
Mark Foley

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A call for Hastert's resignation came in an editorial that appeared in Tuesday's edition of the Washington Times, which was available online late Monday.

"House Speaker Dennis Hastert must do the only right thing, and resign his speakership at once," the editorial says.

Washington Times - bastion of liberalism (NOT).

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Wriggle and squirm, wriggle and squirm...

You wish.

I understand it is really difficult when you're out of power, it wasn't easy for conservatives either.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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OK, let’s summarize. Our representatives are scum, but so are yours. Furthermore, we always resign, while you libs don’t. Really? How about Iran/Contra; how many resignations were there? OH, that’s right, there were no convictions / admissions, until Reagan said, well, it appears there were guns traded for hostages, oh well, no one knows who did it. Meanwhile Ollie North jacked everyone off and was himself exonerated. So let’s keep things clear before we use the broadest of brushes.

Now, back to, “our reps are scum, but so are yours.” That means zero. If yours are scum, they’re scum. If ours are, they are. I think it stings more when yours are since they are the party of moral reform. It really makes them a joke and renders much of what they say/do meaningless when they pound the pulpit and then squeeze 16yo asses, which is why Dems pull it off more gracefully; they don’t legislate against it with such vehemence.

As for pardons, Regan pardoned about as many as Clinton, so let’s go wash our windows of our glass house.

As Rush Limbaugh noted Monday,…

And Al Franken said…….

Let’s stick to facts rather than extreme partisan comments from pundits, k?

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Selective moral outrage.

Studds even got 3 standing ovations from his party members in congress, I guess their way of complimenting him for 'being tough - sticking it out' or something like that. :D

First, before billvon puts words in my mouth Foley is scum and will get what he has coming to him.

This one is going to be fun to watch. The selective aoutrage is a political hit job at worst (but Foley is still scum) but, if as some reports are starting to sugest, that some dem operatives had the IM's for over two years this one is going to backfire like nothing we have ever seen. Still has to play out, still may not be the case but one has to wonder.

Please stay tuned.......

Wishful thinking. You hope it backfires the way I hope these gas prices backfire in teh faces of the Repubs.

We'll see the thruth.

Some reports suggest? Still listening to LImbaugh too much? Perhaps Fox? Let the thruth find its way to the surface. Until then, go on what we know and that is that Hassert knew from the start as well as other Repubs. Again, there's this resounding, "we're scum but so are you" reitteration that you keep repeating, then denying.

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OK, let’s summarize. Our representatives are scum, but so are yours. Furthermore, we always resign, while you libs don’t. Really? How about Iran/Contra; how many resignations were there? OH, that’s right, there were no convictions / admissions, until Reagan said, well, it appears there were guns traded for hostages, oh well, no one knows who did it. Meanwhile Ollie North jacked everyone off and was himself exonerated. So let’s keep things clear before we use the broadest of brushes.

Now, back to, “our reps are scum, but so are yours.” That means zero. If yours are scum, they’re scum. If ours are, they are. I think it stings more when yours are since they are the party of moral reform. It really makes them a joke and renders much of what they say/do meaningless when they pound the pulpit and then squeeze 16yo asses, which is why Dems pull it off more gracefully; they don’t legislate against it with such vehemence.

As for pardons, Regan pardoned about as many as Clinton, so let’s go wash our windows of our glass house.

As Rush Limbaugh noted Monday,…

And Al Franken said…….

Let’s stick to facts rather than extreme partisan comments from pundits, k?

Nice twist on this but lets keep to just this one. Media asks Repubs to resign but Dems are not.

OK, I get it:S
"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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go on what we know and that is that Hassert knew from the start as well as other Repubs.

Bullshit. He knew of the original emails, and so did 3 Florida newspapers that found them to not be newsworthy.

This "knew from the start" crap should end.

It really is a bitch for the dems that their lies can't go unchallenged anymore. The popularity of alternative media sources is not good news for them. Very threatening indeed.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Selective moral outrage.

Studds even got 3 standing ovations from his party members in congress, I guess their way of complimenting him for 'being tough - sticking it out' or something like that. :D

First, before billvon puts words in my mouth Foley is scum and will get what he has coming to him.

This one is going to be fun to watch. The selective aoutrage is a political hit job at worst (but Foley is still scum) but, if as some reports are starting to sugest, that some dem operatives had the IM's for over two years this one is going to backfire like nothing we have ever seen. Still has to play out, still may not be the case but one has to wonder.

Please stay tuned.......

Wishful thinking. You hope it backfires the way I hope these gas prices backfire in teh faces of the Repubs.

We'll see the thruth.

Some reports suggest? Still listening to LImbaugh too much? Perhaps Fox? Let the thruth find its way to the surface. Until then, go on what we know and that is that Hassert knew from the start as well as other Repubs. Again, there's this resounding, "we're scum but so are you" reitteration that you keep repeating, then denying.

