
Video Is a Window Into a Terror Suspect’s Isolation

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That's right! I'm saying the same people who are arguing for a suspension of major portions of the Bill of Rights are the same ones that would have been hanging the blacks and burning the witches.

I guess the same could be said of the people who rant about all our civil rights being taken away and who claim we're unbearable close to becoming a Fascist police state. ;)

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That's right! I'm saying the same people who are arguing for a suspension of major portions of the Bill of Rights are the same ones that would have been hanging the blacks and burning the witches.

I guess the same could be said of the people who rant about all our civil rights being taken away and who claim we're unbearable close to becoming a Fascist police state. ;)

Explain how that fits?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I guess the same could be said of the people who rant about all our civil rights being taken away and who claim we're unbearable close to becoming a Fascist police state

Here you may want to take a look at this....It sure LOOKS and FEELS like fascism.:([:/]

One key part of Propaganda is it has to have some truth to it.

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That's right! I'm saying the same people who are arguing for a suspension of major portions of the Bill of Rights are the same ones that would have been hanging the blacks and burning the witches.

I guess the same could be said of the people who rant about all our civil rights being taken away and who claim we're unbearable close to becoming a Fascist police state. ;)

Explain how that fits?

It's about extremeists that aren't representative of mainstream America.

BTW Burning witches in the colonies is a myth.

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It's about extremeists that aren't representative of mainstream America.

Gee like the whole group of PNAC whackos that have taken over this government... they obviously have little use for mainstream american values....just the extreme right that put them in power.

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It's about extremeists that aren't representative of mainstream America.

Gee like the whole group of PNAC whackos that have taken over this government... they obviously have little use for mainstream american values....just the extreme right that put them in power.

A "group of PNAC whackos" have taken over the government of The United States of America? :o

When did this happen?

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The date was January of 2001... they are in almost every position of power in this administration. From Day one they were trying to find an excuse to invade Iraq.. per their New American Century marching orders.>:(

Thousands of americans have died to enrich these bastages... but that seems ok with those of you on the right.:S:S:S

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The date was January of 2001... they are in almost every position of power in this administration. From Day one they were trying to find an excuse to invade Iraq.. per their New American Century marching orders.>:(

Thousands of americans have died to enrich these bastages... but that seems ok with those of you on the right.:S:S:S

Who is behind it all? The Trilateral Commission? The Illuminati? The Freemasons? The Rothschilds? Bilderbergs? Ninjas?

What does go on at Bohemian Grove, anyway?

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Who is behind it all? The Trilateral Commission? The Illuminati? The Freemasons? The Rothschilds? Bilderbergs? Ninjas?

What does go on at Bohemian Grove, anyway?

You tell me... you seem to support their vision of a New America.

I haven't a clue what they're about. The only things I know about them is what I picked up on Alex Jones website, a few years ago. It was all very amusing.

I'd be interested to read how my views support theirs.

I'm guessing that my views (based on my posts, here) are quite different from what you imagine they are.

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>I haven't a clue what they're about.

The PNAC was a think tank that came up with a conservative "plan for the new american century." You may recognize some of its members -
William Kristol, Richard Armitage, William J. Bennett, Jeb Bush, Dick Cheney, Lewis "Scooter" Libby, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, and Paul Wolfowitz. Their goal was to "to shape a new century favorable to American principles and interests" through strong interventional policies. "American leadership is good both for America and for the world . . .such leadership requires military strength, diplomatic energy and commitment to moral principle."

They advocated for regime change in Iraq, to secure a stable democratic 'beachhead' in the Middle East - but they did not think this would happen quickly enough. "The process of transformation," they said, "even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event — like a new Pearl Harbor."

They got their Pearl Harbor - and they implemented their plan.

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Would you rather be held captive by muslim terrorists or a prison in the USA (ya we find 50 dead bodies excuted the nite before in USA every morning) dahhhhhhhh.......You guys just can't digest facts can ya.........:S:S:S
"Anything I've ever done that ultimately was worthwhile initially scared me to death."

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Would you rather be held captive by muslim terrorists or a prison in the USA (ya we find 50 dead bodies excuted the nite before in USA every morning) dahhhhhhhh.......You guys just can't digest facts can ya.........:S:S:S

Once again the "They're worse than us so everything we do is fine" defense comes up from the right.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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A "group of PNAC whackos" have taken over the government of The United States of America? :o

When did this happen?

Six years ago. That's who they're talking about when they say "neocon". Search the forums for PNAC. Or go here:
Things are looking up though. The republican party is (hopefully) now realizing the errors of letting that bunch call the shots.

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A "group of PNAC whackos" have taken over the government of The United States of America? :o

When did this happen?

Six years ago. That's who they're talking about when they say "neocon". Search the forums for PNAC. Or go here:
Things are looking up though. The republican party is (hopefully) now realizing the errors of letting that bunch call the shots.

And Democrats control both houses of Congress. I guess this supposed takeover isn't all it's hyped up to be. :o

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That's right! I'm saying the same people who are arguing for a suspension of major portions of the Bill of Rights are the same ones that would have been hanging the niggers and burning the witches.

