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Finally, some sense is being discussed in the area of
education. Now that school kids are starting to off each
other like it's the national pastime one lawmaker has
stood up and proposed an idea that we have all probably
been thinking about anyway...arming teachers with guns.

Wisconsin state representative Frank Lasee wants to make
it legal for teachers and other staff to carry guns. The
Republican realizes his proposal is extreme. But, he says
it's a concept that has worked well in other countries,
like Israel and Thailand, so why not Wisconsin?

Why not indeed?

"When you can make someone think twice about doing some-
thing like that or be very concerned about 'Gee, I don't
know what classroom is going to have someone who's armed
and who may return fire' I think that's a good thing,"
says Lasee.

I'd like to see some little punk waltz into a classroom
and start waving around his daddy's service revolver when
he knows Ms. Crabapple is packing a .357 caliber stainless
steel Smith & Wesson in her girdle.

And imagine what it would do for attendance, tardiness and
grade point averages. Sure, to start out with you're going
to have a lot of flesh wounds, maybe a few limbs blown off,
do you know how hard it is to graze an eight-year-old arm
with a large caliber round? But pretty soon the little
bastards would start to get the idea. And think of the
benefits! Teachers could deliver lines like, "Go ahead,
do your homework." while staring down the barrel of a .45
semi-automatic. How cool would that be?

So my recommendation is to write a letter immediately to
your congressman or woman and demand that teachers be
given the right to carry concealed weapons in the class-

And in the meantime you can start by beating your little
ankle-biters regularly.
if fun were easy it wouldn't be worth having, right?

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Laughing out loud. I agree wholeheartedly

Many years ago when I went to High School in a small Missouri town, it was normal during hunting season for students and teachers to park in the school lot with full rifle racks in their pickups. They would go hunting together before and after school. It was normal and never an issue.

Now if a little kid sticks out his finger and thumb and says "Bang" they get expelled and sent to counseling.

My how times have changed!:(

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My how times have changed!

And not for the better, either.

I love how the anti's think that simply have a weapon is going to magically turn sweet Ms. Crabapple into a raving lunatic throwing lead all over the school.

Here's a thought for the friggin moonbat moron crowds - if you think a teacher would deliberately harm a child if they were allowed to carry a weapon, just *MAYBE* you might want to get your child out of that school!!
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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Laughing out loud. I agree wholeheartedly

Many years ago when I went to High School in a small Missouri town, it was normal during hunting season for students and teachers to park in the school lot with full rifle racks in their pickups. They would go hunting together before and after school. It was normal and never an issue.

Now if a little kid sticks out his finger and thumb and says "Bang" they get expelled and sent to counseling.

My how times have changed!:(

First day of hunting season was not an excused absence at my high school, but you weren't expected to be there either...B|

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My how times have changed!

And not for the better, either.

I love how the anti's think that simply have a weapon is going to magically turn sweet Ms. Crabapple into a raving lunatic throwing lead all over the school.

Here's a thought for the friggin moonbat moron crowds - if you think a teacher would deliberately harm a child if they were allowed to carry a weapon, just *MAYBE* you might want to get your child out of that school!!

Ok lets keep it funny tex..like how libs feel safer with a homo or trangender with their child than with Ivan the Hunter. weapons bad,rainbows good:ph34r:
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My how times have changed!

And not for the better, either.

I love how the anti's think that simply have a weapon is going to magically turn sweet Ms. Crabapple into a raving lunatic throwing lead all over the school.

Here's a thought for the friggin moonbat moron crowds - if you think a teacher would deliberately harm a child if they were allowed to carry a weapon, just *MAYBE* you might want to get your child out of that school!!

Ok lets keep it funny tex..like how libs feel safer with a homo or trangender with their child than with Ivan the Hunter. weapons bad,rainbows good:ph34r:

Unless, evidently, it's a Republican rainbow!! :D:D:D
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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