Get your tin foil hat on, oh, here comes the choppers, runs, run

"America will never be destroyed from the outside,
if we falter and lose our freedoms,
it will be because we destroyed ourselves."
Abraham Lincoln

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OK, let’s summarize. Our representatives are scum, but so are yours. Furthermore, we always resign, while you libs don’t. Really? How about Iran/Contra; how many resignations were there? OH, that’s right, there were no convictions / admissions, until Reagan said, well, it appears there were guns traded for hostages, oh well, no one knows who did it. Meanwhile Ollie North jacked everyone off and was himself exonerated. So let’s keep things clear before we use the broadest of brushes.

Now, back to, “our reps are scum, but so are yours.” That means zero. If yours are scum, they’re scum. If ours are, they are. I think it stings more when yours are since they are the party of moral reform. It really makes them a joke and renders much of what they say/do meaningless when they pound the pulpit and then squeeze 16yo asses, which is why Dems pull it off more gracefully; they don’t legislate against it with such vehemence.

As for pardons, Regan pardoned about as many as Clinton, so let’s go wash our windows of our glass house.

As Rush Limbaugh noted Monday,…

And Al Franken said…….

Let’s stick to facts rather than extreme partisan comments from pundits, k?

Nice twist on this but lets keep to just this one. Media asks Repubs to resign but Dems are not.

OK, I get it:S

1) What twist

2) I'm responding to things you wrote about Clinton's pardons and many other Dems actions you find despicable, so how is it that I went away from topic?

It must be tough to have no reply for the abhorent behavior of your reps.....

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go on what we know and that is that Hassert knew from the start as well as other Repubs.

Bullshit. He knew of the original emails, and so did 3 Florida newspapers that found them to not be newsworthy.

This "knew from the start" crap should end.

It really is a bitch for the dems that their lies can't go unchallenged anymore. The popularity of alternative media sources is not good news for them. Very threatening indeed.

So now newspapers are credible sources of internal investigation? Please quit changing shoes, because if I post a Washimgtom Post article that differs, they're just a bunch of liberals. I think it's fair to believe that Hassert and many of teh Repubs knew early on. They prob didn't want the Dems to know.

Which lies are no longergoing unchallenged? Which lies did they slide thru before?

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It must be tough to have no reply for the abhorent behavior of your reps.....

No reply?

The reply was swift and very clear - he had to go.

What was the reply from dem leadership for similar abhorent behavior? It was not so swift, not so clear - they could stay. :D
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Get your tin foil hat on, oh, here comes the choppers, runs, run

Here come the one-liners and anecdotes..... beats addressing what I wrote.

I feel bad for you guys, not being able to defend teh substabce of issues.... perhaps if we get intopower for a decade we'll change hats.

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So now newspapers are credible sources of internal investigation? Please quit changing shoes, because if I post a Washimgtom Post article that differs, they're just a bunch of liberals. I think it's fair to believe that Hassert and many of teh Repubs knew early on. They prob didn't want the Dems to know.

3 newspapers. Do you doubt that these newspapers would love to have such a juicy story to fill their pages?

Why is it "fair to believe that Hastert and many of the repubs knew early on"? I think you just want to believe that, and as this story that seemed so ripe for dems, the story they have falsely hyped starts to fall apart and the real story starts to come out...

Lies that no longer go unchallenged: such as forged docs from CBS, Kerry's war record, accusations of rape and sexual assault against Clinton, and the beat goes on...
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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It must be tough to have no reply for the abhorent behavior of your reps.....

No reply?

The reply was swift and very clear - he had to go.

What was the reply from dem leadership for similar abhorent behavior? It was not so swift, not so clear - they could stay. :D

No, Rush posted about all the dems who did wrong, pardons, etc..... then I replied and he avoided teh entire post and threw in a one-liner. Now you want to call it clear and concise. Riiiiiiiight. Neither one of you will post about Foley, it's more of, "we're scum, so are you."

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Neither one of you will post about Foley, it's more of, "we're scum, so are you."

I don't understand what you think is missing.

Who has defended Foley? He has been universally condemned. That is a done deal.

A comparison to how dems have handled nearly similar instances is worth examining, I think. I understand that liberals would rather continue to avoid that.

Now, the dems are trying to get everyone to believe the repub leadership knew about the IMs when there is nothing to indicate that. It is more likely, I think, that dems will turn out to have know of the IMs for some time before getting it out in the public. That is just my prediction, we will see.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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So now newspapers are credible sources of internal investigation? Please quit changing shoes, because if I post a Washimgtom Post article that differs, they're just a bunch of liberals. I think it's fair to believe that Hassert and many of teh Repubs knew early on. They prob didn't want the Dems to know.

3 newspapers. Do you doubt that these newspapers would love to have such a juicy story to fill their pages?

Why is it "fair to believe that Hastert and many of the repubs knew early on"? I think you just want to believe that, and as this story that seemed so ripe for dems, the story they have falsely hyped starts to fall apart and the real story starts to come out...

Name the papers. I'll gove you a start:
1) Christian Science Monitor

(just a guess):P

Seriously, which papers? Post article.


Why is it "fair to believe that Hastert and many of the repubs knew early on"? I think you just want to believe that, and as this story that seemed so ripe for dems, the story they have falsely hyped starts to fall apart and the real story starts to come out...

