
Re: [Luv2Fall] Are you attracted to a certain race or ethnicity

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Yes - Hispanic or Latino Ethnicity


thats not a Race.

No shit. That's why I termed it "ethnicity." 21 years of education may have actually paid off.


"Hispanic" currently as its defined trys to group everybody who happens to speak Spanish together.

hmm. There are lots of those in, oh, Spain. I understand they speak Spanish. Well, lots of them do.
Yes pretty much all them do, what is your point however.


Aren't they Iberian or Castillian by ethnicity? Hell, maybe even Basque.
No. Iberia is the entire Peninsula including the Portuguese. No actually Spanish is the ethnic background you are looking for there, as in people from Spain. If you wanted to look for the German ethnic group you can go to Germany.

I chose "ethinicity" because you cannot put any lineage on race for anyone in Latin America. Try Brazil and see the Portuguese and German influences, eh? Try calling Spanish-Speaking Fillipinos "Hispanic."
I would never make such a stupid statement since I know that Spanish Speaking Filipinos with last names that end in ez still do *NOT* descend from Spain.

Jeez. Nice hijack, though.

its not about hijacking its about setting the record straight, which I have done.

P.S. I totally don't see any point to your post.
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Too funny. Someone's a little sensitive about their heritage. This discussion is about our attraction to the opposite sex so if anyone should be offended its the ugly people. B|

Yeah when you are met with ignorance about your heritage day in and day out, you may tend to get sensitive about it.


There are people everywhere that are ignorant about certain things, but that doesn't mean that you have to blast them every time you don't agree with what they say, if the pronounce something wrong, or do something stupid. Yes, I get annoyed with people who are uninformed, unaware, or missinformed, but a simple explanation or discussion can fix that. Otherwise, just ignore it.....no reason to raise your blood pressure or put someone down because of it.

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LOL - personally, I didn't think it was worth the trouble to explain it.

Personally I don't think you have the required intellect to understand it., oh well...

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LOL - personally, I didn't think it was worth the trouble to explain it.

Personally I don't think you have the required intellect to understand it., oh well...


You know, your point would probably come across much better if you didn't slam everyone everytime you typed something.

But maybe that is just my point of view.
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i didn't mean to offend anybody, its just the way i feel about these things

i didn't want to make that sound as though i have anything against races, i don't. its just that i don't find other races atrractive at all. I'm sure there are loads of blacks that don't find whites attractive

it makes me laugh though that you get some white people who will only date blacks (either way round on the sexes) as if they are more trying to make a statement of how "pc" they are, than actually just going out with who they fancy

almost as if to say "hey, look at me, i'm so politically correct and "right on" that i will only go out with people of a different race"
drive it like you stole it and f*ck the police

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i didn't mean to offend anybody, its just the way i feel about these things

i didn't want to make that sound as though i have anything against races, i don't. its just that i don't find other races atrractive at all. I'm sure there are loads of blacks that don't find whites attractive

it makes me laugh though that you get some white people who will only date blacks (either way round on the sexes) as if they are more trying to make a statement of how "pc" they are, than actually just going out with who they fancy

almost as if to say "hey, look at me, i'm so politically correct and "right on" that i will only go out with people of a different race"

Dude, you are making TOO much sense. Prepare to get flamed.

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Iberia is the entire Peninsula including the Portuguese

I know that. I learned it in my Iberian Studies class at UC Santa Barbara. Funny, people whose job it is to categorize ethnicities actually created a program of "Iberian Studies." So, it appears that "Iberian" is an ethnicity, of which Spanish are a part. Subcultures develop from that.

I wrote "I chose "ethinicity" because you cannot put any lineage on race for anyone in Latin America. Try Brazil and see the Portuguese and German influences, eh? Try calling Spanish-Speaking Fillipinos "Hispanic.""

Then you responded, "I would never make such a stupid statement since I know that Spanish Speaking Filipinos with last names that end in ez still do *NOT* descend from Spain."

hmm. Earlier you wrote, ""Hispanic" currently as its defined trys to group everybody who happens to speak Spanish together." The post is here: http://www.dropzone.com/cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?post=1894115#1894115

In the span of 90 minutes you went from stating that "Hispanic" has to do with everyone who "happens to speak Spanish together" to stating that you would never make such a "stupid statement" as equating Spanish speaking to ethnicity because THOSE Spanish speakers aren't descended from Spain.

You've taken two completely different positions here.


its not about hijacking its about setting the record straight, which I have done.

Would you call Keith "straight?" Keith is ten times more "straight" than the record you've presented.


I totally don't see any point to your post.

