
Smoke pot and drive in Michigan will cost you

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Jeez. After reading that can anyone give me a credible reason why cannabis is illegal while alcohol and tobacco aren't? (And that is without even touching the medical benefits)

Side note - I don't smoke pot.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Depends on if your only definition of dangerous is something that causes death. A visit to your local N.A. meeting might change your perspective.

Umm, how many people at NA meetings are addicted to pot?
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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Depends on if your only definition of dangerous is something that causes death. A visit to your local N.A. meeting might change your perspective.

The facts contained in my post are from the U.S. Government and 5000 years of documented history.


Marijuana/Hemp is the worlds most versatile plant.
One acre of hemp equates four acres of trees. Unlike alcohol (includes beer) and narcotics (marijuana is not a narcotic) no one has ever died of an overdose.
Marijuana has unlimited medical value. I personally can attest to this as it has helped me to keep some weight on my body. It has been more than one week since I have smoked. I have not eaten in nearly 7 days. No desire to eat at this time. If I were to smoke, I'd be eating.
Skydiving is astronomicaly more dangerous than smoking marijuana. Should it be outlawed? If it were, would you still jump if you thought that you could do so without being detected?
I suggest that you follow the links at Jack Herer's website and get the facts.
Hope you learn something.
"...And once you're gone, you can't come back
When you're out of the blue and into the black."
Neil Young

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Depends on if your only definition of dangerous is something that causes death. A visit to your local N.A. meeting might change your perspective.

Umm, how many people at NA meetings are addicted to pot?

Have you ever been to a meeting and asked them that question?

I believe that most NA atendees have other drug problems on top of weed but that is mostly my opinion. Here is something for ya:

Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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I've seen enough Ozzie Osbournes to form my opinion. Substance abuse will cause mental and physical deteriation whether it is alcohol, pot, heroin, meth etc.

I have no problem with someone using whatever drugs they want in their own home. What I object to is the requirement that I support their mental and physical problems as they age. Ask any therapist what % of their patients are former drig addicts.

Perhaps we need to have a law that would require someone to obtain a "users" insurance policy so that society isn't burdened with their choice to medicate themselves. Would you support such a law if it meant you could smoke pot?

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From the site.


Q: How can there be marijuana addicts if marijuana is not addicting?

A: "We who are marijuana addicts know the answer to this question. Marijuana controls our lives! We lose interest in all else; our dreams go up in smoke. Ours is a progressive illness often leading us to addictions to other drugs, including alcohol.

Our lives, our thinking, and our desires center around marijuana---scoring it, dealing it, and finding ways to stay high" (Life With Hope, p. xi).

Based on our own experiences, we who seek recovery in MA generally consider ourselves to be marijuana addicts. Whether or not our addiction is psychological, physical, or both, matters little. When it comes to the use of marijuana, we have lost the power of choice. It is strictly up to the individual to decide whether he or she feels addicted to marijuana. MA has no opinion about marijuana itself one way or another. Marijuana Anonymous exists solely to provide a means of recovery to the suffering addict who seeks help.

Apparently they believe marijuana is addicting. Whether or not they are addicted to other drugs is debatable. What is clear is they are addicted to pot and feel this is the only solution to their addiction. I don't believe anyone who smokes pot will become addicted anymore than I believe anyone who uses pot will necessarily go on to using more powerful drugs. What I do know is that very few heroin, crack or meth addicts started using those drugs before they started smoking pot.

I also believe there is something missing in someones life that makes them feel the need to self medicate.

So the age old question is which came first?

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You could apply that 'users' permit to a dozen other activities. Let's say you like to drink, well if you have more than 7 drinks in a week then you might need to get another permit for excessive drinking. How about a BMI cut-off. If you're BMI is over 25 then you are considered overweight and more prone to getting sick so let's raise your health insurance premium. IMO this law is BS. If you want to make the streets safer ban people from talking on the cell phones while driving or introduce laws that require you to use a hands-free head set. Next time you are driving just look to see how many people are talking while driving, it's pretty damn scary.

