
My Emergency Room Visit

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Well, it was tasteless, but it was also a little funny. Tasteless isn't always a bad thing. We are skydivers after all. (check out Sarah Silverman for some very tasteless and very funny stuff.)

Thank you, glad to see a liberal admit they can find some humor in some non-political correct jokes. I'm not racist, but I love cultural jokes. I think what this world lacks is a sense of humor (all races). Why can't we joke about certain things without assuming there is hate behind them. Another good example Dave Chappelle. He makes fun of everyone, whites, blacks, mexicans, asians. But its funny because he's in a minority.

I have no guilt in making cultural jokes, because I love everyone anyway. Except black people.

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>I just don't see how that was so tasteless.

Well, it was tasteless, but it was also a little funny. Tasteless isn't always a bad thing. We are skydivers after all. (check out Sarah Silverman for some very tasteless and very funny stuff.)

The joke was tasteless with a point. Here's another one, and no doubt this will *really* get some accusations of racism thrown at me.

Q: What do you call a white man surrounded by 3000 blacks.
A: Warden

No doubt the PC crowd will shout racism at the top of their lungs, but like the joke that started this thread it points to some ugly and complex social problems that nobody really wants to deal with--not the conservatives, not the liberals, and certainly not the PC crowd.

That's the beauty of jokes like that.


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Except black people.

Before anyone has a stroke, that was a joke too.

Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton just chartered a jet and are on their way to your house. Expect a weeks worth of protests and be prepared to write a huge check to the Rainbow Coalition. Your employer will also require you to take a racial sensitivity class.

Good luck, you'll need it.

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That called ethnic sensitivity class!

You know what's hilarious is, I've actually had to take one of those at work.

There is a good friend of mine at work that is Mexican, oops sorry Hispanic I mean. Gonna save his identity and call him Juan Martinez. One night I had to page him over the system and as a joke I said "Juan Louise Jose Hernando Gomez Martinez the third, please call extension 1246". He thought it was hilarious, but a couple other people didn't and reported me. Thus I had to take the class. What bothers me though, is he was the only Mexican guy that was there when I did this. Good thing that some politically correct person is feeling righteous enough to look out for my friend and knock the haters like me.

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>Q: What do you call a white man surrounded by 3000 blacks.
>A: Warden

"So I was going out with this black guy. Well, he was half black. It was going OK, you know, for a while. Then we broke up, because I'm such a fucking bitch, and I can't . . . Wow. You know, I listen to myself, and man am I negative. I shouldn't be so negative. He was half white."

"I told that joke about Mexicans being smelly and I got all this hate mail. After one of my shows this Mexican woman came up to me and said 'we don't smell!' And it really touched me. It made me sad, in a way, because I had to tell her, you know, 'you can't smell yourself.' "

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She is really funny, and truly tasteless with some of her stuff.


My neice called me the other day and she said, "Aunt Sarah, we're studying the Holocaust in school, and did you know that Hitler was responsible for the deaths of sixty million Jews?" I said, "Oh sweetheart, I think you misheard. Hitler was responsible for the deaths of SIX million Jews, not SIXTY million. Because SIXTY million... would be unforgivable."


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***You know what's hilarious is, I've actually had to take one of those at work.


I had to take one also. The instructor got mad when I said "I dont hate him because he's Chinese, I just think he's an asshole". The guy I was refering to was my roomate and to this day a very good friend. We all got a good laugh out of it but the instructor was pissed.
If you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck!

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Have you done that lately, or at anytime in your life? Why not?

You know the answer - b/c I was LUCKY enough to have been born into this country.

Stangely enough, I see no animosity toward a country and government that fails to provide these services to their citizens only hatred for those citizens that try to get the services by whatever means possible, including risking their own lives.

I don't see the animosity from you either - Why not work on a solution for them instead of wasting time here?
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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. . . but who cares. Would we all be racist if it was Canadians that had the effed up govt instead.

See that just wouldn't work - if the Canadians can brew some "Decent"(Notice i didn't say good) Beer:D then the mexicans can - but they don't - so - yeah - fuck'em.:ph34r:
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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