
Goodbye McClellan (don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out)

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The Nation's "PR Flack in Chief" is stepping down.


I'll admit that has to be one of the toughest and most thankless jobs on the planet, but I also think he stunk at it.

Rather than intelligently limiting the flow of information, he set the Administration up for failure with a LOT of the things he said.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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The ultimate in NO man in the Press room and Yes man in the executive offices.

No I wont answer your question...Mr. or Ms. Journalist( unless you are an ultra right wing lackey who works as a gay prostitute as well)

Yes Mr President I have the evil liberal media on the run

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>Well now, there was a leap in logic.

I didn't quite get it either. But it's probably due to my blatant hypocrisy and bias, lack of intelligence, and general cluelessness.

My reason for not getting it? Probably my unbridled anger and hostility. And my extreme positions on everything from soup kitchens to kleenex.
Why yes, my license number is a palindrome. Thank you for noticing.

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Press Secretary is the second most visible person in the U.S. government (even if most people don't recognise him). Obviously the President is the first, but the Press Secretary is the one that has to tap dance when GWB goes off script. If the Administration decides to toss him, it's for a good reason (or at least it should be but with these guys who knows).

Rove would be HUGE since he's really the guy that got GWB in office anyway and the act would speak volumes. It would help to address all that "puppet master" stuff we keep hearing about if GWB would bitch slap him a bit.

My -guess- is that GWB is having "legacy" issues right now and doesn't want to go down as being the absolute worst President ever. They (his team) might think that a little house cleaning might help tidy up his end game, but I think the ship sailed on his legacy a LONG time ago. In fact, it would not surprise me at all that at some time in the future, the middle eastern countries will want to bring him up on charges of war crimes.

Would be interesting to see how that plays out.

While I agree that it would probably be a good idea to lose GWB at this point, that's simply not going to happen while the Republican party holds the House, the Senate and the Judiciary.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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