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You could apply that 'users' permit to a dozen other activities. Let's say you like to drink, well if you have more than 7 drinks in a week then you might need to get another permit for excessive drinking. How about a BMI cut-off. If you're BMI is over 25 then you are considered overweight and more prone to getting sick so let's raise your health insurance premium. IMO this law is BS. If you want to make the streets safer ban people from talking on the cell phones while driving or introduce laws that require you to use a hands-free head set. Next time you are driving just look to see how many people are talking while driving, it's pretty damn scary.

I have no problem with that. In fact insurance premiums are usually set based on a persons lifestyle. I'm assuming you have life insurance that covers you if you die skydiving, right?

Many jurisdictions have already banned cell phone use while driving. I support this measure. I'm tired of some idiot cutting me off because he too damned caught up in his conversation to look where he's going.

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Substance abuse will cause mental and physical deteriation whether it is alcohol, pot, heroin, meth etc.

Abuse and use are two different things.


I have no problem with someone using whatever drugs they want in their own home. What I object to is the requirement that I support their mental and physical problems as they age. Ask any therapist what % of their patients are former drug addicts.

How do you do that?


Perhaps we need to have a law that would require someone to obtain a "users" insurance policy so that society isn't burdened with their choice to medicate themselves. Would you support such a law if it meant you could smoke pot?


Never give too much personal information about yourself to any company that's going to put it into a computer. This information is entered by the hand of low payed workers. Mistakes happen. Unfortunately, once it's in the computer, authority figures take it as fact.
We are all engines of karma

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Depends on if your only definition of dangerous is something that causes death. A visit to your local N.A. meeting might change your perspective.

I'm missing your point. You've linked danger and N.A. together here. Why?

I'm simply saying that the criteria of something being dangerous shouldn't just be that it causes death. By that standard a product that merely maims it's user isn't dangerous because it doesn't kill him.

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What I do know is that very few heroin, crack or meth addicts started using those drugs before they started smoking pot.

You're probably right.


I also believe there is something missing in someones life that makes them feel the need to self medicate.

Uhm, is beer included in your definition of self medicate? You don't drink beer?

Regarding other forms of self medication, there's alot of people out there in America that have had really horror-story childhoods.

I met a man when I lived in San Francisco. Got to know him pretty well. His senior year in high school, he was the top basketball prospect in the state. His basketball skills were unbelievable.

Know why?

He slept in the gym. Because his Dad was a raging, violent alcoholic. This person's Dad would tie him to the bed posts and beat his back with a belt until it bleed. Then, he'd go get salt and throw it in the wounds.

Frank could dribble basketballs up and down stairs all night. Plus, since his adrenaline system worked really well he was a pretty tough guy on the court.

Frank's drug of choice was vodka.


So the age old question is which came first?

God always makes a rainbow. I think there's more than one answer to that question.
We are all engines of karma

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I have no problem with that. In fact insurance premiums are usually set based on a persons lifestyle. I'm assuming you have life insurance that covers you if you die skydiving, right?

Insurance companies do not have current data for their pricing mechanisms. You're showing a trust in a "system" here that's surprising me, Gravitymaster.
We are all engines of karma

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'm simply saying that the criteria of something being dangerous shouldn't just be that it causes death. By that standard a product that merely maims it's user isn't dangerous because it doesn't kill him.

So, how does this apply to driving in Michigan two days after having a toke?
We are all engines of karma

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Substance abuse will cause mental and physical deteriation whether it is alcohol, pot, heroin, meth etc.


Abuse and use are two different things.

So where do you draw the line? To abuse you must first use. (Johnny Cochran voice)


I have no problem with someone using whatever drugs they want in their own home. What I object to is the requirement that I support their mental and physical problems as they age. Ask any therapist what % of their patients are former drug addicts.


How do you do that?

Register as a drug user and you can buy it legally.


Perhaps we need to have a law that would require someone to obtain a "users" insurance policy so that society isn't burdened with their choice to medicate themselves. Would you support such a law if it meant you could smoke pot?



