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I guess one way to study this matter is to look percentage of english-as-a-second-language Americans for each year, over the last 50 years.

I'm guessing that figure has climbed dramatically over the last 15 years.

If it has climbed, one possible hypothesis would be that more non-English speaking immigrants are coming into the United States.

Another possible hypothesis would be that more immigrants are attempting to actively learn English.

Yet another possible hypothesis is that more classes are available, and so immigrants are taking advantage of an opportunity not previously available, or at least as widely available.

Still another possible hypothesis would be that there are more immigrants, and the percentage of immigrants that take ESL classes has largely remained unchanged.

I'm sure there are other possible explanations.
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http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/cor/Pubs/eolep.htm Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 13166 that makes us officially multilingual. It does this by making a person's choice of language a civil right. Any person can walk into any government office, federal, state, or local, or any hospital or doctor's office, demanding to be addressed in the language of their choosing or they can sue for violation of civil rights. Doesn this just encourage immigrants to retain their ethnic identity? Doesn't this encourage them to blow off all reasons to learn English? If immigrants are here to become Americans why is this law needed?
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http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/cor/Pubs/eolep.htm Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 13166 that makes us officially multilingual.

No it doesn't.

It does this by making a person's choice of language a civil right.

No it doesn't.

Any person can walk into any government office, federal, state, or local, or any hospital or doctor's office, demanding to be addressed in the language of their choosing or they can sue for violation of civil rights.

Also not correct.

Doesn this just encourage immigrants to retain their ethnic identity? Doesn't this encourage them to blow off all reasons to learn English? If immigrants are here to become Americans why is this law needed?

You're partly mischaracterizing and partly overstating, both the substance of the executive order and the potential consequences of non-compliance. Additionally, the executive order references and incorporates separately-published DOJ guidelines, the specifics of which cannot be discerned from the executive order.

The effect of the executive order is simply to provide some reasonable protocol by which non-English speakers who are otherwise entitled to government services can avail themselves of those services, notwithstanding their non-proficiency in English. In other words, it says that a person's non-proficiency in English may not be used by a government department as an insurmountable barrier to effectively deprive them of services to which they are entitled.

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http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/cor/Pubs/eolep.htm Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 13166 that makes us officially multilingual. It does this by making a person's choice of language a civil right. Any person can walk into any government office, federal, state, or local, or any hospital or doctor's office, demanding to be addressed in the language of their choosing or they can sue for violation of civil rights. Doesn this just encourage immigrants to retain their ethnic identity? Doesn't this encourage them to blow off all reasons to learn English? If immigrants are here to become Americans why is this law needed?

So are you saying we need a national language in the United States? If so, I vote for Chinese. It seems to offer more potential for increased precision in communications.

Seriously, I don't see a need for a national language, English or otherwise. The mindset that knowing English is enough is a cultural weakness. Knowing multiple languages offers glimpses into other cultures. Those glimpses help us better understand those who may not be like us. Understanding other cultures is preferable to fearing other cultures, which is the case all too often today.

(Maybe Frenchy can chime in; IIRC he is multi-lingual.)

Furthermore, I believe additional languages should be learned very early, so a level of fluency is reached before secondary school. Kids learn additional languages with the same part of their brains as used for learning their native tongue. Adults use a different part of the brain, making learning more difficult.

I think it would be a very difficult to support the assertion that immigrants don't make efforts to learn English. It is pretty rare that I meet immigrants that can't speak the language at all.
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Ok. How would a business or agency provide "reasonable" steps to ensure meaningful access to a program or service to a group of 20 different LED (limited english proficiency) people without providing an interpreter for each individual. Is this reasonable? If not, could they be legally turned down. I don't think the, "Hi, glad your're here, but we don't understand you. Go home" is reasonable.
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>Seriously, I don't see a need for a national language, English or otherwise.

I agree. We seem to be able to communicate just fine.

>The mindset that knowing English is enough is a cultural weakness.

Yep. In addition, we're currently upset that we are losing business to people overseas. Intentionally making us less able to deal with foreign businesses doesn't make much sense if we want to stanch the flow of jobs out of this country.

"Hmm, I want to make widgets and sell them all over the world. Do I want that Indian company to handle this? They have people in their sales unit that speak 17 languages. Or do I want a company where everyone speaks only english, and gets offended when someone doesn't?"

>I think it would be a very difficult to support the assertion that immigrants
>don't make efforts to learn English.

A good overview on this is "why don't they speak english?" by Lucy Tse.

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Ok. How would a business or agency provide "reasonable" steps to ensure meaningful access to a program or service to a group of 20 different LED (limited english proficiency) people without providing an interpreter for each individual. Is this reasonable? If not, could they be legally turned down. I don't think the, "Hi, glad your're here, but we don't understand you. Go home" is reasonable.

Here's some FAQs published. Please note, they are written Goobledygook. If you don't understand that, you may be entitled to an interpreter. Unless you're not.



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Ok. How would a business or agency provide "reasonable" steps to ensure meaningful access to a program or service to a group of 20 different LED (limited english proficiency) people without providing an interpreter for each individual. Is this reasonable? If not, could they be legally turned down. I don't think the, "Hi, glad your're here, but we don't understand you. Go home" is reasonable.

Here's some FAQs published. Please note, they are written Goobledygook. If you don't understand that, you may be entitled to an interpreter. Unless you're not.



Written by Pentecostalists?

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http://www.usdoj.gov/crt/cor/Pubs/eolep.htm Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 13166 that makes us officially multilingual. It does this by making a person's choice of language a civil right. Any person can walk into any government office, federal, state, or local, or any hospital or doctor's office, demanding to be addressed in the language of their choosing or they can sue for violation of civil rights. Doesn this just encourage immigrants to retain their ethnic identity? Doesn't this encourage them to blow off all reasons to learn English? If immigrants are here to become Americans why is this law needed?

Where does it say Americans speak English? Do they?

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Is that the law that required any physician receiving medicare or medicaid payments to provide a translator for anyone seaking medical care?

That was some well thoughtout legislation. Doctors accepting government money were faced with taking on additional (ridiculous) costs or doing away with that part of their business, which involved telling many aging patients, who they'd taken care of for 30 or 40 years aging, "too bad", "see ya", "have a good life" and "good luck on finding a new doctor willing to accept minimally insured, ailing senior citizens."

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Ok. How would a business or agency provide "reasonable" steps to ensure meaningful access to a program or service to a group of 20 different LED (limited english proficiency) people without providing an interpreter for each individual. Is this reasonable? If not, could they be legally turned down. I don't think the, "Hi, glad your're here, but we don't understand you. Go home" is reasonable.

Here's some FAQs published. Please note, they are written Goobledygook. If you don't understand that, you may be entitled to an interpreter. Unless you're not.



Yep, lots of gobbledygook that pertains mostly to gov agencies. In the private sector, the healthcare system is concerned that if a doctor treats just one LEP Medicare patient, he comes under EO 13166. This means he is required to identify what language each patient speaks and then to find professional translators fluent in that language. Time lost finding a translator could cause death of a patient and a lawsuit. Most doctors I know would do everything to help a LEP patient without EO13166.
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Last Updated: Wednesday, 5 January, 2005, 17:42 GMT

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Mohammed enters top boys' names

Jack has been the most popular name for the last 10 years
Mohammed has become one of the most popular names for baby boys in England and Wales.
It entered the top 20 most commonly chosen names for 2004 baby boys for the first time ever, according to the Office for National Statistics.


Mohammed dropped 3 places in 2005, it's now #23 in the UK.

It's predicted to move up to first place by years end.

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