
How Jesus Stole Christmas

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Many and many year ago, in a kingdom in the north, before Jesus was born, and Buddha was born, and Mohammed was born, there were the pagans, scorned.

During these time the people of Siberia put evergreen trees in their houses as hope for the future months. As it was far far too cold to be outside, it was also a time to be close to one's family. As traditions came and went, the winter became a time to spend with loved ones, to remember the past, and to look forward to the future.

Then Jesus came along and was crucified. The people of his time decided to use the winter traditions as a way to remember his life and as a way to have hope for the Second Coming, and so began to call the 25th Christmas, or 'More Christ', for our non-Spanish-speaking friends.

And hence, Jesus stole Christmas.
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Then Jesus came along and was crucified. The people of his time decided to use the winter traditions as a way to remember his life and as a way to have hope for the Second Coming, and so began to call the 25th Christmas, or 'More Christ', for our non-Spanish-speaking friends.


The suffix -mas evolved from the Old English word
maesse meaning "festival" or "feast day"

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Then Jesus came along and was crucified. The people of his time decided to use the winter traditions as a way to remember his life and as a way to have hope for the Second Coming, and so began to call the 25th Christmas, or 'More Christ', for our non-Spanish-speaking friends.


The suffix -mas evolved from the Old English word
maesse meaning "festival" or "feast day"

Right, but the Old English word stems from the Spanish word because festivals and feasts are all about "more". Back in those days the Spanish were very powerful and had big feasts with lots of food and drink, and so the from that the Spanish word "mas" turned into the English suffix "-mas" for festival/feast.
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Jesus is Christ. Christ-Mass. December 25th. used when the roman empire swapped it in for Saturnalia.

solstice is December 20 or 21.

anyway, who gives a shit?

If you love Jesus, you will celebrate his birth. Even if it didn't happen on Dec 25, that's when you celebrate it. Get used to it. That's the way it is.

If you don't like it, stuff it up your ass sideways & have your own holiday. It's a free country, but you don't have the right NOT to be offended.
Speed Racer

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Scheeeze all these people living in the past ......

It's not about some aledged virgin birth (yeah right[:/] like THAT happened) nor is it about giving (or receiving).... it's about PROFIT (no not that Profit:) but PRO£IT) ..... we've hijacked this period as a Consumer Based Retail Festival.... Time moves on people, get over it:P

Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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anyway, who gives a shit?

If you love Jesus, you will celebrate his birth. Even if it didn't happen on Dec 25, that's when you celebrate it. Get used to it. That's the way it is.

If you don't like it, stuff it up your ass sideways & have your own holiday. It's a free country, but you don't have the right NOT to be offended.

Right on dude. You're the only sensible guy about this whole subject! I don't get why people are so strung out about this whole Christmas or Christian issue. Just move on already!
What do protesters want? Dead cops! When do they want it? Every 2 weeks!

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Then Jesus came along and was crucified. The people of his time decided to use the winter traditions as a way to remember his life and as a way to have hope for the Second Coming, and so began to call the 25th Christmas, or 'More Christ', for our non-Spanish-speaking friends.


The suffix -mas evolved from the Old English word
maesse meaning "festival" or "feast day"

Right, but the Old English word stems from the Spanish word because festivals and feasts are all about "more". Back in those days the Spanish were very powerful and had big feasts with lots of food and drink, and so the from that the Spanish word "mas" turned into the English suffix "-mas" for festival/feast.

Old English didn't evolve from Spanish.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Scheeeze all these people living in the past ......

It's not about some aledged virgin birth (yeah right[:/] like THAT happened) nor is it about giving (or receiving).... it's about PROFIT (no not that Profit:) but PRO£IT) ..... we've hijacked this period as a Consumer Based Retail Festival.... Time moves on people, get over it:P

Mary was only a virgin if you don't count anal. :o

Don't take life too seriously. You'll never get out alive.

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