
Jeb Bush for President? I dont think so!

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I think that every time I see something about Hillary running, too.... B|

I'd love to see someone like Ron Paul take a run at it, I think the amount of support he would get might surprise people...
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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The statement about a "legacy" is really stupid.

Jeb should be considered, or not, based on his qualifications and potential job performance. If he chooses to run. What has he done with his positions, etc? Does the voter think it's good, bad, effective?

We are supposed to take people as individuals.

You get no bonus points added for your last name, brother or father.
You get no penalty points added for your last name, brother or father.

Relation or marriage to a president means zero in terms of qualification for the job, to me. It only reflects on ignorant voters that think in terms of royalty, etc. It's another form of ignorant prejudice to let his name alone affect a vote one way or the other.

"legacy":S what a stupid thing in terms of politics.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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I want to see Gulliani take a stab at it. I think he'd do a great job.

Why because he relocated the homeless people in times square across town and he was mayor DURING 9/11? He really didnt do anything. He's a "hero" by default.

John McCain has more experience and would be a much better choice...

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Of the three Bush folks in politics, I think he would be the best by far and away. Not this year though.

Well no, because this year isn't presidential election.:S

The media just stated that Jeb's term ends in 08 and due to term limits he cannot run again in Florida. SO you think massive debt and runaway spending that both Bush's have demonstrated is better than what Hillary would offer up? Tough argument to make, as the Bush twins (with a Reagan kicker) will be responsible for 70%+ of the entire national debt by Jan 2009. Tough argument.......

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The statement about a "legacy" is really stupid.

Jeb should be considered, or not, based on his qualifications and potential job performance. If he chooses to run. What has he done with his positions, etc? Does the voter think it's good, bad, effective?

We are supposed to take people as individuals.

You get no bonus points added for your last name, brother or father.
You get no penalty points added for your last name, brother or father.

Relation or marriage to a president means zero in terms of qualification for the job, to me. It only reflects on ignorant voters that think in terms of royalty, etc. It's another form of ignorant prejudice to let his name alone affect a vote one way or the other.

"legacy":S what a stupid thing in terms of politics.

Well, when your brother and father have undeniably fucked the country, it's hard to shake.

As for Hillary, Bill fixed the countries fiscal woes from a receission and then Bush 2 fucked it again.

People are pathological. You have background checks, as people believe history repeats itself. Especially with the term, "Billary" infering that Bill and Hillary ran the country. How can you remove Hillary from the equation?

Do you think CIA senior Bush had zero to do with the formation of his son's carrers? Please.......

I realize you want seperation/severance due to pathetic performance from both Bush's and great success from the Clintons, but that isn't rational. That said, I see McCain being elected due to Americans being either

1) GOP loyalists all the way into the ground
2) Moral righties willing to throw away real numbers and real logic for some intangible and ficticious ideology.

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I want to see Gulliani take a stab at it. I think he'd do a great job.

Why because he relocated the homeless people in times square across town and he was mayor DURING 9/11? He really didnt do anything. He's a "hero" by default.

John McCain has more experience and would be a much better choice...

I agree that Guliani was overblown just because he was mayor during 911. McCain is a bad choice due to his expansion of the Iraq War. Anyone to think we can tame that region is delusional.

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Because of our ties with israel we have to maintain some sort of handle on the violence in the region.

No presidential candidate will have a hands off policy when it comes to the middle east. Its just not feasible.

McCain is the only good choice i have seen so far... Who else would it be? Hillary? Get real.

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The simple fact is that, despite the fact we blessedly broke off from those damnable Brits and their dysfunctional monarchy, our politics, at every level of government, have always been rife with people making their political careers by trading on the family names of their politician-relatives who came before them. It's far more the norm than it is the exception.

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You get no bonus points added for your last name, brother or father.
You get no penalty points added for your last name, brother or father.

In a perfect world, that would be true, however, B2 has an approval rating that is nearing the 20s. He is taking his rightful place alongside Nixon and Carter in terms of approval. B3 will undoubtedly be forced to comment on his brother's presidency. If he says his bro was a great president, it could hurt him. If he throws out a bunch of poli-speak crap, it could hurt him. If he says his bro screwed the pooch, it could hurt him. I think he will have to be a better politician than person to get to the office, which would be a bad thing.
On the other side of that coin - drug addicted Kennedys seem to get the same kind of free pass.

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In a perfect world, that would be true,

you get it - voters are fickle and don't understand facts, just emotional and political appeal.

1 - If Jeb would be a good president, it won't happen because of crappy reasons

2 - If Jeb wouldn't be a good president, still won't happen, but for the wrong reasons

either is a shame.

On the other hand, you see posts about Jeb Bush being used to bash GWB, which I assume was the original intent of the post.

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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In a perfect world, that would be true,

you get it - voters are fickle and don't understand facts, just emotional and political appeal.

1 - If Jeb would be a good president, it won't happen because of crappy reasons

2 - If Jeb wouldn't be a good president, still won't happen, but for the wrong reasons

either is a shame.

On the other hand, you see posts about Jeb Bush being used to bash GWB, which I assume was the original intent of the post.

I think his dad is one of the most under-rated presidents in history and his brother, in time, will be remembered as one of the worst. He may be a good candidate for president in the future. His approval ratings in FL are very good and he has proven that he is capable of handling emergencies (hurricanes - much better outcome than LA). On the other hand, he has shown that he will readily bring the government not only to your doorstep, but right into your home. Unless that stance softens, I could never vote for him regardless of what his last name is. Just my opinion of him based on pretty limited knowledge.

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