
S.C. Iraq solution think tank

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Unfortunately the targets will just shift from US Forces to the littler tribe or less funded group in the region.

We the US, with some help from others, kicked open a hornets nest and didn't know we would suffer from anaphalactic shock when the hornets kicked back.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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>Unfortunately the targets will just shift from US Forces to the littler
>tribe or less funded group in the region.

I would suggest that perhaps half the insurgents will just plain give up, since they've lost many of their targets. The various insurgency groups will no longer be able to claim that they are "defending the country from invaders." They'll lose their best marketing took.

The remainder will continue killing "the other guy" as they're doing right now. Sunni vs Shi'a or vice versa. But we have been lauding the success of the Iraqi military/police forces for two years now. If we cut the level of violence in half by departing, they'd have a much better shot of containing it.

>We the US, with some help from others, kicked open a hornets nest
> and didn't know we would suffer from anaphalactic shock when the
> hornets kicked back.

That's an interesting analogy. To extend it, though, what do you do after you kick that first nest? Do you keep kicking hornet's nests, or do you go back in your house and wait for them to calm down before you try something else?

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"That's an interesting analogy. To extend it, though, what do you do after you kick that first nest? Do you keep kicking hornet's nests, or do you go back in your house and wait for them to calm down before you try something else?"

Isn't that a text book definition of insanity?;)
An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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>Isn't that a text book definition of insanity?

I submit that this is not so much insanity, because that would mean that none of the military objectives of the past few years were executed with any reason or forethought.

Here is my argument; in the initial phases of the "War on terror" The president was presented with the idea of invading Iraq, here is a chronology

The president bought into the ideology of the national security strategy(NSS 2002) which states that America will use its MILITARY and ECONOMIC power to encourage free and open societies.

In my mind, (and i am trying very hard to be objective)
thats how you build an empire; exercising military and economic force in foreign lands to gain control of them.

Why would a country do this? maybe to gain access to valuable resources?

I am not saying that freeing the Iraqi people wasn't good enough incentive to kick the hornets nest, I am saying that oil and the installation of a strategic military presence in the center of the oil rich Middle East might be the underlying reason.

war strategy crazy? maybe, crazy like a fox.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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In my mind, (and i am trying very hard to be objective)
thats how you build an empire; exercising military and economic force in foreign lands to gain control of them.

Why would a country do this? maybe to gain access to valuable resources?

Hey now it worked pretty good for Alexander.....not so much for the less well endowed leaders who have followed him.

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>not so much for the less well endowed leaders who have followed him.
:D dayaam, you are such a bad girl.

Anyway, the hydrocarbon law is an interesting development, let the bidding begin- at least other nations can get a piece too.

Maybe they'll want to join the coalition after they get a taste.

Biodiesel now, lower fuel prices later.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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Unfortunately the targets will just shift from US Forces to the littler tribe or less funded group in the region.

We the US, with some help from others, kicked open a hornets nest and didn't know we would suffer from anaphalactic shock when the hornets kicked back.


To use another analogy, having dug himself into a deep hole, the CinC calls for a bigger shovel.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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You know, I was worried that Bush hadn't thought this surge thing through. But fortunately for our troops, he has:

In an interview, Pelosi also said she was puzzled by what she considered the president's minimalist explanation for his confidence in the new surge of 21,500 U.S. troops that he has presented as the crux of a new "way forward" for U.S. forces in Iraq.

"He's tried this two times — it's failed twice," the California Democrat said. "I asked him at the White House, 'Mr. President, why do you think this time it's going to work?' And he said, 'Because I told them it had to.' "

Asked if the president had elaborated, she added that he simply said, " 'I told them that they had to.' That was the end of it. That's the way it is."

And all you liberals thought that it was a bad idea!

If the escalation fails to achieve results, perhaps he could threaten to stamp his foot. That usually solves the problem.

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You know, I was worried that Bush hadn't thought this surge thing through. But fortunately for our troops, he has:

In an interview, Pelosi also said she was puzzled by what she considered the president's minimalist explanation for his confidence in the new surge of 21,500 U.S. troops that he has presented as the crux of a new "way forward" for U.S. forces in Iraq.

"He's tried this two times — it's failed twice," the California Democrat said. "I asked him at the White House, 'Mr. President, why do you think this time it's going to work?' And he said, 'Because I told them it had to.' "

Asked if the president had elaborated, she added that he simply said, " 'I told them that they had to.' That was the end of it. That's the way it is."

And all you liberals thought that it was a bad idea!

If the escalation fails to achieve results, perhaps he could threaten to stamp his foot. That usually solves the problem.

Stamping your foot in a quagmire is never a good idea.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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If the escalation fails to achieve results, perhaps he could threaten to stamp his foot. That usually solves the problem.

Maybe he will hold his breath until he turns RED.. since he would never get caught looking [BLUE]BLUE[/BLUE].. he is after all the quintessential RED.. state kind of guy.

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