

Likewise there are many good things that come from science, but there are bad reseults such as toxic waste, along with those who abuse science for a purpose of their own.


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I'm sorry you feel it is an attack. I'm all for science and scientifc discovery. I'm sorry if it came off as I was anti-science. I was just pondering the question in my head that I wonder why we blame Christianity/Islam etc. for its misuse and abuse but never do the same for science.

Science is a methodology of discovery. It is a process of reason and thought, that is all. What we do with the discovery is a different issue.

Some of your cases were downright manipulative, for example citing overpopulation instead or medical treatments, hygene, disease theory, drug research, knowledge of DNA, advances is agriculture and of course scientific tracking of populations. Or lobotomies, a very unscientific treatment in a world where science has eliminated trapenation and unscientific other horrors.

Science is not a religion, it is a methodology that helps humans think rationally and objectively about the world.

If I said "Human language is a bad thing, look at what Hitler did with it." it would make about as much sense as your critique of science.

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Okay then what about the guy I worked with that won't vaccinate his children (and they are constantly sick) because he believe that vaccines come from aborted fetuses and that's againsts his religion?


Hmm... Darwinism in action?

I fear you are correct, very unfortuate for the children.[:/]
Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Comparing science and religion is just stupid. They both have positives and negatives, and they both have caused positive and negative effects

I agree with you,

This is like saying having a brain has positive and negative effects.

No, the implication is there are good things that come from religion (charities that feed & clothe, hospitals, orphanages, and even the peace and comfort it brings to some during trials of life) and their abuses of religion such as crusades, inquisition, etc.

Yes it most definitely is. I made no comment about religion in the post you responded to. Quit comparing a simple methodology of reason to religion. Science is not the sum total of it's discoveries, it is a way of thinking correctly/accurately about the world we observe.

If you want to think less objectively and accurately then by all means undermine science.

You should try to understand what science is first though.

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Sorry. I smacked my own hand for going off on a tangent.

Why do religious people see science as a threat? I think it is because they don't understand it and they are afraid it will destroy their beleifs. There are many examples where religion has hindered the progress of science to protect false beliefs. What beliefs do you have that you are affraid of being proven wrong?

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Science is a methodology of discovery. It is a process of reason and thought, that is all. What we do with the discovery is a different issue.


Science is not a religion, it is a methodology that helps humans think rationally and objectively about the world.

I believe that god gave us a rational, logical, thinking mind because he wanted us to use it. It pains me to see so many "christians" or "muslims" or whatevers shutting down their brains.

Take that for what you will...but to me, that means science is also of god. By science i mean what dorbie says here...a process. a method.
Never meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!

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Why do religious people see science as a threat? I think it is because they don't understand it and they are afraid it will destroy their beleifs.

I worked with a guy who went absolutely nuts when they come out with news stories linking humans with apes and monkeys. This is the same guy that won't vaccinate his children because he considers himself a good christian. He is very ignorant and imature spiritually.

I dont' believe all good christians to share his same attitude. He is just someone that give the rest a bad name.[:/]

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Some of your cases were downright manipulative, for example citing overpopulation instead or medical treatments, hygene, disease theory, drug research, knowledge of DNA, advances is agriculture and of course scientific tracking of populations. Or lobotomies, a very unscientific treatment in a world where science has eliminated trapenation and unscientific other horrors.

I agree. I did it on purpose. To be absurd to illustrate the absurd. The same happens when people cite the inquisition and the crusades as a reason religion should be abolished.


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Sorry. I smacked my own hand for going off on a tangent.

Why do religious people see science as a threat? I think it is because they don't understand it and they are afraid it will destroy their beleifs. There are many examples where religion has hindered the progress of science to protect false beliefs. What beliefs do you have that you are affraid of being proven wrong?

None! I don't have problem with science at all. My biggest problem is I'm not communicatimng my point, or more likely people are misreadiung my statements based on their own personal biasis.

I think science is good. I was simply stating that we use the misuse and abuse of religion as a reason it is bad. I think it is unfair to do that, just as it would be unfair to label science as bad because of its misuse and abuse.


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Sorry. I smacked my own hand for going off on a tangent.

Why do religious people see science as a threat? I think it is because they don't understand it and they are afraid it will destroy their beleifs. There are many examples where religion has hindered the progress of science to protect false beliefs. What beliefs do you have that you are affraid of being proven wrong?

None! I don't have problem with science at all. My biggest problem is I'm not communicatimng my point, or more likely people are misreadiung my statements based on their own personal biasis.

I think science is good. I was simply stating that we use the misuse and abuse of religion as a reason it is bad. I think it is unfair to do that, just as it would be unfair to label science as bad because of its misuse and abuse.

Which religion?

Almost all of them are certainly wrong. Should mystical incorrect belief systems be placed on a pedestal.

Science is correct, it towers on its own merit.

Religion takes credit for a lot of stuff it doesn't necessarily induce, morals is a good example. Did you know that Atheists are massively underrepresented in prison populations?

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Did you know that Atheists are massively underrepresented in prison populations?


I am going to have talk to my local atheist represtative and make sure we get our people into all the local prisons so that we are well represented!


Just in case. Please note the heavy sarcasim that is associated with this post.

also I know of no atheist organizations nor have ever looked for one. None are needed.

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you got ITTOTALLY BACKWARDS, RELIGION is what has caused all the things you mention. go forth and subdue the world and have dominion over it. the anti thesis of living in harmony with nature the way the natives on this continent did(for millenia) prior to the arrival of christianity on this continent.

lk 19:27 bring all who will not have me as king, before me and slay them before me.

the excuse every sect of christianity has used to destroy anything in opposition to it,

romans 13:1-7
CHRISTIAN FASCISM no matter how much the believers deny it!
we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively

wishers never choose, choosers never wish

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