Every society has a good number of such people. It's up to those with a greater capacity for rational thought and ability to see further down the road to stop them before they destroy what you state you want to protect.

Okay, I've seen some really big stretches in SC, but this one takes the cake!!
I'm hardly a neocon, I never insulted you, yet you direct completely outrageous comments toward people who disagree with you. Rather than engage in a (somewhat) civil discussion you rant and insult, that is typical for someone who can't make an actual point. Your comments indicate that you feel intellectually superior, I'd at least expect something a little more clever.

"Just 'cause I'm simple, don't mean I'm stewpid!"

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Six years ago. That's who they're talking about when they say "neocon". Search the forums for PNAC. Or go here:
Things are looking up though. The republican party is (hopefully) now realizing the errors of letting that bunch call the shots.

And Democrats control both houses of Congress. I guess this supposed takeover isn't all it's hyped up to be. :o

Something about rats leaving a sinking ship comes to mind;)
We all (globally) would have been better off if they hadn't gotten on that ship in the first place.

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A "group of PNAC whackos" have taken over the government of The United States of America? :o

When did this happen?

Six years ago. That's who they're talking about when they say "neocon". Search the forums for PNAC. Or go here:
Things are looking up though. The republican party is (hopefully) now realizing the errors of letting that bunch call the shots.

And Democrats control both houses of Congress. I guess this supposed takeover isn't all it's hyped up to be. :o

You can't fool the people all of the time. The PNAC agenda has been a dismal failure. The Iraq Study Group Report pretty much confirms it. We have acheived no worthwhile goal in Iraq, we have destabilized the region, made Iran and Syria more influential, lost 2,900 troops, injured 21,000 more, killed uncounted tens of thousands of Iraqis, spent $400B (and rising) to make ourselves look weak and incompetent, and pissed off our traditional allies.

I guess some of us can say "I told you so" now.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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That's right! I'm saying the same people who are arguing for a suspension of major portions of the Bill of Rights are the same ones that would have been hanging the niggers and burning the witches.

Every society has a good number of such people. It's up to those with a greater capacity for rational thought and ability to see further down the road to stop them before they destroy what you state you want to protect.

Okay, I've seen some really big stretches in SC, but this one takes the cake!!
I'm hardly a neocon, I never insulted you, yet you direct completely outrageous comments toward people who disagree with you. Rather than engage in a (somewhat) civil discussion you rant and insult, that is typical for someone who can't make an actual point. Your comments indicate that you feel intellectually superior, I'd at least expect something a little more clever.

I understand that you sincerely don't get it. :(
"O brave new world that has such people in it".

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I'm not part of the vast right wing conspiracy, I just make observations based on my experience.
If you think Katrina was bad, just wait until a dirty bomb or worse hits a major American city or event, Marshall Law is the least of our worries.

Hell I am thinking they have done litte to really stop that sort of thing.. perhaps so an attack CAN occur.. then they can declare MARTIAL LAW... like they have been planning to do for a while... ALL OVER THIS COUNTRY not just in the place where it will occur.... that gets rid of silly little details like the Bill of Rights that they have fought so hard against since January of 2000>:(

When people rate Lincoln and Roosevelt as great presidents, civil liberties are not mentioned. Wilson, a champion of womens rights was probably worse in civil liberties. All three served in time of war. You only have to read history to compare how President Bush is doing compared to other presidents. I believe the majority of Americans think he is doing fine.

A majority of Americans (87%) believe wishes come true. Fifty-five percent believe they will not come true if they tell someone about it. :S

Your point?


Well, what's your point? I must admit I voted for Bush. Sometimes you get what you wish for and I'm telling. I don't like everything he has done, but when it comes to homeland security, I'm going along with what he's done so far. At least he hasn't brought back the Sedition Act of 1918. If so, Speaker's Corner would be long gone, and we would be getting a knock at the door. Under that act, you could not even critize the flag. The Sediton Act was in addition to the Espionage and Sabotage Act.

My point is popularity is not a valid measure of what is right thing to do. When they burned the witches and hung the niggers, who do you think 'they' were? Evil, bad people? For the most part, no. They were people with limited insight and vision who get swept up in the emotions of the moment ...much like our prolific neo-con posters here.

That's right! I'm saying the same people who are arguing for a suspension of major portions of the Bill of Rights are the same ones that would have been hanging the niggers and burning the witches.

Every society has a good number of such people. It's up to those with a greater capacity for rational thought :P and ability to see further down the road to stop them before they destroy what you state you want to protect.

I'm not into fortune telling. Saying what people might have done 200 years ago plus/minus is pure guesswork. I guess if you had an argument with your parents in Salem, Mass over homework, there is no way you would have called them witches as a spiteful teenager. Right? I urge you to look up the the family trees of the Lincolns, Roosevelts, Wilsons, and Bushes and tell us whose who in the lynching and witch business. Maybe it still runs in the family.:P
Do your part for global warming: ban beans and hold all popcorn farts.

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