We are all soldiers of the media, we just choose which papers to believe based upon our politics. Just as with Iran/Contra, Lewisnsky and soooo many others, where there's smoke there's fire. Let's be real, these people knew, you're going to lose seats in the house and Senate and the power will shift, pendum will swing.

But it's so nice to read all the outpouring from the right about potential harm to the child.... party of a heart of stone.....

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He does not
understand what you are trying to tell him:|.

That is what is wrong with most lefties in today's world.

You want to test? Ask Kallend:D:D:D:D
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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Neither one of you will post about Foley, it's more of, "we're scum, so are you."

I don't understand what you think is missing.

Who has defended Foley? He has been universally condemned. That is a done deal.

A comparison to how dems have handled nearly similar instances is worth examining, I think. I understand that liberals would rather continue to avoid that.

Now, the dems are trying to get everyone to believe the repub leadership knew about the IMs when there is nothing to indicate that. It is more likely, I think, that dems will turn out to have know of the IMs for some time before getting it out in the public. That is just my prediction, we will see.

It's not what's missing, it's what is surplus. Instead of focusing on the IM's, the merits, the hard to the child, you throw in a 5-word admission and then roll on to a 3 paragraph diatribe about how Clinton pardoned whom and all the Dems who have done wrong.....

I interject that the right is saying, "we're scum, so are you" and now you ask what's missing.

OK, how about delving into Foley, examining instead of a summary denial of what Foley did. But no, we need a smoke screen so we'll bring in Clinton's pardons.


A comparison to how dems have handled nearly similar instances is worth examining, I think. I understand that liberals would rather continue to avoid that.

This thread's title is "Foley" so I was thinking wecould post of all the dems indiscretions under a thread entitled, "Dems are moral predators" or something like that. God knows there are certainly enough of those on here.

But no, you want to cover your boy, so you use this thread as a smokescreen for your boy by interjecting paragraph after another about the Dems, while failing to even address the well-being of the child.

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Name the papers. I'll gove you a start:
1) Christian Science Monitor

(just a guess)

Seriously, which papers? Post article.

My memory is not what it used to be, but I remember one as the Miami Herald, can't remember the other two, they were similar "some city - tribune whatever", but not the Christian Science Monitor.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Neither one of you will post about Foley, it's more of, "we're scum, so are you."

I don't understand what you think is missing.

Who has defended Foley? He has been universally condemned. That is a done deal.

A comparison to how dems have handled nearly similar instances is worth examining, I think. I understand that liberals would rather continue to avoid that.

Now, the dems are trying to get everyone to believe the repub leadership knew about the IMs when there is nothing to indicate that. It is more likely, I think, that dems will turn out to have know of the IMs for some time before getting it out in the public. That is just my prediction, we will see.

It's not what's missing, it's what is surplus. Instead of focusing on the IM's, the merits, the hard to the child, you throw in a 5-word admission and then roll on to a 3 paragraph diatribe about how Clinton pardoned whom and all the Dems who have done wrong.....

I interject that the right is saying, "we're scum, so are you" and now you ask what's missing.

OK, how about delving into Foley, examining instead of a summary denial of what Foley did. But no, we need a smoke screen so we'll bring in Clinton's pardons.


A comparison to how dems have handled nearly similar instances is worth examining, I think. I understand that liberals would rather continue to avoid that.

This thread's title is "Foley" so I was thinking wecould post of all the dems indiscretions under a thread entitled, "Dems are moral predators" or something like that. God knows there are certainly enough of those on here.

But no, you want to cover your boy, so you use this thread as a smokescreen for your boy by interjecting paragraph after another about the Dems, while failing to even address the well-being of the child.

Foley is a scumbag. Everyone agrees. End of thread, then. No need to discuss any further.

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He does not
understand what you are trying to tell him:|.

That is what is wrong with most lefties in today's world.

You want to test? Ask Kallend:D:D:D:D

I fully understand they are trying to dillute the wrongdoings of Foley with former Dem wrongdoings. LOUD AND CLEAR.

Now, on to discover the potential damage to teh child, then the possibility that this child could grow up to be a Foley, or worse, a Republican. :P

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This thread's title is "Foley" so I was thinking wecould post of all the dems indiscretions under a thread entitled, "Dems are moral predators" or something like that. God knows there are certainly enough of those on here.

But no, you want to cover your boy, so you use this thread as a smokescreen for your boy by interjecting paragraph after another about the Dems, while failing to even address the well-being of the child.

No smokescreen. None needed. The repub leadership could not have been more harsh with him.

If the dems had not assumed that the repubs knew of the later IMs previously, if they had not rushed to call for resignations before they knew what was going on, if they had not gleefully tried to score political points where none should be scored, then we wouldn't be having this cyber argument.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Looks more likely that you still have issue grasping the fact that no one is dilluting anything about Foley. Everyone is agreeing with him resigning, and being under ivestigation. Now is this loud and clear enough for u?:S

And about the teenager, I would think he is more likely to hate the republican party. Or grow up to be a ted kennedy.
"According to some of the conservatives here, it sounds like it's fine to beat your wide - as long as she had it coming." -Billvon

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