Never give too much personal information about yourself to any company that's going to put it into a computer. This information is entered by the hand of low payed workers. Mistakes happen. Unfortunately, once it's in the computer, authority figures take it as fact.

gee, your resolve to use drugs fell apart that easily? ;)

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I have no problem with that. In fact insurance premiums are usually set based on a persons lifestyle. I'm assuming you have life insurance that covers you if you die skydiving, right?

Insurance companies do not have current data for their pricing mechanisms. You're showing a trust in a "system" here that's surprising me, Gravitymaster.

I'm not showing trust at all. I have insurance that covers me while skydiving and while riding my motorcycle. It's very expensive, but insurance company pricing is what it is. Can't pay, don't play.

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Uhm, is beer included in your definition of self medicate? You don't drink beer?

Nope. As previously stated, I don't use any form of alcohol or mind altering, illegal drugs. I don't disparage anyone who does. It's a personal choice. I do think many who use drugs and alcohol are kidding themselves as to the potential damage they can do to their body and mind, though.

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Ask any therapist what % of their patients are former drig addicts.

Ask any pulmonologist or oncologist what % of their patients are former smokers. Or internal medicine guys about the effects of longerm alcohol use. Or just about any doctor what % of their patients suffer from effects of obesity or lack of exercise.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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Where if you get stopped and tested and they find THC or other illegal drugs in your system that you will be charged with a DUI. As a reminder THC stays in the body for like 30 days.

1) You should be charged with a DUI.
2) THC stays in the blood stream for 90 days, not 30.
3)Don't smoke the rotten shit, and you'll have no worries.
4) No one would be infringing on your rights if they did bust you for a DUI for having THC in you system because it is a controlled substance.
5) "Just say NO to Drugs"

That was easy enough....Right?


Here's a great one: making it hard for people to go to work since they cant drive to work.

I call BS on this statement. If someone gets caught driving DUI, it's hardly anyone other than them selves that's making life hard on themselves. Be a "Player, not a Victem"


But if they want to do drugs let them, just as long as they are not working with me or jumping with me.

Very intelligent remark! :)
Better study up on the stays in your system fo 90 days part>http://cocaine.org/drugtestfaq/index.html;)>1.1 Halflife of TetraHydraCannabinol: The halflife of THC concentration
ranges between 0.8 to 9.8 days. There is too much human variation to even
approximate how long THC will be detected in the urine of an individual.
Infrequent users with a fast metabolism will have the shortest detection
time. Frequent users with a slow metabolism will have long detection
times. The only way to estimate a detection time is to consider the lower
and upper bounds (3-30 days), and decide based on the factors I've
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Better study up on the stays in your system fo 90 days part>http://cocaine.org/drugtestfaq/index.htmlWink
what can not be remedied must be endured

I believe they were talking about THC, the active component in pot.


Goldenseal (plant) is useless; yet it's the most common thing for people to use.

We are all engines of karma

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Better study up on the stays in your system fo 90 days part>http://cocaine.org/drugtestfaq/index.htmlWink
what can not be remedied must be endured

I believe they were talking about THC, the active component in pot.


Goldenseal (plant) is useless; yet it's the most common thing for people to use.


Jeez.Go back and read the article. It's about all drugs even Golden seal. Sheesh:P
I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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Better study up on the stays in your system fo 90 days part>http://cocaine.org/drugtestfaq/index.htmlWink
what can not be remedied must be endured

I believe they were talking about THC, the active component in pot.> this help ya>Better study up on the stays in your system fo 90 days part>http://cocaine.org/drugtestfaq/index.html>1.1 Halflife of TetraHydraCannabinol: The halflife of THC concentration
ranges between 0.8 to 9.8 days. There is too much human variation to even
approximate how long THC will be detected in the urine of an individual.
Infrequent users with a fast metabolism will have the shortest detection
time. Frequent users with a slow metabolism will have long detection
times. The only way to estimate a detection time is to consider the lower
and upper bounds (3-30 days), and decide based on the factors I've


Goldenseal (plant) is useless; yet it's the most common thing for people to use.


I hold it true, whate'er befall;
I feel it, when I sorrow most;
'Tis better to have loved and lost
Than never to have loved at all.

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