
A question for the Pro-Iraq-War people:

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The presence of coalition forces will end when the terrorists are completely beaten.

You can't beat the terrorists because they don't have a single leader who can tell them to stop fighting.

Stop pretending this is a conventional war against a single entity.

Each terrorist has his own personal jihad. There's no master terrorist who will sign a peace treaty & make them all stop fighting as one.

So how EXACTLY can you think there will be a point where "all the terrorists are beaten?"

when in history has that ever worked??
Speed Racer

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Are there armed American troops keeping "order" on the street corners in Tokyo today? Berlin? There are in Baghdad.

There were occupation forces in both those countries for quite a few years afterwards.

Yea, just imagine what would have happened if Iraq had actually attacked us..... geez.

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The presence of coalition forces will end when the terrorists are completely beaten.

You can't beat the terrorists because they don't have a single leader who can tell them to stop fighting.

Stop pretending this is a conventional war against a single entity.

Each terrorist has his own personal jihad. There's no master terrorist who will sign a peace treaty & make them all stop fighting as one.

So how EXACTLY can you think there will be a point where "all the terrorists are beaten?"

when in history has that ever worked??


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any particular reason why would we want to stay there for decades?

Profits for the defense industry?

I wish we would staop calling it defense spending, as teh only people attacking us were unorganized fools with box cutters. Why can;t we call it offense spending?

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Still, noone has anwered the question, apart from saying we'll have some presence in Iraq for decades. I assume he meant not the full force we have there now.

So what specific milestone must be passed for us to bring some or most of our troops home?

I think it's important to have this nailed down in specific terms if we are to make decisions about how to proceed from this point forward.

The milestone will be the chimp out of office, no replacement chimp (McCain, Guliani) and a dem to remove us.

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OK as I explained before then, what would have to happen for us to bring MOST of our troops home???

(and by the way, what if we the taxpayers don't want to pay for a garrison of the entire world??)

since when has the wishes of the taxpayers gotten in the way of the government?

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any particular reason why would we want to stay there for decades?

Profits for the defense industry?




Free Enterprise? :ph34r:

Yea, the US is a free enterprise, just ask all the union workers who Reagana nd GW bush have told to stay at work or have your union contract b nullified. Real free, huh?

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>The presence of coalition forces will end when the terrorists are
>completely beaten.

Then there will never be an end to the occupation. We will have a permanent occupation in what will effectively be a US territory. There has been terrorism since the 1700's; there will be terrorism for as long as there are people who can be scared.

>Stop attempting to provide them with a time table to exploit against us!

Stop guaranteeing them a training ground for learning to kill americans!

>However, they can win thru the main stream media and conventional wisdom!

Of course. It's not the poor decisions of our leaders that is causing the current quagmire - it's the press! And the democrats, of course. Don't forget to get some blame going on them.

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The milestone will be the chimp out of office, no replacement chimp (McCain, Guliani) and a dem to remove us.

I will probably vote Democrat in 2008, but at this point I'd take even a Republican, so long as the next administration would have a little bit more, well,
Speed Racer

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The milestone will be the chimp out of office, no replacement chimp (McCain, Guliani) and a dem to remove us.

I will probably vote Democrat in 2008, but at this point I'd take even a Republican, so long as the next administration would have a little bit more, well,

Both the front-runners are pro-war, so there is no choice unless you are indifferent about the war.

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I have a questions for everyone....

Was Iraq under oppression from a Saddam and his two sons?

Just curious to see what everyone thinks

Yes, documented oppression by Saddam against his own people.

and to answer the original thread question, remaining in Iraq wouldn't even be on the table if Saddam would NOT have INVADED neighboring KUWAIT the first time!!!!! [not directed at you, just venting]

I guess we should have just stood around while they mass murdered more people? Who the fuck was gonna help, the Middle East coalition!

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I have a questions for everyone....

Was Iraq under oppression from a Saddam and his two sons?

Just curious to see what everyone thinks

Yes, documented oppression by Saddam against his own people.

and to answer the original thread question, remaining in Iraq wouldn't even be on the table if Saddam would NOT have INVADED neighboring KUWAIT the first time!!!!! [not directed at you, just venting]

I guess we should have just stood around while they mass murdered more people? Who the fuck was gonna help, the Middle East coalition!

We stood around for mass murder in a bunch of other places - but they had no oil.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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{looks to the left} nope, don't see anybody fitting the bill there

{looks to the right} no one there either


Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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>{looks to the left} nope, don't see anybody fitting the bill there
>{looks to the right} no one there either

Comment from a Bush aide to a reporter in 2004:
The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

Thought that was funny.

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When have we not helped?

I don't recall a US led invasion of Sierra Leone, Sudan or Liberia, just to name 3 places that come immediately to mind.

Sierra Leone, a former British Colony, had its militia and rebels disarmed by the UK and the UN. President Clinton ordered the US Navy to deploy to Sierra Leone and be ready to aid in evacuation efforts.

Liberia, in 2003, we sent a team to assess for a peacekeeping mission. (http://www.cnn.com/2003/WORLD/africa/07/04/liberia.us/index.html). The UN then followed to disarm the factions in the civil war. In 1990 Operation Sharp Edge, we evacuated American citizens.

No direct action in Sudan.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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No direct action in Sudan.

Apparently, the UN is doing a specatular job of keeping tabs on that "developing" situation. >:(

So we should invade!

Ya think?

Well, to satisfy everyone, oil is their primary export. Their main trading partner is China. I think that if the US were more involved economically, we would then be more likely to intervene politically or militarily.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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