
Soldiers speak up

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>A demonstrated narrow view . . .

Wide view: Soldiers have their own varying viewpoints, and are entitled to them

Narrow view: Soldiers support the war, period, and if they don't they are crazy/stupid. "Al Franken started this war with his flying saucer" - "they should be ashamed of themselves" - "did they think they'd be serving milk and cookies?"

>Yes, all of those view points are out there . . .

Indeed they are.

>you put it in the context that there is no majority view point again . . .

I think Skyrad did a good job of putting the majority view in perspective:

"Soldiers know what they are fighting for, and its f**k all to do with politics and everything to do with the man covering your back."

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As Bill says, all of us who have been there have a different view of the way things are going, all of our views are based on experience in different areas and have diferent ways of determining success or failure over there. From the interaction I had with soldiers over there outside my unit the ones who usually don't think too highly of what's going on are the ones that really don't get out to see what's going on and are just disgruntled at the fact that they actually had to do their job. I am sure, however that there are plenty of solders out there who have been in positions to really get a good feel for how things are going and still don't see the whole situation in a positive light, as for the ones in the letter posted at the beginning of this thread, I don't know them, or their experience so I am not going to comment on that. Overall, soldiers are scattered on both sides of the fence just as much as civilians are, it's just that for the most part the ones protesting the war are being more outspoken about it and getting all the media attention, those of us who still hold the belief that there is hope, as slight as it may be for the most part don't make big issues about it, we just do our jobs and stay away from the media and the exposure they offer.
History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Wide view: Soldiers have their own varying viewpoints, and are entitled to them

I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one, I have had the viewpoint that I shold be able to have long sideburns for years and my viewpoint keeps getting shutdown by the powers that be at least once a week:P

History does not long entrust the care of freedom to the weak or the timid.
--Dwight D. Eisenhower

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Like my mustache come over idea?
Or the casual war day? Hula shirts on the towers!

I think for the quoted soldiers to be taken seriously there needs to be a little more clarification. I now there are some of the 18,000 that just returned home here who don't agree with why we are there or how we are doing. But I think this is more "out of context" or "leading questions answered" testimony. It is just a gut feeling and I may be wrong.

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Rebecca--26 years old. 101st Airborne, US Army. Just returned from Iraq. Stationed at Fort Hood, Texas:

I'm going to call bullsh*t already. The 101st Airborne is based out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The 4th Infantry Division is based at Fort Hood, Texas.


About 40 percent of my unit were stop-lossed.

There is no unit anywhere, where nearly half of the personnel need to be stop-lossed. No MOS is so hurting that they cannot re-fit during dwell time to allow those that are to ETS to leave..

BOTH Active Stryker BDE's were at one point stop lossed Completely.. it wasnt MOS specific...

as to the other details i expect the same level of accuracy as the media gets in anything else "chute failed to open" sound familiar?..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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Rebecca--26 years old. 101st Airborne, US Army. Just returned from Iraq. Stationed at Fort Hood, Texas:

I'm going to call bullsh*t already. The 101st Airborne is based out of Fort Campbell, Kentucky. The 4th Infantry Division is based at Fort Hood, Texas.


About 40 percent of my unit were stop-lossed.

There is no unit anywhere, where nearly half of the personnel need to be stop-lossed. No MOS is so hurting that they cannot re-fit during dwell time to allow those that are to ETS to leave..

BOTH Active Stryker BDE's were at one point stop lossed Completely.. it wasnt MOS specific...

as to the other details i expect the same level of accuracy as the media gets in anything else "chute failed to open" sound familiar?..

That doesn't mean anything if there were only 200 people in each brigade who were due to ETS or come under orders of re-assignment within a 90-180 day period. As Stryker BDEs are line units, it makes sense that there would be stop loss issued at some point, it may be a 100% stop loss, but that doesn't mean it's 100% of the unit being affected.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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no 100% of the active Stryker BDEs were stop lossed. NO SEPERATION FOR ANY REASON (other than Criminal Charges)

you are spliting hairs by implyig the entire unit wasnt frozen simply because only a portion was due to change over...

oh and btw.. some units (particularly MI) were over 50% in stop loss at points as they were mostly composed of shortage MOS's..
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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no 100% of the active Stryker BDEs were stop lossed. NO SEPERATION FOR ANY REASON (other than Criminal Charges)

you are spliting hairs by implyig the entire unit wasnt frozen simply because only a portion was due to change over...

oh and btw.. some units (particularly MI) were over 50% in stop loss at points as they were mostly composed of shortage MOS's..

Units are not built without staggering ETS and other assignment criteria. Especially line units. A Brigade of 5000 troops does have a 100% personnel make-up where all are due to come under orders, or ETS within the same period of time. I know it sounds like splitting hairs, but it's not. Most units will receive deployment orders between 3-9 months out - the command will freeze the units at that time. While it is applied to the whole unit, the only people it affects may be those that are due to receive orders or ETS, that does not comprise the whole unit.
So I try and I scream and I beg and I sigh
Just to prove I'm alive, and it's alright
'Cause tonight there's a way I'll make light of my treacherous life
Make light!

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