
Ban porn on internet port 80?

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nope. The commercial viability was established with email. Lots of porn BBS's existed and met the smut need.

While email is one of the killer apps of the net, so is http (and I would say they are the only 2 at this point). Email is not generating the revenues the porn industry is online. When's the last time you selected a internet service based on their email service? Paid for Yahoo Plus lately?

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yes DARPA 'created' the Internet, but Porn paid for and paved its advancement and development.

Like I asked the others, give me any specific examples of advancement or development.

Paying the bills at a couple ISPs doesn't cut it.


Without Porn a good portion of the poeple who NOW use the internet would have never learned how to use a computer in the first place and the growth of the internet would have been significantly slower

another dubious claim. 'Would never have learned to use a computer.?'

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nope. The commercial viability was established with email. Lots of porn BBS's existed and met the smut need.

While email is one of the killer apps of the net, so is http (and I would say they are the only 2 at this point). Email is not generating the revenues the porn industry is online. When's the last time you selected a internet service based on their email service? Paid for Yahoo Plus lately?

Oh, I'm not disputing that porn rakes in serious money online. Look at the 12M paid for sex.com's domain. Nor that millions (approaching billions) look for porn.

But made the internet what it is? Nope. It's just a very big use of it.

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My third thought was, does the government have any standing whatsoever when it comes to regulating the internet? To the best of my knowledge, they have no say in what people do and don't do on the net with regard to ports or any other technology.

It looks like this is yet another bill sponsored by some crazy feminists, who alleges that "porn degrades women", and is immoral.
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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But made the internet what it is? Nope. It's just a very big use of it.

Porn has been on the leading edge since early on tho, incl ascii art :).

Pushing porn off port 80 dodges the point tho, I suspect much of non-porn content would follow it. Porn being such an ambiguous concept when you get down to it, content providers will follow the path of least resistance and head to the least regulated quarters, at least I wouldn't be surprised if this were to happen in response. Diluting the value of the label.

Hell, maybe we /should/ pursue this fruitlessly a few times so it gets drilled into people's heads.

Porn here != porn there.
s/porn/obscenity/g; s/obscenity/offensive/g; s/offensive/objectionable/g; s/objectionable/adult/g; etc
My advice is to do what your parents did; get a job, sir. The bums will always lose. Do you hear me, Lebowski?

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yes DARPA 'created' the Internet, but Porn paid for and paved its advancement and development.

Like I asked the others, give me any specific examples of advancement or development.

Paying the bills at a couple ISPs doesn't cut it.

allowing an website hosted out of one's house to turn into a multimillion dollar hosting company certainly does....

and yes i personally know at least 10 people who initially bought their computers for porn and gaming... they are by no means alone...

its the 'moral geeks' who are in the dark about where the funding for development really comes from. If there isnt potential for massive profits the research simply doesnt happen.. find another industry with the profit margins found in porn... hell virtual reality is still being driven more by the porn industry than anyone else.. infact i'll easily wager 10 jump tickets that the first widespread commercial use of anything approaching 'virtual reality' is for porn...

google cyber dildonics sometime....
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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My third thought was, does the government have any standing whatsoever when it comes to regulating the internet? To the best of my knowledge, they have no say in what people do and don't do on the net with regard to ports or any other technology.

It looks like this is yet another bill sponsored by some crazy feminists, who alleges that "porn degrades women", and is immoral.

Well, as it's coming out of Utah, I'd have to guess that it's actually religious conservatives, not feminists, pushing for this. Most of the feminists I know tend to be more criticize the consumer of the smut, not the peddler. Or such is my experience.

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It looks like this is yet another bill sponsored by some crazy MORMONS, who alleges that "porn degrades women", and is immoral.

Fixed it for ya...B|

It's mostly a political move by our governor. Even those in his own office don't support it, and I don't think he does either. Regardless, he wins. Mitt Romney is expected to make some large statement on this subject in the next coupla weeks. Politics make the world go 'round. I wonder how much cash the adult industry gives to the political machine.
Obviously not enough.

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Like I asked the others, give me any specific examples of advancement or development.

Paying the bills at a couple ISPs doesn't cut it.

allowing an website hosted out of one's house to turn into a multimillion dollar hosting company certainly does....

and yes i personally know at least 10 people who initially bought their computers for porn and gaming... they are by no means alone...

its the 'moral geeks' who are in the dark about where the funding for development really comes from. If there isnt potential for massive profits the research simply doesnt happen.. find another industry with the profit margins found in porn... hell virtual reality is still being driven more by the porn industry than anyone else.. infact i'll easily wager 10 jump tickets that the first widespread commercial use of anything approaching 'virtual reality' is for porn...

google cyber dildonics sometime....

so still nothing? Just as assertion of scale, but no actual development or support of new technology? Cyber dildos and sex machines are fine, but I don't see them being used by the rest of the internet users.

I worked all over Silicon Valley when netscape came into existence. They all existed on the internet. All of them evolved to using the net, or the net was their business. They covered high tech, finance, scientific research, information, etc...

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Well, as it's coming out of Utah, I'd have to guess that it's actually religious conservatives, not feminists, pushing for this.

That's even worse than feminists. Or the same. Both seems to be kind of people who try to force others to follow their beliefs without proving any harm. The bad thing is that Congress will now waste some time discussing this useless bill (which won't pass anyway) instead of doing some real work.


Most of the feminists I know tend to be more criticize the consumer of the smut, not the peddler.

LOL. I still haven't met a feminist who'd dare to criticize me :)
* Don't pray for me if you wanna help - just send me a check. *

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