That's because imy point is concise and consistent - "pointed" if you will. I see you point. Actually, I see all of your points. My problem is reconciling your points. As I've shown above, it can't be done.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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i didn't mean to offend anybody, its just the way i feel about these things

i didn't want to make that sound as though i have anything against races, i don't. its just that i don't find other races atrractive at all. I'm sure there are loads of blacks that don't find whites attractive

it makes me laugh though that you get some white people who will only date blacks (either way round on the sexes) as if they are more trying to make a statement of how "pc" they are, than actually just going out with who they fancy

almost as if to say "hey, look at me, i'm so politically correct and "right on" that i will only go out with people of a different race"

Dude, you are making TOO much sense. Prepare to get flamed.


As for me, I date people. People who attract me, enchant me, inspire me. Love isn't about how a person looks, it's about who s/he is inside.

Maybe that sounds idealistic, but it is the way I live. Oftentimes, I get to know people online before I ever meet them face-to-face. It's a risk if one is wed to appearances, but there are a lot of people in the world who are incredibly beautiful after you get to know them, even if, at first glance, you wouldn't say so at all. (The converse is also true: I know some very pretty people who are actually quite ugly in my view.)

This applies to all characteristics, including those of race.

My daughter is better about this. She was raised in a multicultural environment, and she was old enough to know better when she finally came in contact with racists. When she was little, she told everyone who asked about her mommy and daddy, "My mommy is black, and my daddy is white." She didn't realize that those labels did not apply to haircolor.

In my own mind, the world would be much better if we looked at people as individuals instead of as representations of one thing or another, whether for ill or nil.

IMO, the rejection of someone on the basis of appearance alone is a form of narcissism.
If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Then you responded, "I would never make such a stupid statement since I know that Spanish Speaking Filipinos with last names that end in ez still do *NOT* descend from Spain."


hmm. Earlier you wrote, ""Hispanic" currently as its defined trys to group everybody who happens to speak Spanish together.

Since you need to look at the current definition, here it is.
His·pan·ic ( P ) Pronunciation Key (h-spnk)
Of or relating to Spain or Spanish-speaking Latin America.
Of or relating to a Spanish-speaking people or culture.

A Spanish-speaking person.
A U.S. citizen or resident of Latin-American or Spanish descent.


" The post is here: http://www.dropzone.com/...post=1894115#1894115

In the span of 90 minutes you went from stating that "Hispanic" has to do with everyone who "happens to speak Spanish together" to stating that you would never make such a "stupid statement" as equating Spanish speaking to ethnicity because THOSE Spanish speakers aren't descended from Spain.

You just can't seem to understand that its not an Ethnic background or RACE.

You've taken two completely different positions here.

I have not. My position is clear as day. There are races and there are nationalities which were originally also referred to as the Ethnic background. , (before the definition was altered to please certain people).
There simply no reason for which you need to create the new category.
If you want change categories try telling the French that they are the same race or ethnic background as the Haitians or the British that they are the same race or Ethnic background as the Jamaicans.
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>But it annoys me when liberals try to suggest its the moral thing to do.

Dating someone from another race isn't moral or amoral, any more than dating someone tall, or foreign, or jewish is. Most liberals just plain don't care what race/height/nationality/religion someone is. Other people _do_ think it's important, for whatever reason. I'll never understand that, but hey, to each their own.

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>But it annoys me when liberals try to suggest its the moral thing to do.

Dating someone from another race isn't moral or amoral, any more than dating someone tall, or foreign, or jewish is. Most liberals just plain don't care what race/height/nationality/religion someone is. Other people _do_ think it's important, for whatever reason. I'll never understand that, but hey, to each their own.

Exactly...the moral thing to do is to not judge people based on their race. If one didn't judge people based on their race then one wouldn't exclude them from their dating pool based on their race. If one does, that person is, by definition, a racist, and immoral.

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You distort the truth by using facts and logic! Fie on you, liberal truth-distorter!! Surely no one can believe your evil use of rational thinking!! or the malicious way you casually toss out such venemous ethically sound judgements.!!

oops. sorry, forgot who I was logged in as.

Yay! Go ReBirth! Yay!

[Be careful of using the R word, it'll get you banned. You can however go to great lengths to imply the R word as it relates to a person, but dont actually say it, in fact you can imply it as strongly as you humanly can. :S]

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His·pan·ic -
Of or relating to a Spanish-speaking people or culture.

Etnicity- Of or relating to a sizable group of people sharing a common and distinctive racial, national, religious, linguistic, or cultural heritage.

You just can't seem to understand that its not an Ethnic background or RACE.

Again I ask...how is the highlighted part not the same??

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